The new Netflix drama The Unforgiveable is an intense story about guilt and punishment. The characters in the movie are very complex as the story doesn’t give easy answers about who is right and who is wrong. It also makes it difficult to decide which characters the audience should root for.

There are some characters who make selfish and dangerous decisions that are easy to hate. Likewise, there are others who are genuinely kind and caring. Then there are others who make questionable decisions that might seem wrong only for later revelations to paint them in a more likable light.

10 Steve Whelan

At first, Steve seems like a young man who is easy to understand. His father was a police officer killed years earlier and he seems to be dealing with it in a healthy way. When his brother concocts a plan to get revenge on the woman who killed their father, Steve initially wants nothing to do with it.

However, Steve gradually goes down a much darker path throughout the story, agreeing to the revenge plan more out of his own feeling of inadequacy than an actual desire for revenge. His plan to kill an innocent young girl immediately extinguishes any sympathy and turns him into an outright villain.

9 Keith Whelan

It seemed as though Keith would be the main villain of the story as he was the one who initially wanted revenge for the death of his father. He seemed unbalanced and stupid enough to go through with the plan but bringing his brother into it was even worse.

To add to his murderous plans and incompetency, Keith is also having an affair with his brother’s wife which makes him out to be an even bigger dirtbag than he seems at first.


8 Vincent Cross

Vincent Cross is a no-nonsense parole officer who seems to be focused on doing his job effectively even if he doesn’t always seem overly interested in helping the ex-convicts start a new life.

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When he meets Ruth Slater, he seems pleasant enough in getting her set up in a new job, but he is also very belittling to her at times. His tough-love advice about how she will always be a convict might be well-intentioned but it is not very helpful to someone attempting to turn over a new leaf.

7 Rachel Malcolm

It is very clear to see that Rachel cares deeply for her family and is a loving adoptive mother to Emily, even if she is a bit overbearing at times. She is concerned with how Emily’s past may be affecting her and wants to ensure she is protected.

When Ruth reaches out to get in contact, Rachel pushes back against her husband’s desire to ignore the problem and she insists they meet with Ruth. However, her decision to hide Emily’s past from her is a misguided attempt at being overprotective.

6 Emily Malcolm

Given the fact that Emily Malcolm is at the center of the story, it is surprising that she is actually one of the smallest characters in the movie. She is shown to be an intelligent and thoughtful young woman who is dealing with trauma she doesn’t fully understand.

The revelation about what she did in the past is quite shocking, but given how young she was, it is impossible to blame her. The fact that she remains grounded despite everything she has been through is inspiring, but it would have been nice to explore the character deeper.

5 Ruth Slater

Ruth Slater is another strong role for Sandra Bullock and a very complex protagonist for the story. She is a woman who clearly has a lot of anger which occasionally causes her to make frustrating decisions.

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However, she also has faced a lot of injustices and made a lot of sacrifices for her little sister which makes her motivations in the movie very moving. The way she resolves the deadly situation at the end shows that Ruth is capable of putting aside her anger and using kindness to come to a peaceful conclusion.

4 Liz Ingram

The storyline involving the Ingram family feels a little tenuous to the central story of the movie. However, the performances from the actors and the complexities of the character make it worthwhile.

Viola Davis is known for playing strong and stern characters like Amanda Waller in the DCEU and Liz is a likable version of that. Liz’s concerns about Ruth are all very valid and it is hard to disagree with her when she confronts Ruth. But when she learns more about the situation, she is not too proud to change her opinion and help.

3 John Ingram

Though there are some people in the movie that act selfishly, John is someone whose first instinct is to help out people however he can. He is a lawyer who agrees to help Ruth and sympathizes with her struggles.

He does his best to help her, even though he is frustrated with her aggressive behavior. He is someone that knows that people are not black-and-white and understands past actions do not have to define the rest of a person’s life if they truly want to change.

2 Katherine Malcolm

At first, Katherine seems like a fairly unimportant side character. She is the sister of Emily and initially serves just to show the loving family Emily is a part of even as she deals with her trauma. However, Katherine also proves herself to be a very supportive sister, offering Emily a confidante that isn’t her parents.

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Katherine takes the time to learn more about Ruth and reaches out to her. Taking the time to tell Ruth about Emily and give her a way to see her is an incredibly kind gesture from this young woman.

1 Blake

Though Ruth is mostly met with hostility when she is released from prison, Blake is the one person who immediately shows her kindness. In fact, Blake just seems like an all-around good person who is friendly and helpful to everyone.

The way he talks about people in the community and brings Ruth donuts when she works a second job is so charming. And while he seems to reject her at one point, he quickly apologizes. His reasoning also makes sense and shows that, despite his own struggles, he maintains his positive attitude.

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