In a magical world that is filled with all manner of unique and powerful mystical creatures, werewolf and vampire hybrids were one of the most interesting and unusual offerings in the larger universe of The Vampire Diaries.

Hybrids got their brightest moment to shine in the earlier seasons of The Vampire Diaries, but they are crucial elements of The Originals and Legacies as well. However, despite their importance, there are many elements of hybrid mythology, lore, and basic common sense that actually seem pretty nonsensical. What is it about hybrids that still doesn’t make sense after all these years of development and exploration?

10 Tyler Actually Got Hope’s Blood From Hayley’s Stomach

This is more of a technical quibble than anything, however when Tyler crossed over from The Vampire Diaries to The Originals he took some of Hope’s blood while Hayley was still pregnant and managed to create a hybrid with it.

However, Tyler basically just stabs a syringe into Hayley’s stomach and manages to get what looks like more blood than a small fetus would even have. Anyone who has ever had their blood drawn knows that you don’t get it by just stabbing someone with a needle willy-nilly.

9 Klaus Required A Massive Sacrifice To Become A Hybrid

This is yet another aspect of hybrid mythology that isn’t provably wrong, but is still hard to make sense of. When Esther actually bound Klaus’ werewolf side, it required Tatia’s blood and some other non-lethal ingredients.

However, when Klaus broke the curse, he had to kill a werewolf, a vampire, and a doppelganger. Why exactly are the curse and the curse-breaker so massively unbalanced in terms of sacrifice?


8 Hybrids Are Fertile (Maybe)

So in a very weird twist of fate, according to TVD myth, the whole reason Klaus managed to get Hayley pregnant was because he was a hybrid.

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Except, there are plenty of other hybrids out there in the world, and none of them seem to be fertile, not to mention it doesn’t seem that Klaus ever has an accidental pregnancy again. And, given that Klaus and all hybrids are dead, how can they have children?

7 Non-Doppelganger Blood Made Them Go Rabid

Esther put a caveat into Klaus’ hybrid curse that meant that even if Klaus broke the curse, he could only use doppelganger blood to make hybrids, essentially preventing him from making them at all.

But when Klaus tries to make hybrids with regular human blood, the hybrids don’t just die, they seem to lose their minds first. And strangely, there is never any explanation as to why.

6 Hybrids Can’t Make Other Hybrids Like Vampires Can

If hybrids are literally just vampires and werewolves combined, then it’s very strange that Klaus is the only one who can actually make them.

All vampires in the world can make other vampires so long as they kill someone with vampire blood in their system, so why do hybrids seem to be an exception to this essential rule of The Vampire Diaries mythology?

5 The Sire Bond

The notion of hybrids having some kind of innate loyalty to their creator and pack leader actually does make some sense. But the sire bond between hybrid and maker gets more confusing when it’s contrasted with the bond between vampire and maker.

Vampire sire bonds seem to exist because of some kind of genuine love between the sire and sired, not because they’re indebted to their maker, and the way that each sire bond is broken is also completely different.

4 Hayley Became A Hybrid

So on The Originals, when Hayley finally gives birth to Hope at the end of the season, she is promptly killed by the New Orleans witches, but shortly after she wakes up as a hybrid in transition. But the biology behind this really does not check out at all.

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Mothers don’t have their baby’s blood in their bloodstream while they’re pregnant, as often times mothers and children don’t have the same blood type, so blood sharing could be literally deadly.

3 Hayley Wasn’t Sired To Hope

At the end of the first season of The Originals, Hayley dies with Hope’s blood in her system, and thus she transitions into a hybrid after completing the transition with more of Hope’s blood.

But what’s baffling is that Hayley seems to be the first and last hybrid who wasn’t naturally sired to the hybrid that made her, when she transitions she doesn’t seem to have any difference in feelings or behavior towards Hope.

2 Hope Can Make Them

Another thing that is really hard to understand about hybrids is that while actual hybrids can’t make other hybrids, Hope, who is a living child that is just the daughter of a hybrid, can make hybrids.

Hope did eventually activate her werewolf gene, but she is not a vampire nor a werewolf when her blood first makes another hybrid, so the fact that she alone can turn a hybrid and complete their transition is very strange.

1 Klaus Wasn’t Bothered With Them

Klaus wanted to make hybrids for many reasons. Yes, one was that he wanted the devotion and protection that an army of hybrids provided, but he also didn’t want to be the only one of his kind.

However the obsessive, persistent Klaus gave up on a dream of hybrids that he had for a thousand years and didn’t even bother making more when he got an easy solution to his problem with Hope’s blood.

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