As you all know, Lisa Simpson is an exceptionally gifted and intelligent 8-year-old girl, and her love interests usually uphold her high intellectual standards. Though unfortunately for Lisa (and luckily for us), throughout the 30-season run of The Simpsons, this has not always been the case.

Aside from talented and mature guys, some of Lisa’s love interests were seriously wacky characters that made us both laugh and cringe. Today, we rank Lisa’s best love interests, from those that made us look the other way to those we really hoped would last. Enjoy!

10 Hugh Parkfield

We met Hugh in the episode “Lisa’s Wedding.” With a telling title, the episode presented us with the story of a 23-year-old Lisa and her fiance – Hugh St. John Alastair Parkfield. They fell in love in college, and soon after that he asked her to marry him. If that were the case, Lisa would have to move to London to live with Hugh. But as always, Homer and Bart were there to make things interesting. To welcome Hugh to their home, they put up the Union Jack flag which unfortunately caught fire. In an attempt to put it out, they piled manure on top of it before giving it back to him – not the best way to welcome an Englishman. Embarrassed by her family, Hugh presented Lisa with an ultimatum of either leaving her family or cancelling the marriage. Understandably, Lisa refused to marry him due to his selfish wishes. And for the better, the guy is kind of a snob.

9 Nick

Lisa met Nick one Valentine’s day. Sweet-talking and kind, he immediately won her over with his “Hemingway-esque” approach to life and adventure. Besides, how can anyone stay indifferent after hearing Nick say: “It was dark, then a light came through the crack. The light was you.”

But, to Lisa’s disappointment, Nick was too good to be true. You see, despite giving off the impression of an intelligent romantic who shares Lisa’s passion for literature and culture, the truth about Nick soon game to surface during their “Pyramus and Thisbe” adventure. Long story short, the Nick-fling was over after he admitted: “God gave me a gift to lie to ladies.”


8 Edmund

This supernatural character appears in the “Tweelight” skit of the episode “Treehouse of Horror XXI.” And in the spirit of this Halloween special, Edmund turned out to be a vampire – or rather the Simpsons’ version of Edward Cullen. This new kid at Springfield Elementary School was not really eight years old but closer to 400. Lisa was immediately intrigued by his mysteriousness. However, when Edmund saved Lisa from the school bus almost crashing into her, she was head-over-heels (yes, the scene was just as cringy as in Twilight). But, unlike the movie, Lisa had the common sense to refuse to be turned into a vampire and spend the eternity as an 8-year old. At the end, if we also consider the fact that Edmund and his father Count Dracula later feast on Homer, we can conclude that he may not have been ideal boyfriend material.

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7 Luke Stetson

Luke won Lisa’s heart with his sophisticated and gentle side as well as his kind approach to animals – everything she hoped to experience at a guest ranch. Everything was ideal and romantic between the two; they went horseback riding in the nature and they made music together… until Lisa overheard Luke talking on the phone with Clara. Lisa became jealous without knowing Clara was actually his sister. To get rid of her, Lisa gave her the wrong directions to the ranch, resulting in Clara getting lost and almost drowning in a river. And though Lisa did save Clara’s life in the end, Luke dumped her as soon as he found out. And can we blame him?

6 Jesse Grass

Jesse’s a cool, passionate, and rebellious teenage boy. He also happens to be the leader of the environmental organization called Dirt First. You know the type: he was in jail for his protests, does yoga every day, and to quote him: “I’m a level-five vegan. I won’t eat anything that casts a shadow.” And though he may make us cringe, Jesse seemed to have been everything Lisa wanted in a guy, so she decided to save Springfield’s oldest redwood with him. Despite this, nothing serious ever happened between the two. And we have no problem with that.

5 Brendan Beiderbecke

One day at the STEM conference, Lisa saw an eleven-year-old Brendan Beiderbecke playing the piano. And, as you all know, she falls in love too quickly… plus jazz is her favorite music genre, so it is not a surprise that this jazz musician won her heart. And though Brendan was a cute and polite guy, their relationship couldn’t last long due to jealous Nelson and Brendan’s disqualification from Springfield Elementary School. Though, he was probably not the “one,” as she did not seem upset by the break up.

4 Thelonious

Lisa’s shortest romantic fling occurred between her and Thelonious – a ten-year-old student at the West Springfield Elementary School. You see, circumstances led Lisa to the wrong school where she met Thelonious and instantly fell in love with him after he revealed to her that he had no friends (much like her). He even showed support when Lisa had to end their relationship to focus on her schoolwork by saying: “You can’t sacrifice grades for romance.” We don’t really know anything about this boy, but he seems like a compassionate and well-mannered chap whom Lisa could possibly have a lot in common with.

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3 Milhouse Van Houten

Aside from the already mentioned “Lisa’s Wedding” episode, there are numerous other episodes that show us the Simpsons‘ alternate future timelines. Many of these actually show Milhouse – Bart’s best friend – as Lisa’s soul mate. For example, in the episode “Holidays of Future Passed,” Lisa and Milhouse are stuck in a “dead and unfulfilled” marriage.

Another episode gives us a subtle hint that Milhouse might have been Lisa’s “first.” In any case, it’s well known that Lisa is by no means attracted to Milhouse, as she usually acts cold and distant towards him. Despite this, he’s tried to win her heart on countless occasions, given he’s always had a crush on her. Who knows, maybe something happens between them after all.

2 Nelson Muntz

It’s hard to understand what Lisa sees in this delinquent. Nelson Muntz is the show’s archetype bully, while she represents the exact opposite – a nerd. However, in their case, the phrase “opposites attract” might be true after all. That said, we have to admit that Nelson transforms into a true gentleman in Lisa’s company; he always tries to impress her, he even read a book to her once! Okay, incompatible as they may seem, they do look kind of cute together. Besides, let’s not forget that Nelson is Lisa’s first boyfriend and her first kiss – something that probably forever earned ol’ Nelson a spot in Lisa’s heart.

1 Colin

This 8-year-old Irish boy checks every box on Lisa’s ideal boyfriend list, plus they both share a genuine passion for music (and climate activism!). They “clicked” the moment they first met one day while trying to stand up to the pollution of their local Lake Springfield, becoming the type of couple who ends each others’ sentences. Yep, it sounds like a beginning to the perfect love story. But unfortunately, their heart-breaking separation was inevitable thanks to the whole Trappucino crisis. Whether they continued to see each other after that? We really don’t know, but  we never saw Colin in The Simpsons again.

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