In The Vampire Diaries, Bonnie grew from a teen who suspected she was a witch to a woman who was certain of her immense power. In the beginning, Bonnie could make the feathers from a ripped pillow float in the air. By the end, Bonnie created an entire psychic dimension for Enzo’s soul. While Bonnie’s magic adapted and evolved through the series, her loyalty to her friends stayed steadfast.

She was particularly close to Elena, her best friend, and Elena often counted on Bonnie’s help. Many of the characters counted on Bonnie, and she sacrificed a lot for them. On one hand, it proved how dependable and loyal she was as a friend. However, on the other hand, it made her into a martyr. After all this time, there are several unanswered questions about Bonnie, from the more mundane to the magical.

10 Why Did She Fall for Jeremy?

Bonnie dates Jeremy in an earlier season, and it’s hard to see the chemistry between these two characters. Although fans could understand an initial attraction to him, the relationship was more confusing. Added to this, Bonnie actually died to bring Jeremy back to life. She sacrificed a lot for him, and Jeremy thanked her by having an emotional affair with Anna’s ghost.

It was hard to find a character worthy of Bonnie, but Jeremy was definitely not a convincing partner for her.

9 How Did She Feel About Caroline?

Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie are presented as three best friends. However, Elena and Bonnie always seemed closer and more bonded than either one did with Caroline. Human-Caroline was a friend that Bonnie just seemed close to because they grew up together. When Caroline became a vampire, Bonnie refused to see her at first, even though she had accepted the Salvatores as vampires.

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Was she just harder on Caroline? Did she expect Caroline to be perfect? Later, she does seem to appreciate and care for Caroline more, but her feelings about Caroline seem inconsistent.


8 Was She Psychic?

It was suggested that in addition to being a witch with powers, Bonnie was also psychic. In Season 8, she could tell that Kai was with Damon.

Yet, Damon was also hinting at it, so Bonnie may have made an educated guess. Or Bonnie could have evolved a sense of intuition. Bonnie told Damon that her grams said she was also psychic. Was this a dormant ability that didn’t have the time or opportunity to shine in the show?

7 What Is Her Connection to the Legacies World?

The current Vampire Diaries spin-off is Legacies, where fans see the children of beloved characters come into their own at a supernatural school. Two of the children are Caroline, Alaric, and Jo’s twins. It’s suggested that Caroline and Bonnie are in touch, and the twins refer to Bonnie as Aunt Bonnie.

However, how connected is she to this school and world? Fans would love to see her again, perhaps for her to teach a magic lesson to the twins.

6 How Did She Forgive Damon So Easily?

Damon was pretty horrible to Bonnie in The Vampire Diaries. After all, he was the one to kill her mom and transform her into a vampire. Yet, once the two are in the 1994 prison world in Season 6, they bond and become very good friends. Maybe it was the circumstances of being alone together in this world, but Bonnie basically forgave Damon for all the past grief.

She became a best friend to Damon through thick and thin, displaying the same sort of loyalty to him that Stefan always had.

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5 Was She the Last of the Bennett Line?

The Bennett family line had powerful witches. In a sense, their power was more than even the Gemini coven. With Abby (her mom) made into a vampire, it appeared that Bonnie became the last of the Bennett line.

Could there be more Bennett witches out there? Perhaps Bonnie had cousins whom she didn’t know about? This could be an interesting point to explore in Legacies. 

4 Why Is The Bennett Line So Powerful?

The Bennett line consisted of one family with strong ties to Mystic Falls. Yet, this one family line often proved to be more powerful than the multiple family lines present in the New Orleans coven in The Originals. For instance, the Bennett line was able to control hellfire. Added to this, Bonnie’s family stayed moral and heroic.

Meanwhile, the New Orleans coven was brutal, often becoming the villains rather than the heroes. There was something extra special in that Bennett line that was never explained.

3 How Did She Break the Sleeping Beauty Spell?

Kai had linked Elena’s and Bonnie’s lives. While Bonnie was alive, Elena would be in a sort of in-between state, like Sleeping Beauty. When Bonnie died, Elena would wake up. In the finale, Bonnie figured out how to break the spell. Elena asked her how she did it. Bonnie responded, “It took some time, but I think I finally figured this witch thing out.”

Yet, fans never find how she actually broke the spell. Did she develop even more new powers or a deeper understanding of magic?

2 Why Was She Willing to Sacrifice Herself So Many Times?

Bonnie became an ultimate martyr, constantly sacrificing herself for her friends. Yet, at the same time, she would easily forgive those friends for any selfishness or injustice that they showed about her and her family. When she brought Jeremy back to life and died, Jeremy could see her ghost. She made him promise not to tell Elena, Caroline, or any of her friends that she had died. So, not only was she willing to sacrifice herself, but she also buried her own death so that her friends didn’t have to deal with it.

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Many times, Bonnie sacrificed her life or her happiness. In the end, fans hoped that she was able to carve out a little joy and life for herself. She more than deserved it.

1 Did She Keep Her Promise to Enzo?

Bonnie promised Enzo that she would live her life to the fullest and enjoy life. While she had been somewhat eager to die so that she could be with him, Enzo wanted more for her than that.

In the finale, Bonnie chose to honor his wish and to keep her promise. She decided to see the world and make the most of her life. Since Bonnie had a tendency to put herself last, fans hope that she was able to change that pattern and allow herself to enjoy her life.

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