Why is it that the villains always get the best lines? Katherine Pierce, the on-again-off-again villain on The Vampire Diaries, can walk into a room and tear everyone apart with just one turn of phrase. She is snarky and fun to watch, and fans may find themselves wishing they had the same kind of confidence that Katherine exudes on a regular basis.

Whether she is just joking about love or threatening to destroy an enemy, Katherine’s quotes are surprisingly adaptable to real life, making them perfect memes for fans looking for some of her confident swagger in their day-to-day lives.


For Intended Enemies To Lovers

“You hate me, huh? That sounds like the beginning of a love story, not the end of one.”

Katherine famously strung along both Salvatore brothers, making Damon fall for her while she got closer to Stefan. The only problem? Once Stefan found out who Katerine really was on The Vampire Diaries, he hated her. Katherine draws on the famous enemies-to-lovers arc, joking that if he hates her, it must be the beginning of their love story because lovers-to-enemies is so much less fun.

This quote has great potential as a flirtatious line early on in a relationship, particularly with a frenemy that someone would like to become something more. Alternatively, it could be used between stages of an off-again, on-again relationship, as Katherine uses it here.

For Enemies Looking For Favors

“You really think I want to take a road trip with you? America’s most boring, self-righteous vampire?”

Katherine, like Caroline, thrived as a vampire. Elena, on the other hand, became more annoying and then was filled with guilt for her actions. Katherine draws on this when Elena tries to get her to work together with her, calling Elena “America’s most boring, self-righteous vampire.”

While the ordinary person might not be in a position to reject a vampire’s offer of a road trip, they may be in a position where someone they dislike asks a favor of them, and this quote as a meme would be a perfect response in that moment.

For Verbal Sparring

“Are we really going to do this again? We both know I could rip you to shreds and do my nails at the same time.”

Katherine is one of the most evil characters on The Vampire Diaries, so when she says she could tear Stefan apart, she means it literally, but it has great potential to be used whenever sparring with someone who leaves you bored. Some people like to engage in competition on the regular, whether in wordplay, games, or actual fighting.

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This can be a good response for when someone is bored of the constant competition but also certain that they will always win.

When Others Underestimate You

“Do you honestly believe I don’t have a Plan B? And if that fails, then a Plan C, then a Plan D, and … You know how the alphabet works, don’t you?”

Katherine is always one to think ahead, and this quote sums that part of her character up perfectly. Even if her first plan is foiled, she will have a number of other plans waiting in the wings. She also gets to throw in a fun jab at her opponent’s intelligence.

This meme would be perfect when someone needs to show how much they have thought their plan through. If others doubt their dedication, they can pull this meme out to make it clear how much they’ve worked their plans out.

When You’re Told To Think Positive

“My hair is going grey and my teeth are falling out. I’m not sure what that suggests, but it’s definitely not health.”

This quote comes after Katherine has been given the vampirism cure when she has begun to age rapidly. She’s told that her health is good, to which she points out all the ways it is clearly not. She responds in her typical humorous, but snarky fashion, as seen in many of Katherine’s funniest quotes in The Vampire Diaries.

This meme could be used outside of the specific health context for whenever someone is told to think positive about a bad situation. They can send this meme in response, edited to fit their specific situation or not, depending on how much they want to drive the point home.

For Ignoring Someone

“I’ve been calling you for two days.” “Odd, that’s exactly how long I’ve been ignoring you.”

This quote is perfect for when someone is intentionally ignoring somebody else, particularly if the other person knows why they are being ignored. Katherine is being snarky, choosing to ignore the Salvatore brothers because it doesn’t suit her agenda, one of Katerine’s traits that haven’t aged that well on The Vampire Diaries.

Whether the meme includes both parts or just the second entirely depends on the context. If they’ve said that the other person has been ignoring them for days, it is the perfect time to bust out part two of this meme, with Katherine’s snark driving home their emotions.

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For Scheming

“Oh, honey. You really need to take a crash course on ‘Villain 101.'”

This quote is told to Caroline, who clearly doesn’t think enough like a villain when she’s trying to figure out what they’re planning. It fits perfectly in a world where villains and monsters are everyday occurrences, but it could also be applied outside of this context.

Anytime someone is scheming, they could send this meme out to their co-conspirator to try to get them up to speed with their wicked (or not-so-wicked) plans.

 For Flirting

“Oh, stop being cute.” “It’s not possible.”

This line comes when Damon tells Katherine to stop being cute, meaning to stop being playful in her wording. She responds as only she can, by saying “It’s not possible,” referring to her physical attractiveness. The moment is fun and a perfect example of Katherine getting some of the best lines in the show.

This can be used either with or without the first line, but it should always be used in the same playful, flirtatious vein as Katherine intended. The line “It’s not possible” can be used for any number of circumstances, with flirting being one that would make the character proud.

For Bad Mood Days

“The patient is irritable. Unsure if this is a symptom or personality.” “Personality”

While Katherine is being experimented on and evaluated for her health, her doctor says this famous line, undecided on whether Katherine’s irritability is health-related or part of her personality. Katherine is quick to answer, “Personality,” not one to let her behaviors be dictated by external circumstances.

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This meme is perfect to use when someone is having a bad day. If a friend is also a fan of The Vampire Diaries, perhaps it could become an inside joke, with “Personality” being a code word for being in a bad mood.

For Long, Challenging Days

“I’m the survivor.”

This iconic line comes when Katherine’s life is at stake. If any line defines her, this is it, with Katherine becoming a vampire to avoid being sacrificed by Klaus, surviving any number of attempts on her life, including those by Klaus himself, and finding ways out of dying again and again over the course of The Vampire Diaries’ eight seasons. Fans even learn that she eventually takes advantage of her death to become Queen of Hell.

For long, challenging days, this meme could be a reminder that you are stronger than whatever is making things so difficult. Fans can liken themselves to Katherine, remembering that they too are survivors, and can take some of Katherine’s confidence with them as they approach their day.

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