The unhinged criminals of The Suicide Squad aren’t exactly great role models, or even functioning members of society. Yet, they do adhere to the Myers-Briggs® personality types as traditionally defined, at least in some skewed manner. Beneath the criminality, thuggery and penchant for homicide, each one adheres to a specific type.

It may take some digging to see it, but the evidence is there. Some are reluctant born leaders, others are geniuses gone awry, and some are just in it for the life of the party. When they’re on the job, it’s a mixture of cool and cheesy Suicide Squad weapons, hilarious one-liners, and a laundry list of sackable offenses.

10 Sol Soria (ENTJ – The Commander)

All Sol Soria wanted was to retake her country of Corto Maltese from a ruthless dictatorship, but the Suicide Squad showed up to mangle a huge number of her troops, mistakenly thinking she was the enemy. Despite the anguish at having lost so many comrades in arms, she still stuck to the plan.

That’s the hallmark of an ENTJ, who are born leaders. These people make quick decisions based on the available intel, and amend their strategy as new information arrives. These are goal-oriented folks who plan and adapt on the fly to whatever situation comes their way.

9 The Thinker (INTP – The Architect)

The Suicide Squad introduced the Thinker for the first time on the big screen, played by the wily Peter Capaldi. In this film, the Thinker is a bit more of a menacing renegade, as opposed to a simple supervillain with some serious brain matter.

Nevertheless, he still bears the mark of an INTP. These people are less interested in social interaction, and are more concentrated on things that interest them. For the Thinker, that’s theoretical analysis, problem solving, and logic as it relates to his captured quarry – Starro the Conqueror.


8 Ratcatcher 2 (ISFJ – The Protector)

Undoubtedly the sweetest character with one of the best Suicide Squad origin stories, Ratcatcher 2 is quick to show compassion, rather than aggression. This is due to her upbringing, and the love of her kind-hearted father. She might be rough around the edges, but she’s not an evil person, and that plays out in her personality type.

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Ratcatcher 2 is an ISFJ, by all measure. She’s quieter than most, conscientious of her obligations, and very concerned with the feelings of others. She demonstrates this by offering kindness to King Shark, whom everyone else fears as a ruthless, cold-blooded killer.

7 Polka-Dot Man (INTJ – The Mastermind)

Abner Krill is about as introverted as they come, and his penchant for intuitive thinking in the face of challenging situations makes him a fit for the INTJ role. Granted, most INTJs aren’t nearly as socially awkward and out of touch as Krill is, and are in fact capable of excellent social interaction and charm.

His status as the Polka-Dot Man was brought on his mother’s experimentation, which makes her the target of all his hatred. As a result, Krill folded in on himself, at least until he started realizing he had friends within the Suicide Squad. Had he not met his demise during the battle with Starro, he may have overcome his trauma.

6 Amanda Waller (ISTJ – The Inspector)

Waller is an Inspector gone completely to the radical extreme, and she neither denies it, nor cares what anyone else thinks. As the person in charge of the Suicide Squad’s operations, She’s is prepared to go to any lengths necessary to ensure the completion of the mission, even if Waller frequently makes the wrong decisions.

ISTJs are organizers and authority figures who uphold standards and rules at every turn. If someone steps out of line, they’ll be put back into place in short order. This tends to make ISTJs unpopular with subordinates, as evidenced by how many feathers Waller ruffles throughout the course of the film.

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5 Rick Flag (ENFJ – The Teacher)

Rick Flag might appear to have some of the personality traits of a Commander, but he’s more of an ENFJ Teacher type. At every turn, Flag acts largely as a liaison between Amanda Waller and the Suicide Squad, while instructing and leading the team on the ground.

However, Flag is also a bit of a nurturer to the team, and shows genuine consideration for many of its members. Teachers see the potential in others, and promote their best qualities so they can rise above their limitations, and achieve their true measure in life.

4 Peacemaker (ENTJ – The Commander)

Peacemaker’s ultra-radical patriotism and military background makes him an obvious Commander type, and he shows it throughout the film. He’s a strategic leader who tries to assert himself at the top of the chain of command, clashing with Bloodsport in the process.

Commanders think on their feet, and adapt to changes on the fly, which is exactly what Peacemaker does in the film. He has contingency plans in reserve, and ready to deploy at a moment’s notice. He’s also capable of identifying weak links in the Suicide Squad and has prioritizing methods to deal with them.

3 King Shark (ESTP – The Dynamo)

Though King Shark may look like a socially awkward and aloof character with no friends, he’s actually a Dynamo in disguise. Part of the confusion stems heavily from his low intelligence quotient, which has relegated him to the status of a villain. Nevertheless, the comic book version of King Shark does have a few redeeming moments.

When the going gets tough, King Shark is willing to leap into the fray and make a spectacle of himself for the benefit of those around him. He doesn’t mind being the center of attention, his methods are over-the-top, and he takes everything in stride with a sharp-toothed smile on his face.

2 Bloodsport (INTJ – The Mastermind)

Mastermind personalities have a tendency to appear distant, and without a strong social network. However, that does not necessarily make them anti-social. Most of the time, INTJs simply prefer doing things their own way, and do not function well within a team environment.

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Though Bloodsport learns to lead the team by the end of the film, he does it with seeming reluctance. He prefers to think up inventive ways to deal with challenges, he’s keenly aware of his environment, and those within it, and he can project charisma when called upon. These are all marks of an INTJ.

1 Harley Quinn (ENFP – The Champion)

There are a lot of things about Harley Quinn that simply make no sense, but that doesn’t stop her from doing what she does. She’s a Champion type to a T, and it’s made all the more apparent by her mental state. ENFPs are idealists who are always thinking forward, and they possess a unique and interesting way of approaching the conflict between good and evil.

She’s not out to necessarily save the world, but simply to partake in the battle. To Quinn, the fight itself is a piece of drama she can participate in, and her natural thrill-seeking attitude is on par with everything an ENFP stands for. She’s also deeply emotional and passionate, sometimes to her detriment.

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