Fans of The Vampire Diaries know that the show hasn’t made its mark purely due to troubled teenagers and controversial love triangles. Humor was a vital part of the show’s success, and without it, it could’ve easily been written off as another theatrical supernatural drama.

The first few episodes of the series were especially cringe-worthy due to the overdramatic diary entries and voiceovers, but it quickly improved in quality by embracing its comedic side. While some are funnier than others, every main character in The Vampire Diaries has a scene that highlights their sense of humor.

10 Jeremy Gilbert: When He Called Out Damon And Elena

Jeremy isn’t a very lively character, so his humorous scenes are few and far between. But he still has a few moments that make viewers laugh, and calling out Damon and Elena is one of them. Most characters in the series were disapproving of their relationship, and Jeremy was among them. It was hard to blame him for his hostility, given that Damon did kill him in Season 2.

So there’s no doubt that it’s awkward for Jeremy to see his sister making out with his murderer. When Damon and Elena were caught in the act, it appeared as though Jeremy wasn’t going to address the situation at all. However, when they instruct him to stay behind later that night he retorts, “Why? So you guys can make out some more?” The line was funny purely because of how out of place it felt coming from Jeremy’s mouth.

9 Bonnie Bennett: When She Went Grocery Shopping With Damon

Scenes featuring both Bonnie and Damon are easily some of the most comedic of the series. When it comes to most people, Damon simply tolerates them, but his relationship with Bonnie is different. They enjoy getting under each other’s skin, which makes their bickering lighthearted, but still witty.

Bonnie had so many hilarious scenes in the prison world that it’s hard to pick just one, but her trip to the supermarket stands out because of the juxtaposition. The two are stuck in an endless loop that they could be trapped in for eternity, but Bonnie seemed most annoyed by Damon getting to push the shopping cart.


8 Klaus Mikaelson: When No One Would Let Him Into Elena’s House

The Salvatore brothers probably didn’t find this as funny as viewers did, but the fight to keep Klaus out of the Gilbert House is a fan-favorite scene. One of the most comedic parts about Klaus’s character is that he throws tantrums when he doesn’t get what he wants.

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Klaus tried everything he could think of to get inside, and when all else fails, he’s seen marching up the porch with a torch and propane tank. It would sound odd out of context to hear that someone tried to set a house on fire because no one would extend the courtesy of inviting them inside.

7 Tyler Lockwood: When He Was Sired To Caroline

Tyler’s playboy attitude made his quips feel rude and condescending. He was one of the heroes fans hated in The Vampire Diaries, and he never seemed to have true character development. If anything, choosing revenge over Caroline and trying to kill his friend’s baby was proof of character regression.

But, regardless, even Tyler had a few good one-liners. When Caroline was worried about Tyler’s sire bond to Klaus, he claims that if he’s sired to anyone it’s her. Tyler does make a good point considering that he was willingly covered in glitter to help decorate for the homecoming dance. It’s not something he would be caught dead doing he didn’t love Caroline.

6 Alaric Saltzman: When He Got Caught With Chunky Monkey

Alaric usually isn’t comedic on his own, and his best scenes involve him playing off of Damon. Getting a notification that @CobraKai1972 just tweeted for the first time in four years is one of the funniest scenesHowever, it was Kai’s joke more than it was Alaric’s.

This scene was funny purely due to how awkward it was. In a show like The Vampire Diaries, every creak in the night is a sign of danger. Therefore, it was startling when Elena came face to face with her half-naked history teacher instead of a vampire trying to kill her. Alaric had never looked so uncomfortable, and him offering Elena his bowl of Chunky Monkey to diffuse the tension was the icing on the cake.

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5 Caroline Forbes: When She Went To Klaus For Help With Her Prom Dress

There’s already something comical about Caroline storming into the house of the most dangerous vampire in history and demanding his attention. However, it makes sense given Caroline’s character. Her distress makes Klaus think that something is seriously wrong, but Caroline’s intensity is simply due to Elena stealing her prom dress.

The scene she made about the issue pulled, perhaps the first-ever, genuine laugh out of Klaus. Her yelling that it wasn’t funny actually made the scene even funnier. It’s especially ironic given that just a couple of seasons ago Klaus had Caroline chained up to be sacrificed. Now, he’s so wrapped around her finger that he’ll jump at the chance to solve her fashion emergency.

4 Katherine Pierce: When She Posed As Elena At Whitmore House

Katherine’s sass and arrogance make her an animated presence, despite being one of the most powerful villains. She’s manipulative and selfish, but also a bright spot when the show gets too dark. Katherine had posed as Elena before, so Whitmore House wasn’t her first rodeo.

This time around, she was a human with human cravings, and she took advantage of the buffet and packed her bag full of food. Katherine stuffed sandwiches in her mouth as if her life depended on it, and she called Aaron the “sandwich police” when he gave her side-eye. All in all, it was a very Katherine thing to do.

3 Damon Salvatore: When He Talked Through Ms. Cuddles

Damon carries the show in terms of humor, and every other word out of his mouth is some kind of sassy remark. There’s no shortage when it comes to funny Damon Salvatore lines, but using Bonnie’s bear to talk about Stefan’s woman problems is his most hilarious scene by far.

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Not only does he speak in a high-pitched voice, but he uses the bear’s arms and legs to emote. The best part is when Damon can be seen in the background playing with Ms. Cuddles and making outrageous facial expressions.

2 Stefan Salvatore: When He Made Fun Of Honoria Fell

Surprisingly, Stefan’s funniest quotes in The Vampire Diaries are some of the best in the entire show. He doesn’t have the same sense of humor as his brother, but he’s funny in his own unique way. Stefan’s broodiness makes his jokes hit especially hard, and he looks like he’s done with everything 90% of the time.

After losing his memory, he insulted the name “Honoria Fell,” as he passed the grave, but Damon shushed him and revealed that Stefan was the one who killed her. Stefan simply says, “oh,” going to show how murder is just a norm in The Vampire Diaries.

1 Elena Gilbert: When She Got Drunk In Atlanta

Elena doesn’t let loose much, which is what made her trip to Georgia with Damon so entertaining. She acts as the mom of the group and is even nicknamed “pouty” by Damon. Viewers were able to see an entirely different side of Elena come out when her alcohol consumption left her without a filter.

Elena taunting Damon and jumping up in the air to exemplify her “high” tolerance was not only hilarious but heartwarming. It was nice to see what Elena was like when she wasn’t trying to protect her friends and push through her grief.

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