With 31 seasons under its belt, it’s safe to say that The Simpsons contains some of the longest-running friendships in TV history. For decades, the fans have had the pleasure of watching certain friendships go from strength-to-strength, especially when it’s been put to the test. However, if there is one pairing that stands out, it has to be Bart and Milhouse.

Bart and Milhouse’s relationship is the epitome of childhood. They laugh, play pranks, and always getting into mischief together. However, would you agree that it is not a friendship of equals? While Bart is capable of making some kind gestures, there are also times where he mistreats Milhouse. The following instances will show you the ups-and-downs of their friendship…    

10 Bad: Doesn’t Think He’s Good Enough Lisa

It’s no secret that Milhouse has harbored an unrequited crush on Lisa. Although it’s been used as a plot device many times, the viewers never really saw Bart comment on it. However, this all changed come “Future-Drama” when Professor Frink showed Lisa and Bart a glimpse of their future.

Here, Bart discovers that Lisa and Milhouse are married but very destitute – which leads Bart to decide that Milhouse isn’t good enough for Lisa. It’s a bit harsh considering Lisa shouldn’t be relying on Milhouse to support them. Especially when the viewers know how smart she is.

9 Good: Sacrificing The Comic Book

In “Three Men and a Comic Book,” Milhouse and Bart’s friendship is tested after the boys fight over a comic book. However, Bart proves how much he cares for Milhouse when he saves his life. This all came about after Bart, Milhouse, and Martin camped out in the treehouse after they refuse to share the comic.

The tension got so bad, the boys began physically fighting – which resulted in Milhouse almost falling out of the treehouse. The issue became even worse when the storm picked up and swept the comic away. Although Bart tries to rescue both, he ultimately chooses Milhouse. It just goes to show that Bart does care on some level.


8 Bad: Most Wanted List

Everyone knows how much Bart loves to prank people. However, sometimes the ten-year-old took it a step too far when he was seen to jeopardize other people’s lives. This also applied to Milhouse when Bart revealed that he put his best friend on America’s Most Wanted list and updated the FBI frequently of his whereabouts.

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Bart may believe this to be a harmless prank but this could have major repercussions for all. Especially when one considers how it could impact Milhouse’s future. A real friend would never do something as dangerous as this.

7 Good: Saving Him From Nelson

In “Das Bus,” Milhouse’s life was shown to be at risk once more when some Springfield Elementary students were marooned on an island. Together, the students band whatever resources they can find to help them survive, including the bus’ cooler. However, they run into a problem when the food goes missing, which leads Nelson to blame Milhouse.

Although most believe he’s guilty, Bart decides to give him a fair trial and believes him when he says the ‘monster’ took them. When Nelson and the students turn on Milhouse and Lisa, Bart helps them to escape. Again, he proves his loyalty by preventing his best friend’s death…

6 Bad: Constantly Leading Him Astray

On several occasions, the viewers had seen Bart recruit Milhouse on several of his pranks. However, when the pranks don’t go to plan, Bart allows Milhouse to take the fall. A prime example of this can be seen in “The Good, the Sad and the Drugly” when Bart asks Milhouse to help him loosen all the bolts in the school.

While Bart managed to escape, Milhouse is caught and suspended from school. He is also grounded as well. Instead of admitting his own role, Bart promises to visit him every day. However, he soon breaks this promise too. Unsurprisingly, Milhouse is furious with him.

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5 Good: Comforts Him After His Parents’ Deaths

“Little Orphan Millie” saw Milhouse and Bart’s friendship take center stage as the youngest Van Houten received some devastating news. While Luann and Kurt were on their second honeymoon, they are presumed dead after they fell overboard.

As Milhouse tries to come to terms with his loss, Bart tries his best to console him. Considering he is one of the most competitive people in the town, Bart was willing to let Milhouse win the video game they were playing. He also tells his classmates to be kinder to him. At least here he had good intentions…

4 Bad: Bringing Uncle Zack

…because his selflessness didn’t last very long. Once Bart noticed how Milhouse’s popularity was now surpassing his, the ten-year-old grew jealous and tried to sabotage him. Since Milhouse was uncool when he was happy, Bart decides to track down Milhouse’s uncle and reconnect the two.

Despite Milhouse now back to his normal self, Bart is still annoyed that his friend remains more popular than him. He also seems to get jealous over Milhouse spending more time with his uncle than with him. His jealousy issues just made him appear obnoxious.

3 Good: Making Him The Town’s Hero

In “The Yellow Badge of Cowardge,” it looked as if fans were about to gain another couple of reasons why Bart was a poor friend – especially as he stood by whilst Milhouse got beat up. However, Bart seemed to redeem himself a little when he made a grand gesture at the end of the episode.

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To make it up to him, Bart makes Milhouse look like the town hero as he protects the residents from the fireworks display. Bart doesn’t even hesitate to give his friend the credit, which boosts Milhouse’s legacy and repairs their bond.

2 Bad: Sabotaging His Romance With Samantha

Although the viewers felt a wave of sympathy for Bart when Milhouse started spending all his time with his girlfriend, this soon dissipated when he sabotaged his relationship. After Milhouse asks if he and Samantha could use his treehouse, Bart concocts a plan to get them caught by Samantha’s father.

As expected, Samantha’s father isn’t too pleased when he finds them and tells her she won’t be going to Springfield Elementary anymore. As a result, Milhouse is left heartbroken and depressed. It was rather cruel of Bart to do this.

1 Good: Working To Get Him Home

In “Bart on the Road,” the prankster stepped up for all his friends when he worked hard to get them home. After Bart, Milhouse, Martin, and Nelson go on a road trip, they got themselves into a spot of bother when they lose their transport and budget. As a result, they become stranded in Tennessee.

After calling Lisa for help, Bart ends up getting a job as a Courier and starts delivering parcels around the world. Out of all the boys, Bart is the only one who works to get them home. Just goes to show, Bart could be mature when need be.

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