During The Shield’s 7 seasons, running from 2002-2008, it was an Emmy Award-winning television series that was the hit show that put the television network FX on the map. It also paved a way for later successes on the network such as Sons of Anarchy and Mayans.

The main anti-hero Vic Mackey was adored by fans for his villainous role as a dirty cop that leads a Strike Team of police officers who work outside the law, acquiring illegal funds. Though, in doing so, he manages to keep the peace. Throughout its 7 seasons, Vic Mackey committed despicable crimes, so many in fact, that one could not name them all in a single article. So let’s start with the times Vic was on his game and other times where he failed to live up to his deadly reputation.

10 Genius: Killing Terry Crowley

While it might have been hard seeing Vic take out his friend and fellow Strike Team member in such a cold and calculating way, it was actually a smart move on his part.

Crowley was nothing like the rest of his Strike Team members. He hadn’t built a shared responsibility in the crimes they had committed, making him susceptible to be a snitch and that is exactly what Captain Aceveda was intending when he placed him on the Strike Team. He was Aceveda’s inside man that would have helped Aceveda bring down Vic and his team on corruption charges.

9 Not Smart: Killing A Drug Lord

One of the biggest mistakes and overreactions that Vic committed in the series was when he kidnapped and killed a Salvadoran drug lord by the name of Guardo Lima, who he along with his team believed was the real culprit behind Curtis Lemansky’s murder.

In reality, it was his partner Shane Vendrell who had committed the crime. While Guardo Lima was deserving of a painful death, in this one instance, he was an innocent man falsely accused of a crime where there was no clear evidence pointing to him.


8 Genius: Providing Protection and Drugs For Rondell Robinson

Vic and his Strike Team had a bad habit of working on both sides of the law. Abiding by whichever suited their interests at that moment. Vic and his team managed to keep the city streets safe by creating a drug monopoly for a local drug dealer, Rondell Robinson.

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They would arrest or take out his rivals to keep bloodshed from flowing over in the streets while giving the drugs they confiscated from other drug busts to Rondell Robinson to resell on the streets. It was a mutual partnership that benefited both sides.

7 Not Smart: Replacing Phipps With Rondell Robinson

No one does illegal business practices in Farmington without giving Vic Mackey and his team a cut. These rules kept business going smoothly and crime down.

Sadly, Lionel Phipps forgot this unspoken rule and when he did, the Strike Team planted heroin on him and had one of his smaller dealers, Rondell Robinson take his place. However, Robinson wasn’t ready for the big time and soon found himself over his head when he began a turf war with the Nation of Islam and soon found himself on the wrong side of a gun.

6 Genius: Leaking Information To Margos Dezerian

After the Money Train Robbery, Mackey and his team found themselves being hunted by the Armenian Mafia. When the Armenian’s enforcer Margos Dezerian began a bloody rampage in an attempt to find and kill them, Mackey showed he was two steps ahead of the enforcer, after he leaked information from an “informant” to Margos.

When Margos broke into the fake informant’s home, he found Mackey waiting for him. Knowing that he had been tricked and his only chance at survival was to drop his weapon he did so. Although it didn’t matter, as Mackey still killed him.

5 Not Smart: Helping One-Niners Break Into A Police Warehouse

When Curtis Lemansky found himself in jail, Mackey knew that the police officer would soon end up stabbed to death, due to all the enemies he had created during his time in the Strike Team. To secure his safety Mackey made a deal with Antwon Mitchell, the leader of the One-Niners, that if he gave protection to Lemansky, Mackey would help him break into a police warehouse.

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During the operation at the police warehouse, Mackey was directly responsible for Kern Little’s death at the hands of the One-Niners. His death haunted Mackey for the rest of the series.

4 Genius: Mackey And Gilroy Dump A Dead Gang Member In A Rival Gang’s Territory

When Ben Gilroy discovers a witness to his hit and run incident that killed a local drug dealer he asks Mackey to help him kidnap the witness. This witness happens to be a gang member, complicating matters, since there is a threat of retaliation with any action.

Mackey agrees but is shocked when Gilroy murders the man, giving him little choice but to help Gilroy dispose of the body. Mackey and Gilroy dump the body in a rival gang’s turf. The incident might start a gang war but Mackey and Gilroy wouldn’t be implicated.

3 Not Smart: Threatening Armadillo

Armadillo and Mackey have some serious history with each other after Mackey burned Armadillo’s face for killing T.O. Osmond. A now scarred Armadillo refuses to let the past die, returning to Farmington to sell heroin at schools.

When Mackey threatens to have Armadillo’s brother killed in prison if he doesn’t leave town, Armadillo makes the first move, killing his brother before Mackey can do it. He then calls Mackey to let him know that he just lost his leverage and to watch his back as in Armadillo’s words Mackey had just been “greenlit” for death.

2 Genius: Mackey Locks Two Rival Drug Dealers In A Shipping Container

Mackey has never been known to be a compassionate man. So when petty grievances or turf wars start interfering with his business, he takes matters into his own hands, dealing with the problem in the least humane way possible.

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In one instance, Mackey found himself in a dispute between two rival drug dealers who were each claiming the other was selling on their turf. To settle the matter, Mackey locks them in a shipping container for the night. He arrives back the next morning to let them out, only to find that one had murdered the other.

1 Not Smart: Accidentally Blowing Up An Arms Dealer

While fuming about a speeding ticket, Russian arms dealer Andrei Tretiak seeks revenge on the police by allying with One-Niners leader Antwon Mitchell. Mitchell and Tretiak hired two assassins to take out a hit on police officers. The assassins were successful in their mission, though their actions resulted in Mackey and his team coming down on Tretiak and his associates.

While interrogating him about the police murders and the hiring of the assassins, Mackey straps C-4 to Tretiak’s chair as a means of scaring him into talking. Unfortunately, Tretiak accidentally triggers the explosive, killing himself.

NextThe Boys: The 10 Bravest Characters, Ranked

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