The individuality of the main cast provides plenty of opportunities for humor in The Vampire Diaries. Fan-favorites such as Damon Salvatore and Klaus Mikaelson elevate the show into something of a dramedy and poke fun at characters who take things more seriously.

Stefan and Elena have earned the nicknames “shady” and “pouty” from Damon, and it’s not hard to see why. They were tightly wound at the beginning of the series, but it becomes clear that they both have a light-hearted and silly side. The couple is especially dynamic around each other, and the show is full of amusing, fantastic Stelena moments that fans sometimes overlook.

9 They Fake A Fight In Front Of Damon And Caroline

Stefan and Elena’s fake fight was particularly hilarious because of the way they went about it. With Katherine lurking around Mystic Falls, they had to figure out a way to throw her off and make her believe that their relationship was in turmoil.

Not only was it amusing to watch them deliver the lines they’d rehearsed, but Caroline and Damon were the perfect rumor-delivery system. They tried to appear nonchalant, but it’s in their nature to eavesdrop and gossip. Even if Caroline wasn’t working with Katherine, news of Stefan and Elena’s fight would have made its way back to her.

8 Elena Pranks Stefan At The Lake House

There are plenty of perks to being a vampire, but requiring an invite to enter a person’s house is one of the downsides. Because the characters all have free reign of each other’s homes by The Vampire Diaries Season 2, this was no longer a major issue.

Elena took the opportunity to prank Stefan by acting like the matter slipped her mind. She tells him that her parents left their lake house to John when they died, and puts on such a convincing show that even viewers believed her. Elena deserves credit for keeping a straight face the entire time.


7 Emotionless Stefan Guards Elena

Stefan is an entirely different person without his emotions, and his dry humor becomes blatant sass. Several of Stefan’s funniest quotes in The Vampire Diaries are a result of his switch being flipped, as he doesn’t filter anything that comes out of his mouth.

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When Klaus tasks him with guarding Elena, Stefan becomes the bane of her existence. He goes out of his way to be as annoying as possible and follows her around school despite her protests. Elena might not have found it amusing, but Stefan’s carefree attitude was a hilarious contrast to his usual gloominess.

6 They Pretend To Get Engaged

The show Stefan and Elena put on for the patrons of the bar is one of their funniest scenes by far. Elena’s romance with Damon may have forced certain things to change, but Stefan and Elena continued to have fun and enjoy one another’s company.

Not only does Elena play right into Stefan’s charade, but she kicks things up a notch when she loudly accuses him of proposing because she’s pregnant. Stefan’s caught off guard and watching him stumble to find an appropriate response was priceless.

5 Elena Tries To Recreate Their First Meeting

When Stefan’s brain was fried during a spell, Elena was determined to restore his memories. Stefan and Elena’s relationship can be explored season by season in The Vampire Diaries, but nothing compares to watching it play out in real-time.

Elena was so desperate to make Stefan remember her, that she took him to Mystic Falls High School to recreate their first meeting. Elena made Stefan walk down the hall so they could run into each other on her way out of the men’s room. She had him repeat the motion several times, and while it didn’t help, it was a valiant effort.

4 Elena Makes Stefan Do The Vamp-Thing

Despite being broken up for almost two seasons, Stefan and Elena still have one of the best dynamics in the series. Trapped in the middle of nowhere and starving, the exes are forced to find their way home without the help of their vampire abilities.

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Stefan’s lame attempt at vamp speed makes him look ridiculous, and Elena begs him to do “the vamp thing” for her own enjoyment. Not only are their methods of entertainment amusing, but it shows how utterly themselves they can be in each other’s presence.

3 Damon Ruins Their Morning

Even before he fell in love with her, Damon enjoyed causing problems for Elena and Stefan. He might have won Elena’s heart at the end, but there are plenty of scenes that prove Elena and Stefan were soulmates in The Vampire Diaries.

During the earlier episodes, Damon’s only goal was to be a nuisance. Stefan and Elena thought they were having a relaxing morning together, only to realize Damon had been sitting on their bed the entire time. Although Damon’s antics come at the cost of a few adorable Stelena scenes, it’s worth it for the humor alone.

2 They Hitchhike

Even vampires have to hitchhike on occasion, and Stefan and Elena were low on energy and left with no other choice. Stefan’s attempts of flagging down a car were getting them nowhere, so Elena decided to take over and try a different tactic.

The best part of the scene is Stefan’s reaction to Elena’s method. She fluffs her hair and pulls down her shirt, while Stefan stares at her as if she’s lost her mind. Paul Wesley’s facial expression during this scene is absolutely priceless.

1 Stefan Shows Elena How It’s Done In The 50s

Elena always manages to break Stefan out of his shell, which is one of the most alluring aspects of their relationship. For some reason, school dances are often where vampires go to kill Elena, and it’s rare for the characters to attend only with the intention of having a fun night.

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When Elena mentions that their current enemy might not show up, Stefan complains about all the dancing he did for nothing. He shocks Elena by lifting her up into the air and showing off his professional-grade dance moves. Stefan’s energy was unexpected, but when he warns Elena that it’ll never happen again, Stefan goes back to the brooding vampire fans know and love.

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