Grizz Visser quickly became a fan favorite character on Netflix’s The Society. He’s a football player and a member of the Guard, as well as a close friend of Allie’s. He’s well-read and has some pretty clever ideas of his own, so he’s always saying something wise and philosophical.

He’s also in love with Sam but is hesitant to let him know at first. Their relationship is one of the sweetest in the series, marked by Grizz’s effort to speak to Sam in sign language. Now that The Society has been canceled, here’s a look back at some of the most iconic quotes from its most beloved character.

10 FUNNY: “It’s Doyle, And You’re Hopeless.”

In the first episode, Harry decides to drive out to the borders of the town with Luke, Clark, and Grizz. At this point, they don’t yet know what has happened and they assume they’ll drive over to the next town to ask for help.

On the way, Grizz quotes Arthur Conan Doyle to explain to Clark that logically, the weirder something seems the less weird it actually is. Nobody knows what he’s talking about. Grizz says “There’s an explanation for everything,” but Clark just says, “What does that have to do with your Arthur Conan Boyle dude?”

9 WISE: “Her Being Weak – That’s The Scariest.”

When Allie is indecisive about what to do in regards to Dewey and Campbell, people start to worry. Her committee, in particular, keeps pushing her to come to some conclusion.

Grizz, with his knowledge of politics, is determined to say something to her even when everyone else is afraid to. He comments that it’s been three days and she still hasn’t decided, which makes her seem weak. Grizz fears the weakness will turn people against her.


8 FUNNY: “Nope. Actual Handcuffs.”

Allie and her committee are discussing ways to handle the Greg Dewey situation in the fifth episode. Harry has just revealed to Gordie that Dewey confessed to killing Cassandra and that he used a gun to do it. Not everyone is convinced that Harry is telling the truth, but Will thinks they should arrest him because he could be dangerous.

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Allie asks Luke if the Guard could handle something like that and Grizz says he has handcuffs. There’s a pause before Luke asks if he means actual handcuffs or Halloween props. Grizz says, “Nope. Actual handcuffs.” Another awkward pause as everyone smiles, caught off guard. Grizz relents and says, “Just say ‘thank you’.”

7 WISE: “In Reality, We’ve Never Seen A True Socialist State.”

The boys are lying down on the football field when Jason says, “I’ve been thinking. What if we, like … didn’t take stuff?” He compares sharing to socialism and Clark thinks the words sound familiar after hearing them from Gwen. Likewise, Luke has heard this from Helena and says that socialism didn’t work in China.

At the start of the episode, all of the girls in town meet up to discuss how they’re going deal with “toxic masculinity”. Those who have boyfriends go home to talk to the boys. Grizz says that China is a poor example, even though, as Jason says, everything is made in China.

6 FUNNY: “Bullsh*t.”

Grizz approaches Sam for the first time at prom. Unfortunately, the conversation is awkward because he doesn’t know what to say to him or how to communicate.

Sam asks him what he thinks of prom, and the only sign Grizz knows is “bullsh*t”. But they both agree and laugh weakly.

5 WISE: “That’s Life, Right? We Make The Most Of It.”

In the second episode, Harry organizes a game of Fugitive despite everything going on. Grizz tags along with his friends and notices Elle standing on the sidelines. He asks if she’s going to play, but she says that she isn’t in the mood.

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Grizz tries to reassure that everyone’s scared, but she says she thinks God is punishing her, though she won’t admit why she thinks this is about her. Grizz comforts her: “There’s this line from a play I like. It goes, ‘I don’t think God punishes people for specific things. I think He punishes them in general for no reason.'”

4 FUNNY: “Hey, Are You Seriously Making A Protein Shake Right Now?”

The committee has gathered in Allie’s kitchen once again to discuss the very serious matter of how to arrest Dewey, but Luke has other things on his mind.

Clearly still in the mindset of a high school football player, Luke is making a protein shake while the others discuss politics and law. Grizz catches him in the act and demands an answer. Luke stops making his shake and pretends he was paying attention the whole time.

3 WISE: “As A Rule, The More Bizarre A Thing Seems, The Less Mysterious It Is.”

On their way to learn what has happened to their town, Grizz explains to his friends that the situation probably isn’t as weird as they think it is. “As a rule, the more bizarre a thing seems, the less mysterious it is.”

Clark doesn’t seem convinced. Grizz presses on. “Sir Arthur Conan Doyle? Like Sherlock Holmes?” Still, the other boys aren’t sure what he’s talking about, so he simplifies the quote: “The point is, there’s an explanation …”

2 FUNNY: “There’s No More Legal System, Jason! We’re Living In Some Sort Of F***ing Black Hole Anti-Universe.”

Grizz arrives late to the pre-dawn raid, having slept through his alarm. Angry, Jason says it’s “post-dawn”. Clark pulls out a gun and asks Grizz if his grip looks right. Logically, Luke tells him he’s going in first. Jason plans to read Dewey his rights (“Law and order, man!”), but Grizz says they’re living in a “black hole anti-universe”, where the Miranda warning doesn’t mean anything.

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After a failed attempt to knock down the door of Harry’s house, the boys burst in, screaming “This is a f***ing raid!” Inside, Grizz storms into the girls’ bedroom, where he recognizes an old friend (“Carla? What’s up?”) before Luke reminds him that this is a “f***ing raid”. Jason is unsure whether Dewey is there or not, earning incredulous exclamations from Grizz and Luke.

1 WISE: “The Writing On The Wall. From The Bible, The Book Of Daniel.”

Before the students are taken away on their camping trip, the boys notice something strange on the wall of the church. Well, strange for West Ham. Grizz says it’s writing on the wall, which the others point out is obvious.

Grizz elaborates: “It’s Hebrew. It means, ‘You’ve been weighed in the balance and found wanting.'” When the students return that night, not yet knowing what’s happened, Grizz realizes that the writing is gone. This hints at the fact that this is not West Ham, but, according to Gordie and Bean’s theory, perhaps an alternate dimension.

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