Elena Gilbert and Bonnie Bennett are two of The Vampire Diaries’ leading ladies and their friendship is at the forefront of the show. They have been best friends since childhood and have fought several supernatural threats together – though this doesn’t mean that their friendship is flawless.

Elena’s decisions hurt Bonnie continuously throughout the series. The Bennett witch loses multiple loved ones – and her life – because of Elena, and their friendship is far from perfect. Here are ten reasons why Elena and Bonnie aren’t real friends.

10 Elena Uses Bonnie For Her Powers

Bonnie Bennett saves the day for the Mystic Falls gang a lot in The Vampire Diaries. Throughout the show, Elena’s romance with the Salvatores constantly jeopardizes her life and the lives of the townspeople and Bonnie, as a powerful Bennett witch, is the only person with enough magic to help.

Elena relies on Bonnie’s powers constantly throughout the series, despite the repercussions her best friend faces for her decisions. Without her magic, Bonnie blends into the background whilst Elena focuses on her feelings for Stefan and Damon.

9 Bonnie’s Mother Was Turned Into A Vampire Because Of Elena

During the third season of The Vampire Diaries, Bonnie reunites with her estranged mother Abby, and the two witches assist Esther Mikaelson in trying to kill the Original vampires. However, Elena tells Elijah about his mother’s plan and he threatens to kill her if the Salvatores don’t break the Bennett bloodline. Abby is turned into a vampire and Bonnie loses her mother soon after reconnecting with her.

This is another example of Bonnie’s suffering because of Elena’s decisions. Despite being proclaimed as the most compassionate character in the series, Elena makes several choices that have dire consequences for her best friend.


8 Grams Died Because Of Elena

Bonnie was very close with her grandmother which only makes her death in season one that much more devastating. Grams helps Bonnie open the seal to the tomb so Damon can retrieve Katherine and, at Bonnie’s insistence, lifts the curse so the vampires can leave – including Stefan, who ran into the tomb pursuing Elena.

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Grams overexerts her magic and dies soon after. Bonnie finds it hard to forgive Elena initially and this is only the first instance of Bonnie’s loved ones dying because of Elena’s choices.

7 Elena Chose To Date Vampires Despite The Trouble It Caused Bonnie

Elena Gilbert’s life spirals into chaos during The Vampire Diaries after she meets Stefan and Damon Salvatore, two vampire brothers who have killed countless people throughout their long lives. Despite the damage it causes, Elena puts her relationship with Stefan above everything, including her friendship with Bonnie.

Bonnie’s magic causes Elena to rely on her throughout the show. Elena drags Bonnie into her business and endangers her life continuously rather than accept that she can’t have a normal life while she’s in a relationship with a vampire.

6 Elena Got With Damon After Everything That He Did To Bonnie And Her Friends

Damon Salvatore was the original antagonist in The Vampire Diaries. He arrives in Mystic Falls as the darker, sadistic counterpart to his brother Stefan and targets several people in town, including Elena’s best friends Bonnie and Caroline. Damon manipulates and abuses Caroline and tries to attack Bonnie after learning she has the Bennett Talisman.

Even after he embarks on the road to redemption, Damon demonstrates a complete disregard for Bonnie’s life and well-being at times until they become friends in season six. Elena’s decision to overlook Damon’s violent behavior against her friends is questionable at best.

5 Elena Didn’t Notice That Bonnie Was Dead

Bonnie Bennett has died more than once in The Vampire Diaries. During the end of season four, Bonnie uses her magic to bring Jeremy back from the dead which has tragic consequences for the Bennett witch, who gives her life to save one of her loved ones.

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Elena and Bonnie are supposedly best friends, yet Elena doesn’t notice that Bonnie had died over the summer as she is too wrapped up in her relationship with Damon. The new vampire says herself in season five “she gave up her life so that I could have my brother back and I didn’t even know about it.”

4 They Almost Killed Each Other

Elena becomes a completely different person in season four when she turns off her humanity. While struggling to adapt to life as a vampire, Elena flips her humanity switch after Katherine kills her brother Jeremy and, whilst emotionless, attacks Bonnie twice and tries to kill her.

Bonnie’s magic is immensely powerful at this point and the Bennett witch easily overpowers her. Bonnie almost kills Elena until the Salvatore brothers save the day.

3 Their Friendship Feels One-Sided

Throughout The Vampire Diaries, Bonnie goes above and beyond to save Elena and help her best friend overcome the supernatural threats in town. This makes their friendship feel heavily one-sided as Bonnie is constantly making sacrifices for Elena.

Elena returns the favor in season six after Kai Parker links her life to Bonnie’s with a powerful curse. Elena is placed in a magical coma that will only break once Bonnie dies. Luckily, the Bennett witch breaks the curse in the series finale “I Was Feeling Epic.”

2 Elena Stopped Bonnie From Killing Damon After He Tried To Kill Caroline

Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline go through major changes in the show’s second season. After Katherine kills her with Damon’s blood in her system, Caroline becomes a vampire and is almost staked to death by Damon. Bonnie intervenes and almost kills Damon before Elena stops her, lamenting “this can’t be us.”

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Elena’s decision to save Damon from Bonnie may seem good-natured but, arguably, Elena did this more to save Damon’s life than protect her best friend’s morality. Damon is one of the show’s most popular characters but, if Elena had not intervened, Bonnie would have prevented the deaths of a lot of people.

1 Caroline Is A Better Friend To Bonnie

Elena and Bonnie are billed as best friends throughout the show, yet their friendship is one-sided and relies on Bonnie using her magic to help Elena. Caroline is a much better friend to Bonnie. The two are shown hanging out and spending time with each other outside of Salvatore-related drama and Caroline often shows more regard for Bonnie’s feelings than Elena.

Caroline has confessed to feeling left out of her friendship with Bonnie and Elena, though her relationship with them ultimately appears more genuine. Bonnie and Caroline’s friendship endures even after Caroline is turned into a vampire, a witch’s natural enemy.

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