The Simpsons Movie 2 is not a sequel, confirms producer Al Jean. As the longest running scripted series in TV history, there’s very little that The Simpsons hasn’t accomplished. Yet despite this, there’s still at least one thing that fans want to see.

Back in 2007, The Simpsons took things to the next level by making the jump from television to the big screen. The Simpsons Movie was a certified hit and ever since its release, fans have been desperate for a sequel. The Simpsons TV series itself continues to power along, having recently celebrated its 31st season, with no official plans (as of this writing) to end things any time soon. There has, of course, been much talk about when The Simpsons might end and although the series hasn’t shown signs of slowing down, there have been alterations to its cast in recent years due to the untimely deaths of cast members such as Marcia Wallace and Russi Taylor. Still, these sorts of setbacks can occur when a series runs for as long as The Simpsons has. In fact, because the multi-award winning series continues to encounter such unexpected issues, many fans want a sequel to The Simpsons Movie sooner rather than later.


What fans currently do know is that there is a sequel on its way – that much has been discussed over the years and months since the first film was released. Unfortunately, there really isn’t much more known at all about The Simpsons Movie 2. This being said, during a recent interview with Slash Film, producer Al Jean revealed several things about the upcoming sequel, including that things are still “in the very very early stages” and perhaps most importantly of all, that the movie won’t be a direct sequel to the 2007 effort. You can check out all the relevant sequel talk below:

Has Disney expressed any interest in another Simpsons Movie?

I would say yes although we’re just in the very, very early stages. We would love to do one for Disney but it’s not like it’s happening next week or next year.

That’s different than it was under 20th Century Fox when you’d usually say maybe one day you’d do another movie.

At D23 Matt said, “I think it’s gonna happen” and I agree with that. So I agree with that statement. I believe it will happen.

Knowing how hard it was to break a story for the first Simpsons Movie, would you have a better handle on it the second time?

It’s never easier. This I’m sure of. We would only do it if it was an idea that we thought deserved being made into another movie. We certainly don’t need to have more Simpsons out there just for the money or to have additional material. We would do it if we thought it was a great story and we wanted to tell it.

A standalone story, not a sequel?


While the above information is encouraging for fans of The Simpsons, it does continue the now frustratingly familiar process of assuring a sequel, only to make further statements that don’t necessarily guarantee another film. By saying that he believes it will happen, then following that by stating that it will only happen if they have an idea that deserves to be made, many fans will likely feel that they’re no closer to knowing what exactly is going on. That being said, it’s understandable that making a Simpsons movie is not an easy process, especially after 31 seasons on TV. And while it will be disheartening for some to learn that a sequel won’t follow up with the events of the previous film, that stylistic choice has more often than not also been the case with the TV series and its past episodes.

Now that The Simpsons has its new home at Disney+, it’s very hard to believe that the Mouse House isn’t eager to get The Simpsons Movie 2 off the ground. For die hard fans, the lack of movement on this project can be frustrating, but it’s also important to remember that one of the things that has made The Simpsons great for all these years is that the creative choices have always belonged to the cast and creators. The wait for a sequel may be a long one, but in the end it will likely be for the best.

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Source: Slash Film

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