Imagining crossovers between two fantasy worlds is one of the most interesting things that any fanboy or fangirl can do. And one of the easiest crossovers to imagine has got to be a collision of the Netflix hit series The Umbrella Academy and the absolutely iconic world of Harry Potter. After all, the Hargreeves family is essentially a squad of magical folks who have been brought together for a singular purpose, and in a twisted way, the actual Umbrella Academy is very much like Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

However, if the Hargreeves and their friends and enemies actually wound up at Hogwarts, which Hogwarts house would they all have ended up in? It would actually be fascinating to see how the Hargreeves siblings developed if they had the opportunity to learn of their strengths. So, here are all of the main characters of The Umbrella Academy, along with the Hogwarts house that they belong in.

10 Cha Cha – Slytherin

Don’t get us wrong, Cha Cha is an extremely effective operative for the Temps commission, and her abilities to get the job done are second to none. However, she just isn’t enough of a match to outmaneuver the Hargreeves clan.

Cha Cha at least has the advantage of knowing what her end goal is, whereas the Hargreeves family can only try to foil her as her plans unfold. The fact that the squad manages to actually do that when they’re at a marked disadvantage would indicate that Cha Cha is more cunning than actually intelligent, making her a clear Slytherin.

9 Hazel – Hufflepuff

Hufflepuff has a reputation for being a house full of big softies, and in large part they are, but a character like Hazel demonstrates how even the best personality traits can go awry sometimes. Hazel is actually a very kind and loving person, and he appears to want nothing more than love, security, and safety.

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And strangely, that is probably why he became an assassin for the Temps Commission. Hazel has come to see his work as nothing more than a job, and while he is willing to ensure that the timeline of existence continues on as it was it doesn’t seem like he puts much heart into it.


8 Leonard Peabody – Slytherin

Much like Cha Cha, it seems like Leonard Peabody’s ability to be cunning outweighs his actual intellect. After all, he did manage to manipulate Vanya into using her powers, but he never seemed to realize the danger he was putting himself in because of it.

And what makes Leonard seem like even more of a Slytherin is that, despite being an utterly average person, he was entirely convinced that he was extraordinary and always meant to stand out. A lot of people in the world are arrogant, but few are so arrogant that their own ego inadvertently destroys the world.

7 Ben Hargreeves – Hufflepuff

Ben Hargreeves was one of the most powerful members of the Umbrella Academy, and his untimely death undeniably rocked the entire Hargreeves family to its very core. But despite being extraordinarily powerful and despite being trained from birth to become a hero, it seems like Ben never liked fighting or violence.

On the occasions that he actually went out on missions, he was incredibly reluctant to use his dangerous power. And while Klaus is now the only member of the family who can actually communicate with Ben, it seems incredibly clear that he made up a huge part of the heart of his familial bond. He seems like a great fit for Hufflepuff.

6 Allison Hargreeves – Slytherin

A great motto for anyone in house Slytherin would probably be “work smarter, not harder”. And let’s be real, that motto could also describe Allison’s entire life. If anyone in the world had the kind of power that Allison had, it seems extremely likely that they would always be taking shortcuts too, but that doesn’t mean that it’s morally acceptable to manipulate everyone around you for your own ends.

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Allison isn’t even a bad person, just like most Slytherins are not bad people, but she tends to think of herself as above almost everyone around her and she has no problem doing the wrong thing if it makes her life easier.

5 Klaus Hargreeves – Ravenclaw

One of the things that makes The Umbrella Academy such an interesting show is that it really feels like these characters are real people who happen to have superpowers, and who were unwillingly raised to become the heroes of the entire world even if they had no qualifications for it besides their powers.

And when it comes to Klaus Hargreeves and his Hogwarts house, he seems like a perfect fit for Ravenclaw. His mind and power are so active that he actually has to drug himself in order to dull the experience, and he is generally very reluctant to use his abilities to their full capacity.

4 Diego Hargreeves – Gryffindor

Of course, Diego is a Gryffindor. He couldn’t be anything other than Gryffindor. Yes, Diego is a very brave man and he is an exceptional fighter for the force of good. However, his behavior is actually absurd for an adult man living in the real world.

He certainly took all of his superhero training to heart, and he’s very eager to prove that he is every bit the hero that he was taught to be. He can also be overly impulsive and rushes into dangerous situations without thinking things through, which is a very typical Gryffindor behavior.

3 Number Five – Ravenclaw

The entirety of the Hargreeves clan is impressive in different ways, but it’s pretty hard to top the intellectual and supernatural abilities of Number Five. It may have taken him years to figure out how to get home, but the mere fact that this one man has possibly collapsed the entire Temps Commission on his own really speaks to his mental prowess.

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He is a character who could arguably have made a home in any one of the Hogwarts houses, but ultimately he is just so crazy smart that it would be criminal to put him anywhere besides Ravenclaw.

2 Luther Hargreeves – Hufflepuff

It’s interesting because on the surface Luther Hargreeves seems like a quintessential Gryffindor. He is a born and bred hero, and he will take charge and do what he thinks is right in pretty much any circumstance. However, below that surface, Luther seems like a pretty pure Hufflepuff.

Luther values his family above all other things, and while he is extremely concerned with doing what is right he also doesn’t venture outside of his own box at all. He has a very simplistic view of what is right and what is wrong, and he will do what needs doing even if it’s completely thankless.

1 Vanya Hargreeves – Gryffindor

Vanya has always been the forgotten member of the Hargreeves family, and she seemed meek and mild-mannered. However, the real Vanya that existed beneath all of her medication and years of being the irrelevant member of the Hargreeves family was actually an incredibly fiery and dangerous person.

It’s hard to peg what Hogwarts house Vanya should fit into, simply because so much of her real self has been dulled for her entire life, however it seems like she is ultimately a lot of the wilder, more unregulated aspects of a classic Gryffindor Hogwarts student.

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