Hazel and Cha-Cha didn’t have prominent roles in The Umbrella Academy season 2, but that could change for the next installment. Cameron Britton and Mary J. Blige served as the time-traveling assassins employed by the Commission to seek out Number Five. Though the superpowered Hargreeves siblings seemed to get the best of the partners by the end of season 1, the pair could still have a future in the Netflix series. Both Hazel and Cha-Cha are based on characters featured in the comic book series by Gerard Way, which serves as the basis of the hit live-action show.

As employees of the Commission, Hazel and Cha-Cha were required to eliminate those who messed with the timeline. Five spent Umbrella Academy season 1 trying to prevent the impending the apocalypse, so the assassins were sent to thwart his plan. While both partners were loyal to their mission, as well as the organization they worked for, Hazel started to drift from his career, especially when he fell for a local waitress named Anges. As tension grew between Hazel and Cha-Cha, their failures in taking down Five and his siblings amplified the frustration. By the season 1 finale, Hazel chose Agnes over Cha-Cha and his career, crashing his car and leaving her for dead.


While the world was destroyed by the apocalypse from Vanya’s uncontrollable power, Five rescued his siblings by throwing them back into the 1960s. Since Hazel and Cha-Cha were fan-favorite antagonists, many viewers wondered if they would be incorporated into the follow-up season. It turned out that Hazel managed to use a Commission suitcase in order to save Agnes from the apocalypse so they could live a full life together. Cha-Cha, on the other, presumably died during the destructive event. An elderly Hazel found Five in 1963 to warn him of yet another nuclear holocaust before he was killed by the Swedes. Sadly, neither Hazel nor Cha-Cha appeared throughout the rest of season 2. Based on how the installment closed out with the Hargreeves returning back to their respective present day, it looks likely that Hazel and Cha-Cha could return to the action.

The Several Ways Hazel & Cha-Cha Could Return In Umbrella Academy Season 3

Based on the siblings’ interactions with Reginald Hargreeves and their various decision-making while trapped in the ’60s, the group greatly altered the primary timeline. When Five managed to get them back to 2019, it was an altered version of the lives they once knew. Viewers were given insight into the changes based on the fact that Reginald was still alive, and he was also the leader of the Sparrow Academy, which included their previously deceased brother, Ben. With a new version of the timeline, it’s certainly possible that Hazel and Cha-Cha are still alive. Seeing as Herb now leads the Commission, he could have pulled some strings to bring back two of his best assassins for another game-changing mission involving the Hargreeves, but this time they won’t be villains. Based on the mystery surrounding the Sparrow Academy or Harlan Cooper’s villainous potential, maybe Hazel and Cha-Cha could work with the Hargreeves family this time around.

There was already an Easter egg in Umbrella Academy season 2 that hinted at Cha-Cha’s survival from the first apocalypse. During a scene at the Commission’s base of operations, an agent walked by holding a pink masked that looked identical to the one Cha-Cha loved to wear. Since the agent’s face wasn’t shown, it remained speculation, but it could be an indicator that Hazel and Cha-Cha still have a future in The Umbrella Academyseason 3 and beyond. If they aren’t alive, maybe Klaus could tap into his medium powers to speak with the dead as a way to include the two characters.

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