The best characters in The Vampire Diaries are often the most morally gray, and Klaus Mikaelson is no exception. He’s introduced as a villain during the second season and continues to be a threat to Elena and the Salvatores throughout his entire time in the series.

Klaus proves to be multi-layered and he undergoes massive development when he raises his daughter in The Originals. He is a drastically different character than who he is in The Vampire Diaries and unrecognizable from his past self. But while they don’t all reflect the person he comes to be, many of the greatest quotes in the original show are courtesy of Klaus Mikaelson.


Klaus Admits He Thought About Being Human

“I Thought, ‘What A Thing, You Know?’ To Have To Work That Hard Every Day Just To Say Alive—To Be Constantly On The Verge of Death, And How Satisfying Every Day Must Be That It Survived.”

It’s rare for Klaus to be vulnerable, but Caroline is one of the few people who can convince him to be open and honest. When she asks if Klaus would ever take the cure, he initially brushes the comment off. He later decides to address her question, indicating that it’s weighing on his mind.

Klaus values power over people, so his answer comes as a surprise. The revelation also provides more insight into his character, as Klaus has been unable to appreciate all that life has to offer. His boredom and dissatisfaction likely affect his choices.

Klaus Decides To Be Difficult

“If Only You Spoke Aramaic.”

Klaus’s sassy remarks and nonchalant attitude make him one of the funniest characters in The Vampire Diaries. He enjoys holding things over people’s heads to get what he wants, but also for his own amusement.

The scenes Klaus has with Caroline and Tyler never cease to be entertaining due to the complex dynamic at play. Klaus and Tyler genuinely hate one another, while Klaus and Caroline have a bond that’s disguised with animosity. He’s thrilled that he has the upper hand when they can’t translate a dead language.

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Klaus Sees Love As Weakness

“Love Is A Vampire’s Greatest Weakness. We Do Not Feel And We Do Not Care.”

In order to have such a strong opinion on love, Klaus must have experienced it firsthand. This quote is proof that Klaus is capable of endearment, and even feels threatened by the intensity of his own emotions.

Klaus is a closed-off character who rarely says anything outright. Subtext is a vital component of discovering who he is and every belief he holds has an origin story. Klaus knows that love causes a person to put others first, which is a weakness for someone who wants to focus on self-preservation.

Klaus Opens Up

“In The End, We’re Left Infinitely And Utterly Alone.”

Klaus is the most powerful villain in The Vampire Diaries, but he shows time and time again that he isn’t heartless. Although he’s cruel, selfish, and displays little regard for human life, Klaus feels just as deeply as the other characters. The problem is the way he chooses to address these feelings.

Rather than showing love to those he cares about, Klaus uses fear to ensure loyalty. He feels as though no one will ever choose to stick by his side, so he forces their hand. There’s clear distress on Klaus’s face when he speaks to Stefan, exemplifying how terrified he is of being alone.

Klaus Snaps At Stefan

“What Do You Want From Me? A Secret Brotherhood Handshake?”

Klaus and Stefan’s bickering is one of the funniest running jokes in The Vampire Diaries. The two may have an ongoing rivalry, but they also had a strong friendship decades prior. Klaus and Stefan even refer to each other as “brother” at one point, showcasing a bond that’s difficult to break.

While Stefan is willing to kill Klaus to save Elena, Klaus always hesitates when it comes to killing his old friend. His comment about “a secret brotherhood handshake” is comedic because they probably should have one.

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Klaus Explains Why He Loves Art

“Painting Is A Metaphor For Control. Every Choice Is Mine. The Canvas…The Color…”

Even vampires have hobbies, and Klaus is a skilled artist. He’s commonly seen sketching and painting, which is an interesting juxtaposition from the person he’s portrayed to be. Because Klaus is so impatient, it’s difficult to understand why he’s drawn to a pastime that involves such fortitude.

Everything falls into place with this quote, and while he lacks composure in other areas, painting allows Klaus to maintain a guise of peace. Each brushstroke is a purposeful choice by the artist, so it makes sense that painting helps Klaus feel in control.

Klaus Believes Everyone Is Drawn To Darkness

“Don’t Underestimate The Allure Of Darkness. Even The Purest Hearts Are Drawn To It.”

Although Klaus’s comment is said to Stefan, it’s directed towards Caroline. It doesn’t take long for the characters or viewers to pick up on their connection, but Caroline does everything in her power to deny what’s between them. Caroline fears what it says about the kind of person she is, but Klaus’s comment offers a differing point of view.

Even those who choose the noble path have darkness inside of them. Making the right choice isn’t always easy because of how tempting the wrong one can be. Caroline’s feelings for Klaus don’t make her a bad person—they make her human. By choosing to see the good in someone others have lost hope in, Caroline proves that she’s the most empathetic of them all.

Klaus Argues With Rebekah

“That’s What Big Brothers Do, Sweetheart!”

Klaus’s dinner with Stefan and Rebekah is one of the most hilarious scenes in The Vampire Diaries. Despite being a thousand years old, Klaus isn’t very mature and has a tendency to throw temper tantrums.

When Rebekah destroys the last of Elena’s blood so he can’t make more hybrids, Klaus disowns her as his sister. He attempts to defend himself during their dinner party, and the dialogue between the siblings is comedic due to its absurdity. Stefan is stuck in the middle, wishing he could be anywhere else.

Klaus Tells Caroline He’ll Wait For Her

“He’s Your First Love. I Intend To Be Your Last. However Long It Takes.”

“However long it takes,” is the most iconic Klaroline quote in The Vampire Diaries. This line has become a staple of Klaus’s character, as it reflects not only how much he loves Caroline, but that he’s a hopeless romantic at heart. As a vampire who’s been around for centuries, Klaus knows the implications of what he’s saying.

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He’s willing to wait until Caroline is ready for him, and proves that it’s not a hollow promise. Years later, Klaus writes the same words to her in a letter, and his feelings for her are still apparent when they reunite in The Originals.

Klaus Claims He’s Heartless

“Maybe It’s Because I’m Pure Evil, And I Can’t Help Myself.”

Klaus’s comment says more about what he thinks of himself than how others perceive him. Although most of the characters do see him as pure evil, the tone he uses when making this comment says the opposite is actually true.

Klaus has a reason for everything he does, and while they’re selfish reasons, they’re related to fear. Klaus is so afraid of losing control over others, that he begins to worry he’s losing it over himself. He’s obviously conflicted about what he did to Caroline, and it makes Klaus wonder if he’s a hopeless cause.

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