Survivor will be celebrating its 20th anniversary with an all-winners cast and an unparalleled 2 million dollar prize! Throughout 40 seasons, the game has surely seen some idiotic moves, with the list continuing to grow. It was just last season that contestant Kellee Kim went home with two idols in her pocket.

While we wait anxiously await for Winners at War to premiere, let’s take a stroll through memory lane and focus on the ten most ridiculously dumb moves throughout Survivor‘s long history, and the notorious contestants behind these plays!

10 The Stick

During a trip to Exile Island on Survivor: Micronesia, “Favorites” tribe member Ozzy found an idol and cleverly decided to put a decoy idol in its place. Though he didn’t do a great job replicating what an idol actually looks like, Jason completely fell for Ozzy’s ruse. Knowing “Favorites” member Eliza was on the outs, Jason pulls her to the side, assuring she won’t be voted out.

After she retrieves the idol he confidently tells her about, Eliza immediately notices it’s… just a stick with a face. Angrily assuming Jason is setting her up, she pulls him to the side to ask why he did that, and he promises its the idol. Eliza immediately deduces that Ozzy must have found the idol and left this in its place, telling Jason: “it’s a f**ing stick!”, rated the #3 funniest moment by The Funny 115.

9 Lex Saves Amber Over Jerri

Boston Rob and Amber were cozying up on the Chapera tribe when the second swap led to their sudden separation. Rob was devastated when Amber’s new tribe lost immunity with her in the minority. After becoming friends outside of the game, Boston Rob approaches Lex, the Survivor: Africa legend who everyone loved, and asks him to save Amber, disregarding any previous alliances Lex might have built.

Lex obtusely keeps Amber over trustworthy Jerri and then gets blindsided by Boston Rob at the next round. His final tribal council speech to Boston Rob was very heated, making it apparent their friendship was over.


8 Tyson Votes Himself Out

Tyson later goes on to win the game in Survivor: Blood vs. Water, but nobody forgets his major misstep during his stint in Heroes vs. Villains. Boston Rob had an intricate plan to flush Russell and his idol from the game, splitting the votes between him and Parvati. Tyson was supposed to vote for Russell but ultimately voted for Parvati after Russell somehow convinced him to, which led to an incredible vote read after Russell decided to play his idol on Parvati.

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Parvati was safe, and Tyson’s vote-switch led to Russell no longer having the next most votes, inadvertently sending himself out of the game! Tyson sealed his fate after agreeing to switch his vote with Russell, which then, in turn, caused Russell and Parvati to place their votes on Tyson, a stupid move that cannot be forgotten!

7 Woo Brings Tony To The End

After physical powerhouse Woo won the final immunity challenge in Survivor: Cagayan, it was his decision who would be voted out, and who would sit next to him competing for the million-dollar prize. Sure, both Kass and Tony were villains and had enemies on the jury, but Tony played the game much harder, displaying obvious legwork with finding multiple idols and conducting several blindsides.

It was obvious to everyone that Kass would be the perfect “goat” to take to the end, insuring Woo would win. Tony brilliantly convinces martial arts instructor Woo that he would be going against his honor voting Tony out, and make himself look like a hypocrite. Woo bought Tony’s manipulations, bringing him to the end and only received one vote to Tony’s eight in the deciding final tribal! His face says it all, this move was one of the worst in history.

6 Manono Gives Up Immunity

Survivor: One World delivered many hiccups, but this was probably the strangest. After dominating the women’s tribe and winning every immunity challenge, the men’s tribe shockingly gives up their immunity– as a whole tribe– putting themselves at risk when going to tribal council.

The most ridiculous part? Colton, who had openly promised alliances with both the men and women, single-handedly convinced every member of his tribe to give up immunity and jeopardize their million-dollar chance. Jeff Probst was also shocked, reminding them no tribe has never given up their immunity in 24 seasons.

5 Brandon Gives Up Immunity

In a season rampant with religious manipulation, Survivor: South Pacific featured third-time returnee Coach Wade and Brandon Hantz, the nephew of the most controversial player to date, Russell Hantz, who won immunity at the final six.

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Coach convinces Brandon that it’s “God’s will” to give up his immunity necklace to fellow contestant Albert and immediately gets Brandon voted out. Though it’s not as stupid as Erik’s move in Micronesia (see below), giving up immunity is always far-fetched, especially in the final days. Brandon told Entertainment Weekly that he would have won the game had he made it to the end.

4 J.T. Gives Russell His Idol And The Letter

A Heroes vs. Villains classic! While J.T. was on the Heroes tribe finding idols, the men of the Villains tribe were dropping like flies. Deciding newbie villain Russell Hantz was in trouble being one of the last men on his tribe, J.T. decided to pull a risky move by handing his idol (with an attached letter) over to Russell during a challenge, and hilarity ensued.

Russell immediately brought the letter to alliance member Parvati, despite J.T. deliberately writing “FOR YOUR EYES ONLY” in the letter, which led to a classic scene of Parv reading it aloud. Russell already had one immunity idol and ended up blindsiding J.T. at the merge vote, getting him tossed from the game with the very idol he gave as a peace offering!

3 James Goes Home With Two Idols

Fans were over the moon when popular contestant James Clement had not one, but two idols in his possession during Survivor: China. It was the final 7, and James had lost immunity. Knowing he had one of the idols, alliance members Amanda and Todd decide this would be their only shot at blindsiding James and getting him out of the game.

Idols can only be played until the final 5, so viewers were astounded when James foolishly decides not to play one, considering he only had three attempts left! He realized as the votes were being read that not only was his game over, but he would always be known as the sucker who went home with two idols in his pocket!

2 JT Leaves His Idol Behind

That’s right, J.T. makes this list twice! Though his previous dumb move may be more ostentatious, his third time returning in Survivor: Game Changers was even worse. Fellow Game Changers contestant Malcolm Freberg told CBS he believes J.T. flipping alliances to try and eliminate Sandra was “the stupidest move in Survivor history”, though his stupid streak didn’t end there!

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J.T. was lucky enough to have a hidden immunity idol and left the idol back at camp when headed to tribal council, which led to him being voted out fifth on day 13. Though some argue his previous move in Heroes vs. Villains is dumber, he had a chance to learn from that experience and be savvier in Game Changers, and clearly dropped the ball.

1 Erik Gives Up His Immunity Necklace

Though Brandon Hantz has already been featured on this list for practically the same move, ice cream scooper and “Fans” tribe member Erik Reichenbach always tops the “dumbest moves in Survivor history” list. At the final 5 of Survivor: Micronesia, Erik wins immunity giving hope to the last man standing. Surrounded by powerful “Favorites” women tribe members, Erik is intimidated and overwhelmed.

Preying on his vulnerability, contestants Natalie and Cirie decide to convince Erik to give up his immunity necklace, believing it’s a long shot. Though he seems hesitant back a camp, Erik ultimately bequeaths the necklace upon Natalie’s shoulders, which left the jury, the tribe, and Jeff Probst in complete disbelief. Jeff crowned Erik with the “dumbest move in Survivor history” during the live finale. Erik returned for the second iteration of “Fans vs. Favorites” in Survivor: Caramoan, where he was grievously medically evacuated…. at the fifth place once again!

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