While watching an addictive show like The Walking Dead, it is easy to become fans of certain characters and root for certain relationships to bloom. But with so many main and minor characters, it is also easy to imagine what it would be like if certain characters were to end up with people who are just not their type or that definitely wouldn’t make sense together. It is obvious that the actual relationships on the show are usually the fan favorites and those that eventually will either end badly or stay together for seasons to come.

Here we have listed the 5 couples that are perfect and the 5 that would make absolutely no sense!

10 Glenn & Maggie (Perfect)

Glenn and Maggie were quite possibly the best love story that there could have been on a zombie apocalypse series. They have been a fan favorite couple since the very beginning and their story could not have been better- well unless they didn’t kill Glenn off. Their story started shortly after they first met on Maggie’s father’s farm and they soon got married, got pregnant, and were always each other’s protectors. After Glenn got killed by Negan in season 7, fans all over the world were heartbroken but their unforgettable relationship was still brought up a lot throughout the rest of the seasons.

9 Daryl & Michonne (No Sense)

Though Daryl and Michonne were total warriors and could protect themselves probably better than any of the other characters on the show, they definitely would have made an odd couple. Mainly because of the relationship between Michonne and Rick and with Daryl’s friendship between Rick since season one. But although they wouldn’t make the best couple, they would absolutely make a great team in fighting against those awful zombies!


8 Rick & Michonne (Perfect)

Rick and Michonne made an absolutely picture-perfect couple, they had so much in common and have both suffered so many losses throughout the series. Throughout the earlier seasons, the storyline followed their friendship and shown how their relationship started to bloom causing their relationship to become one of the best of the show!

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After Rick disappeared, leaving Michonne on her own, their relationship still manages to be a big part of the series and fans have hope that the two will be reunited again in upcoming seasons.

7 Lori & Shane (No Sense)

It’s no secret that when Lori and Shane got together their relationship was just plain wrong. They both thought that Rick was dead after looking for him for a short time, decided to have an affair, and eventually ended up pregnant. Even if the story was different and Rick was actually dead at the beginning of the series their relationship still wouldn’t have been any better or made any sense.

6 Sasha & Abraham (Perfect)

At the begging of Abraham’s first episodes, he was in a relationship with Rosita, but their relationship sadly didn’t work out. After Abraham met Sasha, it was obvious that they had a much deeper connection than he did with Rosita, which quickly made them seem perfect together. Of course, they didn’t get to start a real relationship since Abraham got killed shortly after they met. But if things could have been different, they would have probably been in a relationship to this day!

5 Andrea & The Governor (No Sense)

The Governor was a huge part of season 3 but his relationship with Andrea was an even bigger part of it. Looking back at their relationship, it was probably one of the worst of the entire series. He was completely toxic and really used her to his advantage. It’s hard to really believe that a big headstrong character like Andrea would have actually decided to get with someone of his nature, so this relationship really doesn’t make too much sense.

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After he decided to turn on her, he left her to die in the woods and she tried to kill him but failed miserably. Their relationship was definitely one that wasn’t built to last and probably would have been better if it didn’t start to begin with!

4 Abraham & Rosita (Perfect)

When Abraham and Rosita were together they were total relationship goals. They were complete opposites, whereas Abraham was really hard-headed and Rosita was always there to keep him calm and help him get over his anger. Their relationship really started to take off when they tried to help Eugene get to Washington, but of course, once they decided to end their relationship Abraham didn’t care about Rosita’s feelings and proved that what they had been through didn’t matter much to him.

3 Carol & Ezekiel (No Sense)

When most fans try to imagine Carol in a relationship, they often think of Daryl. Although they weren’t an actual couple they were definitely a fan favorite and had so much in common that they would have made the perfect couple. But seeing Carol and Ezekiel together just really felt off and didn’t seem too real. Ezekiel showed Carol favoritism from the beginning and once he got her, he treated her like pure gold, but their relationship didn’t last too long after Carol decided to end their relationship and go elsewhere.

2 Aaron & Eric (Perfect)

One of the first LGBT relationships on the show was between Aaron and Eric and their relationship was nothing short of perfect. Though they didn’t receive too much screentime and were often overlooked, they were still very cute and had a great small storyline. They had a great bond together and really cared for each other more than anything else. When Eric died in season 8, it was easy to tell how close the two were and how hard it really was on Aaron.

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In the current season, Aaron is raising his adopted daughter Gracie and it is shown how big of an effect that she has on him, as well as how she keeps him from dwelling on the past.

1 Rosita & Father Gabriel (No Sense)

A relationship that was pretty shocking to fans of the show is definitely Rosita and Father Gabriel’s. When it was revealed that the two had been together between the time jump from seasons 8-9, it was super strange and just felt wrong to watch. It also turned out that at the time of their relationship, Rosita was pregnant with Siddiq’s child so it really just caused a big complicated storyline to follow up with.

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