Nostalgia can sometimes be the one and only thing a show has going for it. In the 1990s The Simpsons were controversial and groundbreaking. In 2020 the show has become so mild that it could be shown on Cartoon Network and no parent would blink an eye.

One of the main reasons for the show’s decline has to do with the one and only Marge Simpson losing her appeal with fans due to her sudden changes in character.

10 Marge Simpson The Hypocrite

When it comes to a family like the Simpsons there needs to be someone who is the beacon of goodness that the corrupted others can not only learn from but follow. Sadly, Marge Simpson’s character has turned from the only sane one in the family to be just as bad if not worse than the others. Her values often fall far shorter than her words do. Marge Simpson needs to start walking the walk if she keeps talking the talk.

9 Marge Simpson Is Ashamed Of Her Own Family

Marge Simpson used to be the type of mother and wife who accepted her family’s faults and defended them against the barrage of haters that were constantly talking down about them. Now, for the most part, it is Marge Simpson who does the hating and berating. Each episode is just another example of her constantly chastising her family for not living up to the expectations that others set for them. Maybe there isn’t anything wrong with them, maybe the problem is actually her.


8 Marge Simpson Became Too Politicized

This is something that is wrong with television in general now days as far too often the characters people know and love suddenly sound like they have a deep dislike for half of their viewers. Marge Simpson fits under this category as she is constantly taking stands on real-world topics. Topics that a show like The Simpsons really has no business in sticking their noses in.

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Unfortunately, this sudden political awakening for Marge has her demeaning or criticizing anyone who disagrees with her point-of-view.

7 Marge Simpson Has Become Too Caught Up In Competitions

So, it isn’t any wonder that a show that has been on for nearly three decades has had a few episodes dealing with competition in one form or another. The Simpsons have at least three or four episodes a year that deal with such matters. That normally wouldn’t be a problem except for the fact that these competitions usually involve Marge learning the same life lessons she did in the previous competition. This makes these episodes feel repetitive as like South Park always says, The Simpsons already did it.

6 Marge Simpson Has Become Too Preachy

Maybe there was a time when Marge’s incessant preachiness was a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately, those days came and went years ago and now her constant shenanigans trying to shut down everything she hates has started to become a worn-out character trait that needs to be retired into the dustbin of history. Not liking something is one thing but constantly leading boycotts against even the most minute thing is another. Whether it is cartoons or sugar, Marge just doesn’t know when to let things be.

5 Marge Simpson Has Become Too Self-Righteous

There is a significant difference between being confident rather than being cocky. Though, sometimes it can be hard for some characters to distinguish between the two. Marge’s self-righteous nature seems to always be leading her on the outs when it comes to those around her.

It isn’t the fact that she loves being the center of attention that is the problem, it is the fact that she doesn’t know she loves being the center of attention that is the problem.

4 Marge Simpson Is A Bully To Homer

Homer Simpson might not be the brightest person in Springfield but he is one of the more sincere characters on the show. For years he has been ridiculed by Marge’s family for not living up to their standards and, for the most part, has taken it in stride. That said, Marge does little to intervene when he is being attacked, instead, she oftentimes piles on with them. She makes it evident that she sometimes regrets the choices she has made in her life with Homer being her biggest mistake.

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3 Marge Simpson Is A Snitch

Marge makes it clear that Homer isn’t exactly the man she thought he was or would be at this time in their marriage but that is a forgivable offense. The worst part of Marge is that she doesn’t sit idly by and let Homer be Homer, instead, she oftentimes snitches on him getting not just him but her entire family ostracized by their neighbors. Basically, it is not the actions of her family that make them social pariahs as much as it is her highlighting their faults to others.

2 Marge Never Learns A Lesson

Usually, after each episode, Homer, Bart, or Lisa will come to the realization that their actions were uncalled for or wrong and seek to make amends for their past sins. Marge, on the other hand, has a bad habit of not just not apologizing for her bad behavior but making excuses for these bad actions.

These excuses usually have something to do with her inferiority complex when it comes to how she feels others view her family. This leaves her sad about the outcome but never doubting her motives.

1 Marge Is Constantly Belittling Homer In Front Of The Kids

Marge’s parenting skills could use some refining in some specific areas. Her lack of respect for Homer oftentimes causes her to push her own beliefs about her husband on her kids. These actions result in none of her children taking him seriously at all. This is a terrible parenting strategy as she, herself, has created a system where only she is the sole parent the children look up to. This leads to her taking on the sole responsibility of raising the children.

NextThe 10 Most Competitive Characters On Television

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