As the original narrator and the savior of Mystic Falls, Stefan can easily be considered the most important character in The Vampire Diaries. While he’s introduced as someone who chooses the moral high road and refuses to adapt to a vampire’s predatory lifestyle, Stefan proves to be multidimensional.

Fighting his bloodlust is an uphill battle, and it only takes one wrong move for Stefan to slip into his “Ripper” persona. However, Stefan always pushes through the dark times and encourages others to do the same. With his strong moral compass and dry sense of humor, Stefan has several quotes that stick out in the show.


“I’m Not Sad! I’m Freakin’ Hungry!”

It’s up for debate whether this line is meant to be comedic, but fans consider it one of Stefan’s funniest quotes in The Vampire Diaries. In context, Stefan’s trying to warn an innocent girl of the danger she’s in, but out of context, it just sounds like he’s freakin’ hungry.

Paul Wesley’s delivery is pure perfection, and his anger only makes the situation more humorous. Viewers find it difficult to take the scene seriously due to Stefan’s wild expression and his consistent demand for food.

“He’s The Better Man. He’s The Right Man.”

The audience needs to decide for themselves which Salvatore is the better brother, or if it’s even fair to compare the two. Stefan and Damon have both made plenty of bad decisions and hurt the people that they care about. In a supernatural show like The Vampire Diaries, morality is subjective, as the heroes also happen to be mass murderers.

But regardless of whether there’s a right answer, Stefan’s statement exemplifies how drastically his relationship with Damon has evolved since the pilot. He spends years believing that Damon is incapable of redemption, only to give up his life so his brother — the better man — can live.

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“I Should Be Out Sacrificing My Happiness For The Good Of Others. I Should Be Upstairs Grooming My Hero Hair.”

Considering that he’s been dubbed “Buzzkill Bob” by his brother, it’s no secret that Stefan doesn’t let loose often. Therefore, the few instances in which he does always manage to be entertaining. Lexi brings out an entirely different side to Stefan, and he’s much less reserved in her presence.

When she returns as a ghost to spend time with her best friend, Stefan gets drunk and throws Damon for a loop. This quote makes it clear that Stefan needs a break from saving the world, and he sarcastically embraces the “hero hair” nickname that Damon gives him.

“We Choose Our Own Path. Our Values And Our Actions — They Define Who We Are.”

Not only is this one of Stefan’s best quotes, but it’s also one of the most vital lines in the entire series. All the characters are guilty of blaming their actions on a lack of choice instead of owning up to their own decisions. There’s always more than one option, even if it results in dire consequences.

Doing what’s right isn’t the same as doing what’s easy, and there’s nothing that stops the characters from taking the hard path. It’s up to them to decide who they want to be, and Stefan makes his choice when he sacrifices himself to save Mystic Falls.

“You Won’t Be Sad Forever, Elena.”

Whether viewers prefer their relationship to be romantic or platonic, Stefan and Elena are Vampire Diaries soulmates. It might have been hard for her to believe it at the time, but Stefan’s statement rings true.

The moment he runs into her outside of the men’s room, the despair that’s been following Elena since her parent’s death begins to let up. Stefan brings Elena back to life, and she credits him for the happiness she finds. If the two had never met, it’s hard to say if Elena would’ve opened herself back up to love.

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“I Was Feeling Epic.”

There are several heartwrenching moments in The Vampire Diaries series finale and this scene is at the top of the list. Not only is this quote the title of the final episode, but it’s a callback to what Lexi says to Stefan on the night she dies.

The beauty is in its simplicity, and the line is delivered with such nonchalance that it manages to have the opposite effect. Stefan reunites with his dead best friend multiple times throughout the series, only to lose her shortly after. By finding peace, Stefan never has to say goodbye to Lexi again.

“I Think I Still Need To Be Drunk To Understand This Story.”

He doesn’t have the same sense of humor as his brother, but Stefan still ranks among the funniest characters in The Vampire Diaries. This line is particularly comedic due to both Stefan’s tone and the double meaning.

Stefan might be referring to Qetsiyah’s tale, but there are several stories in the series that can be confusing. Even if there aren’t any outright plot holes, some are just ridiculous in nature. Stefan insults Qetsiyah while also poking fun at the show itself.

“I Met A Girl. We Talked. It Was Epic. But Then The Sun Came Up And Reality Set In. Well, This Is Reality. Right Here.”

Just because life isn’t a fantasy doesn’t mean good things can’t happen. While this is in reference to his relationship with Elena, Stefan’s quote encompasses a positive life outlook that everyone should take to heart.

Elena is so caught off guard by their instant connection that she worries it’s too good to be true. But if people don’t try out of fear of disappointment, happiness can never be achieved. Stefan helps Elena realize that what the two of them share is real, and their feelings will still be there when the sun comes up the next day.

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“Let Me Just Name The Million Other People I’d Rather Be Having Dinner With Right Now.”

Klaus’s dinner parties have come to be viewed as a running joke in The Vampire Diaries. His love for fine dining conflicts with his murderous tendencies, which makes these occasions especially amusing.

Desperate to get the cure for Elena, Stefan forms an alliance with Klaus and takes his orders. However, Stefan doesn’t expect mediating a Mikaelson family fight to become one of his responsibilities. This quote is an iconic line in the series purely due to the circumstances it’s said under.

“I Am A Vampire. And This Is My Story.”

Because the series develops into an ensemble when the cast expands, it’s easy to forget that The Vampire Diaries is intended to be Stefan’s story from the start. Damon and Elena’s relationship often pushes him out of the spotlight, and the role he plays in the love triangle even causes some fans to see him as the enemy.

This line serves as a reminder that Stefan and his relationship with Damon have always been the heart of the show. It begins with Stefan’s return to Mystic Falls and ends when he and Damon reunite in the afterlife.

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