The pages of Marvel Comics are chalked full of absurdly strong heroes, whose incredible abilities range from wildly overpowered to God-like. With the sheer number of OP characters, Marvel Cinematic Universe has barely scratched the surface when it comes to introducing some of the most powerful heroes from the comics. While the Hulk, Thor, and Captain Marvel are among the heaviest hitters for the publisher who have made their MCU debut, the likes of Sentry, Hyperion, and more of the strongest superheroes haven’t yet appeared.

If the MCU wanted to show off the most insane power levels among its strongest Marvel Comics heroes, they would start by introducing a handful of characters whose abilities are largely unrivaled. Sticking to heroes, there are plenty of mighty characters who just missed out on making this list, including Wonder Man and The Thing. But, the five heroes who were chosen are the strongest who have never appeared in the MCU… at least yet.



The Sentry is the strongest, most volatile hero Marvel Comics has ever published.

Bob Reynolds initially seemed like a normal man, however, it was revealed the Avengers wiped his (and everyone else’s) mind about his true powers in an effort to protect the world from his dark side. After stealing a special Super Soldier Serum, Reynolds transformed into a hero with the power of a million exploding sons and a plethora of other abilities. While his strength seemingly had no upper limit, the serum also brought out the Void – a monster with universe-ending powers.

Sentry’s mind being wiped is a perfect built-in reason why hasn’t yet appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as he’s probably out there somewhere as a regular dude in Bob Reynolds with the immense hidden powers. Introducing Sentry would give Marvel an unpredictable hero (like Scarlet Witch) whose earth-shattering strength would present a new challenge for the Avengers.

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Sometimes hero, sometimes villain, Hyperion is essentially Marvel’s version of Superman. Hyperion leads the Squadron Supreme, Marvel’s pastiche of the Justice League, where he’s flexed his powers against some of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Recently in the Heroes Reborn event, the Squadron Supreme became the strongest heroes in a changed reality without the Avengers. It’s there Hyperion murdered Galactus and the Hulk, while trying to maintain order or a universe created by Agent Coulson and Mephisto.

Hyperion has the powers of DC’s Superman, meaning he’s one of the most unkillable characters in Marvel Comics. Whether as a hero or a villain, Hyperion could be a fun parody or an evil version of Superman in the MCU – although, we’ve seen enough evil takes of the Man of Steel as of late.

Blue Marvel

Despite just debuting in the comics back in 2008, Blue Marvel’s one of the strongest cosmic heroes the Marvel Universe has ever had. Adam Brashear was a scientist who was caught in the crossfire of an experiment gone wrong granting him the powers to absorb anti-matter and use it as a weapon in the form of energy blasts. Not only can he manipulate and project energy, but he’s got super strength and is pretty much invincible. Blue Marvel was part of one of Marvel’s most impressive cosmic superteams, as he explored the greatest threats in the universe following the events of Secret Wars as a member of the Ultimates. He fought alongside powerhouses such as Monica Rambeau, Black Panther, and America Chavez.

With all of the members of the Ultimates already (or soon) being introduced in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it seems like a real possibility Blue Marvel could join them soon. He’s such a cool hero, that he would be a welcome addition to the MCU’s ever-expanding cosmic universe.

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Hercules is a hero whose name has been floated around quite a bit, despite never appearing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Based on Greek mythology, Hercules is a longtime member of the Avengers, joining the team in some of their earliest adventures. The Olympian is one of the strongest Marvel Comics characters, who’s proven so in fights against the Hulk and Thor. Hercules would not only add more firepower to the Avengers, but he could add much-needed queer representation to the MCU as the character is canonically bisexual. Currently, he’s part of the Guardians of the Galaxy, where he’s in a relationship with Noh-Varr. An alt-universe version of the hero was also romantically involved with Wolverine.

Hercules has been depicted as a meathead, a lustful conqueror, and a brutally powerful hero. Whether they want to add him for comic relief or as a force of pure strength, Hercules would be a lot of fun to see in the MCU.

Jean Grey

Marvel Girl is the only hero on this list who’s been depicted in live-action, in both generations of the X-Men films. Still, Jean Grey really hasn’t been done justice, despite already going through to Dark Phoenix sagas in the films.

Debuting as the only female member of the original X-Men team, Jean Grey is one of the most iconic and powerful heroes to ever grace the pages of Marvel Comics. As an Omega Level mutant, Jean possesses a number of different psychic powers that are unrivaled by her fellow mutants. She can read minds, use her telepathic abilities as a shield, and cast numerous illusions and manipulations. That’s without even getting into her powers when she’s possessed by Phoenix, which makes Jean a cosmic powerhouse who’s effectively immortal. Jean’s Dark Phoenix might be Marvel’s most frightening creation.

Jean Grey is an incredible character who deserves a spot on the next live-action X-Men team, even if she’s already been a member of each of the previous iterations. With her immense powers – even without the Phoenix Force – Jean Grey is undoubtedly one of the strongest Marvel Comics heroes who have yet to make their MCU debut. Hopefully, whenever the X-Men join the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Jean Grey is a core member. She is owed a top-billing on the team.

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