The CW’s The Vampire Diaries has had a long history of vampires flipping off their humanity switch. For example, Stefan turns off his humanity more than once to avoid the guilt of all the people he has killed. But the most devastating moment of humanity flipping is after the death of Caroline’s mother.

Liz Forbes is Caroline’s main emotional connection but dies of cancer. Caroline attempts to save her by giving her vampire blood, but it only kills her faster. Caroline carries that guilt with her and the sorrow about never seeing her mother again. She decides to take one year where she doesn’t have to feel the grief and flips her humanity off to the horror of her friends. And like all the vampires that have flipped off their humanity before, she committed many atrocities.


She Rejects Stefan

After years of supportive friendship, Caroline and Stefan attempt to embark on a romantic relationship. Just not at the same time. When Caroline admits her feelings for Stefan, he isn’t ready to hear it. Caroline needs Stefan after Liz dies, but he’s unable to commit. When he realizes his mistake, it’s too late as Caroline has switched her humanity off.

Even though he knows that Caroline can’t care about his feelings anymore, Stefan still tries to bridge the gap between them. He wants to make things better and bring the Caroline that he knew back. Because Caroline’s humanity is off, she refuses him and Stefan loses his chance at being with her.

She Insults Liam

Though on the lower spectrum of Caroline’s crimes, her treatment of Liam is still cruel. After Stefan tries to bring her humanity back, Caroline decides to retaliate. Wanting to hurt Stefan, she uses Liam to exact her revenge but before she does, she is casually cruel to him.

After approaching Liam to help him, she throws his failed relationship with Elena in his face. She asks him if he was always this boring when he and Elena were dating. This is hurtful as Elena usually leaves most of her partners for Damon. Liam doesn’t deserve Elena’s treatment of him, or even Caroline’s.

Kidnaps Sarah Salvatore

Stefan kept the secret of his great-niece for a long time. Sarah was the daughter of his “uncle” Zach who he had hidden to protect her from Damon at the time. After Caroline discovers this, she decides to use it to her advantage.

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Caroline wants Stefan to turn his humanity off so he will stop interfering in her year of being without a conscience. She knows that Stefan would do anything to protect Sarah and it is the best way to get to him. She ensures that Sarah will be tortured which causes Stefan to turn off his humanity and join her.

Compels Liam To Perform Surgery

Caroline is often one of the most popular characters in The Vampire Diaries but this doesn’t include the moment when she enlists Liam to torture Sarah. As a sophomore med student, Liam admits he knows nothing about performing surgery. Caroline knows that the more torture she puts Sarah through, the better.

Caroline compels Liam to perform surgery on Sarah and cut out her organs. Caroline’s malice hurts Liam who never wanted to cause pain and Sarah, who almost died because of Caroline’s lack of humanity.

Forces Stefan To Turn Off His Humanity

After all her efforts, Caroline finally gets rid of Stefan’s interference. She threatens that if he doesn’t turn off his humanity, she will have Liam continue to cut into Sarah and kill her. Stefan is kind and cares about people so he can’t stand to be responsible for that kind of pain, leading him to turn off his humanity.

Stefan has turned his humanity off more times than every other vampire on the show. He struggles with his darker impulses and it is always difficult for him to come back from the brink. The other risk with his humanity off is turning into a Ripper, which is one thing about Stefan that has aged poorly. Once Stefan starts killing, it is difficult for him to stop.

Goes On A Killing Spree With Stefan

For much of Caroline’s time without her humanity, she still desires to be in control. Though she does not care about killing people, she doesn’t want to get caught either. This makes her have several checks and balances in place to not rack up a body count. What she didn’t anticipate was how Stefan would react once his humanity was off too.

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Stefan encourages her to kill more freely to the point where they have a bet going. Their violence only increases when the two join and they begin to kill more and more people.

Sings Karaoke To Annoy People

Once Caroline and Stefan start painting the town red, they make many awful decisions, though not all of them are inherently evil. Some of Caroline’s actions are less violent and veer into being inconsiderate. After losing a bet, Stefan agrees that he will accompany Caroline to do karaoke.

Caroline decides to do this where a group of people are studying in a coffee shop. This is certainly not the evilest thing that Caroline has done, but is one of the most uncomfortable.

Tries To Kill Tyler And Matt

Caroline and Tyler were among some of the best couples on The Vampire Diaries but Caroline makes him and Matt her victims in one encounter. When the two friends stumble upon Caroline, she forces them to play a deadly game of Caroline trivia. Naturally, they fail and she decides to kill both of them.

It is a close call, but Matt survives the stab wound Caroline gives him, which pushes him farther away from her and the rest of the group. Caroline’s disregard for human life is one of the many reasons why Matt thinks vampirism is a plague on Mystic Falls.

Makes Stefan Burn Her Mother’s Letter

One thing that Caroline will always regret is missing out on her mother’s last words. Liz dying is one of the saddest things to happen to Caroline on The Vampire Diaries. This is made even more devastating after she writes Caroline a letter to express all the things that she couldn’t say in life. She mails it to Caroline, but it only gets to her after her humanity was switched off.

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Elena gives the letter over, thinking that it will turn Caroline’s humanity back on. It fails miserably and instead of reading it, Caroline forces Stefan to burn the letter. It crushes Stefan emotionally since his humanity was already back in place but he can’t let Caroline know that he is back to normal and burns the letter at her request.

Sleeps With Stefan The First Time

Stefan had been waiting for the perfect time to be with Caroline. Since her mother was suffering from terminal cancer, he hadn’t thought that fit the bill. Unfortunately, when he and Caroline lose their humanity, that choice is taken away.

Neither of them gets to experience what it was like to be together for the first time. Instead, their coupling is rage and lust-fille, which Stefan regrets when his humanity comes back. Caroline wants to continue their arrangement but his genuine feelings for her tip his hand that his humanity has returned.

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