Warning! Spoilers ahead for Flash #761

The Reverse-Flash has amassed a massive Legion of Zoom to take down The Flash and his Flash Family once and for all. However, it seems as though there are no rogue speedsters included in his Legion, which seems odd. Why wouldn’t Eobard Thawne want more speedsters on his side beyond himself? It would make sense, considering the Flash Family is comprised of mainly those with a connection to the Speed Force.

The Reverse-Flash’s initial Legion of Zoom was comprised of Gorilla Grodd, Captain Cold, The Turtle, and the Trickster as well as corrupted versions of Barry’s own children from the future, the Tornado Twins. Thawne pulled them from different points in the timeline, promising the end of the Flash and information about their futures that they could use to their own respective advantages. Together, the Legion of Zoom was able to subdue the Flash long enough for Thawne to possess Barry’s body, allowing him to become an all-new dark version of the Flash.


However, Barry managed to break free of Thawne’s control with help from his Flash Family. Sadly, this only prompted Thawne to begin the next phase of his plan, amassing his entire Legion, which featured almost every villain and rogue the Flash Family has ever faced. What followed in The Flash #761 was the biggest battle in the entire history of the Flash, though Barry does notice something particular about Thawne’s Legion.

The reason why Reverse-Flash doesn’t have a Reverse-Flash Family of speedsters to call his own is due to his own massive ego. Everything he’s done to the Flash and his family over the years has been in the service of reshaping the future to his own liking while monopolizing the Flash’s attention. In Thawne’s ideal future, he’s the only speedster that’s admired and adored. As a result, he can’t risk any other speedster stealing “his” spotlight. The issue reveals that Reverse Flash was instrumental in the creation of both Zoom and Godspeed, purely as a means to distract the Flash Family from his own plans, but trying to control these deadly speedsters would prove difficult for Thawne, and he’s incapable of working with them as equals.

Thawne’s ego is a non-negotiable aspect of his plans, and it’s likely to be what leads to his ultimate downfall. The Flash Family is stronger than the Legion of Zoom due to the simple fact that they trust and rely on each other’s powers and strengths, working together as a family unit. Conversely, the Legion of Zoom are a loose band whose loyalty is only guaranteed by Thawne’s bribery. Indeed, members of the Legion considered killing Thawne the moment they saw a sign of weakness in an earlier issue. As long as the Flash can fall back on family and Reverse-Flash only has employees, Eobard Thawne will never get what he wants.

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