Fans recently discovered in the latest episode of The Prodigal Son that Eve Blanchard’s sister, Sophie Sanders, is still alive. It was revealed that Martin Whitly let her go after hearing her horrifying story about people who would like to have her killed. The man behind her story is none other than Nicholas Endicott, who is a well-known billionaire.

Fans don’t know what sort of trouble Sophie could have landed herself in, but there are a few theories that could fit. We won’t know more until the end of April when the last two episodes of the first season are released. Keep reading to learn about 10 things in The Prodigal Son that Eve’s sister could have been involved in!

10 The Mob

Fans don’t know much about Nicholas Endicott, except the fact that he is a wealthy man with power and connections. One theory is that he could be the leader of a notorious mob in New York, and somehow Sophie double-crossed them. She would have valuable information in terms of murders or illegal dealings that could lead to them wanting her killed.

9 Loan Sharks

A part of Endicott’s fortune could have been made through his loan shark business. Sophie was homeless after she left the foster system and it left her with few options. She could have taken out a loan and failed to repay her debt, or even worked for Endicott’s shady side business herself and landed in some sort of trouble.


8 Human Trafficking

It was already mentioned that Sophie was homeless following her departure from the system, but she could have been recruited into the human trafficking business. She was young and a perfect target for this type of shady business as no one would ever come looking for her.

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Sophie could have escaped their custody, but if she knew things she shouldn’t about the buyers, then Endicott could be in some big trouble.

7 A Dangerous Gang

A mob is one thing, but a gang is another as they work more openly than the latter. Endicott could have somehow had a deal with a local gang that she had joined and helped to doublecross the billionaire in some way.

It would make the streets a dangerous place to be as any number of members could be out for her head. This is one of the less likely explanations, but nothing is off the table at this point.

6 Drug Smuggling Ring

It is not unheard of for billionaires to be involved in the transportation and sale of drugs, which makes it possible that Sophie could have a connection with Endicott through this trade. She could have been privileged to some of the more sensitive information of his business that would send him to jail for good if it was released.

It would be a strange twist for Sophie to have worked her way up in the trade in so little time, but stranger things have happened in the show.

5 A Gentlemen’s Club

A gentlemen’s club is where all of the wealthy meet to discuss business, as well as pay for extra pleasures that they want to be kept under wraps. Nicholas Endicott could be a member of one of these high-class establishments and dealt with business that wasn’t meant for the ears of a young girl.

Sophie could have been listening in to the conversation where she unearthed some dirt that he would never want to be leaked.

4 A Con Artist

Sophie could have been working as a con artist who managed to steal money from this rich billionaire. It would not only put her on the radar of some powerful people, but it would also bring the wrath of Endicott down upon her.

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She could be on the run with an exorbitant amount of funds, and it would be safer for her to cut contact with Eve after she pulled this stunt.

3 A Personal Connection

Sophie Sanders could have uncovered a personal connection between her and Nicholas Endicott. Fans know the sisters are originally from South Carolina, but maybe their mother was running from something as well. This mystery personal connection could be the key to unlocking the truth behind her sister’s disappearance as they work to connect the dots between the pair.

2 Embezzlement

It is often heard in the news how some rich person embezzled money and was sent to jail for many years. Endicott could be in the business of embezzling money and Sophie could have somehow become involved in the scheme.

If she wanted out of the trade, Endicott would have a hard time letting her go alive as she would know too much about his dealings. She would become his top mark as he worked to protect his reputation and finances from discovery.

1 Wrong Place, Wrong Time

It could have simply been a case where Sophie was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It would cause her to see and hear things she wasn’t supposed to and sent her on the run as she worked to stay away from these people. This would have led her to believe that Martin Whitly was sent to kill her as she wouldn’t know the inner workings of Endicott’s organization.

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