Caroline Forbes was searching for love ever since the pilot of The Vampire Diaries. There were times when she worried that she would never find it, as she struggled to create meaningful bonds. However, Caroline grew into a strong and confident woman whom the male characters continuously fell for.

Caroline is a romantic, which is why she had some of the most intense relationships in the series. She’s an open book who’s not afraid to tell people how she feels about them even if it means putting her heart on the line. Caroline’s most romantic quotes are especially impactful because they’re genuine and straight from the heart.

9 “I Think We Both Know I Never Really Hated You.”

By admitting that she never really hated Stefan, Caroline was telling him how she felt. The reason why she was so angry with him, to begin with, is because she loved him too much for her own good. No matter how Stefan treated her, Caroline couldn’t shake him. The on-and-off nature of their relationship is a big reason why Caroline and Stefan are the most relatable couple on The Vampire Diaries.

Hatred comes from anger, and Caroline was hurt that Stefan wasn’t putting an equal effort into their relationship. This quote might not sound like a big deal out of context, but it was an admission that led to Steroline’s first kiss.

8 “I Happen To Think That You’re Someone Worth Knowing.”

Although their story spans almost two decades, fans can track Klaus and Caroline’s relationship in 10 pictures in The Vampire Diaries universe. A romance first blossomed when Klaus came to Mystic Falls, but Caroline refused to acknowledge their connection due to everything he had done.

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Through this quote, Caroling was indirectly admitting that she valued the time they spent together. The look of surprise on Klaus’ face exemplified how much the words impacted him, as it was something he never thought she would say.


7 “I Love You, Even When I Hate You.”

Even when they were at their peak, Caroline and Tyler didn’t see eye to eye on most things. It wasn’t unusual for them to be on separate sides, and they had no problem expressing their opinions or being honest about how they felt.

No matter how much they fought, viewers never had to worry that they would stop loving each other. This quote summarized Caroline and Tyler’s dynamic perfectly, and it was said after they made up from an intense argument.

6 “Someday, You’ll Meet Someone New, You’ll Fall Madly In Love, And You’ll Have Moved On Without Even Realizing It.”

Caroline’s speech to Stefan is one of several great examples of foreshadowing that paid off in The Vampire Diaries. What neither of them knew at the time, was that Caroline was the person he would end up falling madly in love with.

Everything she predicted came true, and Stefan fell for Caroline long before he realized it was happening. There’s no way to pinpoint when things changed between them, but the natural evolution of their relationship is what makes it so special.

5 “Then Stay. Just Be The Love Of My Love. Just Love Me More Than You Hate Him.”

This was more of a plea than anything else, which is what made this quote equally beautiful and heartbreaking. Caroline accepted Tyler with open arms and was willing to look past his evil vendetta if he just cared more about her than killing Klaus.

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She wholeheartedly believed that Tyler was the love of her life, and if he had felt the same, there’s a good chance Forwood would have ended up together. But no matter what Caroline said, nothing was going to stop him from getting revenge on the person he hated most.

4 “I Think A Part Of Me Has Always Known That You Weren’t The Villain Of My Story.”

Given everything he did during his time in Mystic Falls, this quote says a lot about Caroline’s feelings for Klaus. In order for her to believe there was good in him despite all the crimes he committed and the people he hurt, Caroline had to want to.

It impacted Klaus deeply to know that she didn’t see him as her enemy, and she’d actually cared about him the entire time. It leads to an intense almost-kiss between them, which is one of Caroline’s most romantic moments in The Vampire Diaries.

3 “I Will Always Remember This Moment. One Hundred Years From Now, I Will Remember This Moment For The Both Of Us.”

Caroline’s vows to Stefan brought their story full circle, as she referenced the day she first saw him walk down the school hallway. It’s difficult to encapture years worth of love into a short speech in front of friends and family, but Caroline managed to do an incredible job.

In a way, this line foreshadowed Stefan’s death, as she would be the one left remembering their wedding day for the both of them. It also reinforced that Caroline would still love Stefan, even if he wasn’t physically with her.

2 “One Of You Stands, Walks To The Door, But Doesn’t Turn Back. Even If Their Heart Aches For Just One More Look … One More Moment. But You’ll Know That The Not Looking Just Means … I’ll Never Forget You.”

Caroline and Klaus had been separated several times throughout the years, but this was the first time they both knew they’d never see each other again. Klaus confesses to Caroline that he doesn’t know how to say goodbye, and it makes sense given that he thought he’d live forever.

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What starts as a discussion about his daughter, turns into their most emotional moment. After sharing a final kiss, Caroline walks away but stops before she goes through the door. She purposely doesn’t turn around, which is her way of showing Klaus how much he means to her.

1 “I Will Love You Forever.”

Stefan had one of the most heartbreaking deaths in The Vampire Diaries. He made the choice to sacrifice himself for his brother and Mystic Falls on his wedding day, and never got the chance to say goodbye to Caroline.

The voicemail Caroline left him only made the situation more painful, especially because of her promise to love him forever. For a vampire, forever is a long time. Rather than being angry at his decision, Caroline made sure Stefan knew she understood.

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