When The Vampire Diaries came to an end after eight seasons, it needed to wrap up years worth of character development, storylines and give a satisfying conclusion to fan-favorite characters. With that in mind, “I Was Feeling Epic” had a lot to live up to. In some respects, it certainly delivered. The series finale removed Sybil, Selene, and Cade as villains, choosing to conclude the show with those viewers were more familiar with.

In the episodes leading up to the finale, Kai Parker returned from Hell for a few episodes to cause mayhem before being placed into a new prison world. However, the big plot twist came with the grand return and entrance of Katherine Pierce, who had secretly been manipulating Stefan and Damon the entire time Cade wanted them, having had Cade wrapped around her finger.

But, there were some elements about the finale that didn’t make sense. Some characters didn’t get a fitting ending and others had conclusions that were left open. Certain storylines in the finale did not have the same emotional effect as others, or the build-up to them didn’t work. In the end, The Vampire Diaries had a decent conclusion, but not everything worked in its favor.

10 Makes Sense: Sets Up The Salvatore School

As part of the final montage detailing how the central characters’ lives are wrapped up, Alaric and Caroline open and set up the Salvatore Boarding School For The Young And Gifted. Josie and Lizzie play in front of the building with Alaric, while Caroline and Jeremy work on preparing the school. The scene even reveals that Klaus donated money to the institution.

The Salvatore School was also relevant during the last season of The Originals, showing Hope Milkaelson as a student. The school continues to be an essential location on Legacies, where the Salvatore School is the main location.

9 Doesn’t Make Sense: Stefan’s Plan To Give Damon The Cure

When Stefan decided to save Damon by sacrificing himself, he injected the cure into Damon, ensuring it wouldn’t be lost when Stefan died. During Stefan’s reunion with Elena, Stefan describes that he hopes Elena will get to know the brother Stefan had grown up with when they were human. It is a kind sentiment, but there is one blinding error. There was never a scene that suggested Stefan and Bonnie communicated about breaking the sleeping spell linking Bonnie and Elena.

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There was never even a hint that Stefan knew Bonnie had any answers. Had Bonnie not found a way to wake up Elena, Stefan’s choice to give Damon the cure could have ended with Damon living out an entire human life without Elena and possibly even dying before she awoke.


8 Makes Sense: Stefan And Damon Reunite

After everything they had been through, the final scene showing Stefan and Damon reuniting and at peace gave the series an emotional sendoff. Elena’s voiceover of her journal writings reveals Damon is uncertain that he would ever see Stefan again.

A reunion between the two isn’t only a kind way to show how much they had changed, especially since their reunion so well parallels their first scene in the pilot, it was also necessary to close out their character arcs.

7 Doesn’t Make Sense: Breaking The Sleeping Curse

Breaking the link between Bonnie and Elena was supposed to be impossible. Elena was not meant to wake up until after Bonnie died. It was one of the saddest episodes in the series to see everyone say goodbye to Elena. However, “I’m Thinking Of You All The While” made it clear that it was hazardous to try and break the curse, uncertain how any attempt to find a loophole may impact Bonnie and Elena.

But, in the final minutes of “I Was Feeling Epic,” Bonnie manages to do the impossible yet again and wakes up Elena, allowing both women to live their lives together. Unfortunately, Bonnie’s explanation of how she broke the curse is vague and never actually explains anything. Elena reuniting with all her friends in the present is an exciting moment, but there should have been more leading up to it.

6 Makes Sense: Katherine Is The Final Threat

Katherine is one of the show’s biggest villains, so her being the final threat works very well. Katherine’s return serves as a reunion between her and the Salvatore brothers, allowing the final antagonist to be personal to the heroes.

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The Sirens and Cade were threatening and may have worked out fine as final antagonists, especially considering the stakes involved being killed by Hellfire. Yet, it made a much more thrilling experience for the last villain of the series to be someone everyone had a history with.

5 Doesn’t Make Sense: No Reunion Between Elena and Jeremy

There came a time when Elena and Jeremy were the only members left of their family. They were critical to each other because of that, and Jeremy even returned home when Elena was cursed to have one more moment with his sister, not aware if he would ever see her again. So, when Elena finally woke up, it didn’t make sense that Elena never asked about Jeremy and that the siblings never reunited on screen. Elena and Jeremy deserved to have a reconciliation.

4 Makes Sense: Elena’s Ending

Even though Elena doesn’t get heartfelt reunions with Jeremy or Matt onscreen, Elena’s ending still makes sense. Elena gets to see Stefan one last time after his death and wakes up to live her human life with her friends. With Damon human now, Elena even gets to have the human life with him they had discussed before the sleeping curse.

Elena’s future as a doctor also works out, showing her in scrubs. In the afterlife, Elena even gets to reunite with her parents, aunt, and uncle, all of whom she missed so much.

3 Doesn’t Make Sense: Damon And Bonnie Survive Hellfire

Although Damon is not in the direct line of fire when Hellfire captures Stefan and Katherine, he is still especially close. Given how Damon had the cure injected into him moments before, it is especially questionable how Damon could have survived such immense heat as a human.

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He probably should have passed away just due to his proximity to Stefan and Katherine when they died.

2 Makes Sense: Stefan Sacrifices Himself For Damon

Stefan was always willing to sacrifice everything for Damon, so it made sense that Stefan would sacrifice his own life for his brother also. While Stefan’s ending may not have been the most popular amongst viewers, Stefan claimed that this was his way of atoning Enzo’s death and that he owed it to him and Bonnie.

Stefan’s reasoning for giving Damon the cure also made sense, as Stefan envisioned a future where Elena could get to know a version of Damon she had never met.

1 Doesn’t Make Sense: Matt’s Father

Of all the questionable storylines in the final season, Matt’s father’s relevance is certainly on the list. Peter appears to reveal that Matt actually has a legacy in Mystic Falls, even if he didn’t come from the original founding families.

But, in the series finale, he really doesn’t have a purpose at all. He stands in the tower and speaks with Vicky. Peter’s role doesn’t extend too much, and in the end, he was a supporting character the show didn’t need.

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