If there’s one TV show that has been a perfect reflection of society and pop culture, it’s The Simpsons. This animated sitcom follows the dysfunctional yet endearing Simpson family in the fictional town of Springfield. Viewers are privy to a quirky cast of characters that mirror our society to great comedic, occasionally sinister effect.

One of those characters is Mayor Joe Quimby. He is meant to represent the everyman’s view of political figures, down to his endless corruption and flimsy morals. To paint a clearer picture, here are ten of the worst things that Mayor Quimby has ever done.

10 Widespread Money Mismanagement

When it comes to managing Springfield’s money, Quimby is not your man, as he can usually be found using it for his gain. In the episode “The Computer Wore Menace Shoes,” it is revealed that he used his citizen’s hard-earned tax dollars (as well as some cement) to build himself a swimming pool—and a very luxurious one, at that!

As mayor, it’s strongly advised to not dabble in embezzlement, especially if the money you’re using is meant to be used to better your city.

9 Fraternizing With Gangsters

Quimby has already demonstrated that he has no problem with taking money-especially if it comes from lascivious sources. He is known to interact with various shady characters, including local Mafia Don, Fat Tony. On one occasion, Quimby is mercilessly mocked when he attempts to shut down one of Fat Tony’s exploits, claiming that “the Mayor’s office is not for sale.” As you can see, the irony may have been lost on him there…


8 Not The Easiest To Be Married To

As they say, what people do behind closed doors is their business, though it still counts as problematic. Mayor Quimby is chronically unfaithful to his wife, Martha. He is known for having various affairs with many women across Springfield, including the town’s reigning pageant queen, Miss Springfield.

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He often expresses regret at marrying his wife, Martha, as well as lamenting having to spend time with her. While it doesn’t affect the town directly, it’s not the best example to be setting.

7 The Curse Of The Monorail Lingers

This is one of the many instances of Quimby attempting to do a good deed for the city and it backfiring. While attempting to be more ecologically mindful, as well as increase tourism revenue, Quimby decides to build a tourist hot spot above the ruins of the Springfield monorail.

A series of unfortunate technical events cause the monorail cars to run amuck, resulting in many injuries and property damage. The road to hell may be paved with good intentions, but they certainly won’t help you get re-elected.

6 Not Quite Elected By The People

Mayor Quimby has served six terms as mayor of Springfield, which is slightly worrying. To make matters worst, he has admitted that he achieves this through nefarious acts. He once admitted to a crowd that he “used the city’s treasury to fund the murder of [his] enemies”. But, it’s all good, he’s “a bad widdle boy,” referring to his popular campaign slogan. The crowd’s subsequent cheering speaks volumes.

5 Proof That Prohibition Still Doesn’t Work

In the episode “Homer Versus The Eighteenth Amendment,” in another misguided attempt at a positive impact on Springfield, Mayor Quimby forbids alcohol on St. Patrick’s Day. This leads to, among other things, Homer becoming a bootlegger and the Mafia getting involved.

Thankfully, once a few discoveries are made, Quimby overturns the new law and the status quo resumes. It’s ranked a little lower on Quimby’s list of failures, but it still demonstrates an impulsive nature that’s worrying in a public official.

4 More Than A Little Selfish

Mayor Quimby is nothing if not self-serving. During the episode, “Homer Alone,” Marge succumbs to stress and stands on the bridge into Springfield, blocking traffic. After she is arrested, Quimby rallies in her favor to have her release.

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Here’s the problem: he angrily tells Chief Wiggums that, if Marge were to be jailed, he could “kiss the chick vote goodbye”. In the end, Quimby’s re-election chances always take priority over his constituents. Not the best habit to have as a public official.

3 He Can Dish It AND Take It (Your Money, That Is)

Not only is Joe Quimby familiar with accepting bribes, but he is also very skilled at handing them out. In the episode “The Boy Who Knew Too Much,” Quimby’s nephew, Freddy, is wrongly accused of assault. When the case goes to trial, Mayor Quimby attempts to bribe the jury! While it’s understandable that family comes into play in this situation, Mayor Quimby still sets a terrible precedent for his citizens.

2 Has No Clue How To Treat Women

If his rampant womanizing isn’t enough of an indication, Mayor Quimby is prone to overt sexism. During the episode “The Old Mayor She Ain’t What She Used To Be,” following the monorail disaster, Marge attempts to speak up about the incident.

She is met with a slew of sexist remarks, including being relegated to the kitchen while the meeting continues. While disagreeing with your constituents is normal, reverting to sexism is not okay! Unfortunately, Mayor Quimby has demonstrated that he knows how to fight dirty.

1 Not The Biggest Fan Of His Citizens

A political figure is supposed to lead their people, no matter their personal opinions. That’s not the case for Mayor Quimby. His contempt for the people of Springfield isn’t even masked! He openly calls the citizens “idiots” and, to make matters worst, he’s not even in town half the time. In the episode “Marge in Chains,” Quimby assures the Springfieldians that, due to a flu outbreak, that he will not vacation to the Bahamas. It is quickly revealed that the reality is just the opposite.

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