The Walking Dead: World Beyond, the latest spin-off within The Walking Dead family of post-apocalyptic series, is centered around a group of teenagers who have decided to leave the safety of their school campus to venture out into the “real” world.

They are accompanied by two 30-something security officers, who are desperately trying to get them to go back to the campus, not knowing that their safe home has since been blown to bits, and everyone in it is gone.

Each character has a very distinct personality, including something really annoying about them.

9 Iris Bennett: Her Unwarranted Confidence

Iris is a confident person by nature. She is the typical overachieving A-student who seems to make friends easily and does everything right. Yet even so, she’s also super-sweet and kind. If asked to pinpoint something not to like about her, it would be tough to find it.

However, she does have unwarranted confidence when it comes to her approach to leaving her safe and cozy home and roughing it in the wild. It’s great to be confident, but she seems far too confident for someone who has rarely ever even seen a walker much less had to kill one.

8 Huck: The Way She Carries Herself

There’s something inherently annoying about the way Huck carries herself, from her stride that seems like she walks with a massive chip on her shoulder to her facial expressions that suggest she’s trying really hard to look “cool” and “tough” when she’s anything but.

It seems she had a really tough life, and certainly came close to death given the massive scar on her face. But no one has seen her prove herself in any type of brutal battle just yet. So, she needs to tone done the overly emphasized actions and reactions and stop appearing so insecure.


7 Silas Plaskett: His Temper

Silas is the typical awkward teenage boy who doesn’t seem to fit in. He can’t really relate to other students, and many find him “weird” and don’t bother trying to get to know him. Or worse, some students make fun of him. But deep down, Silas is clearly a kind, caring person who just wants to find like-minded people who will appreciate him.

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However, it’s obvious he has a really bad temper, evidenced by the flashbacks of a previous incident where he beat someone, likely to death. Then there is that time he went black and started beating a walker to a pulp only to eventually realize what he had done in an intense fit of anger. He needs to get that under control.

6 Hope Bennett: Her Rebellious Nature

It’s expected that a teenage girl is going to be rebellious, especially one like Hope who has always felt like she couldn’t live up to her perfect sister’s reputation and always seemed to cause trouble. She might remind viewers of another rebellious teen from The Walking Dead franchise, Enid. However, Hope sometimes takes it too far.

She put herself in danger one too many times when she didn’t have the skills or the experience to do so. Sure, she was the one smart enough to leave breadcrumbs for Felix and Huck to find and help them in case something went wrong, but her idea to leave in the first place was far too rebellious.

5 Elton Ortiz: His Death Wish

Elton is a really smart kid with something to prove. He’s sort of like the Eugene of the this group, though much less socially awkward. He’s so smart, in fact, that he believes it’s the destiny of his generation to explore and figure out what is going on in the world.

While Elton has a superior level of intelligence, and it’s admirable that he wants to contribute to the world and contribute to history and the future, especially to honor his dead mother, it almost seems like he has a death wish and expects he won’t make it to see things to the end.

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4 Dr. Leopold Bennett: His Preoccupation With Work

Fans haven’t seen much of Dr. Bennet yet, adoptive father to both Hope and Iris. In the short flashback scenes that have aired, it seems he might have been very focused on his work and not so much on his kids.

Sure, it’s obvious he loves them both deeply, but he was so focused on his work that he was willing to leave them to go work with the Civic Republic. His work is supposedly important in trying to find a cure for the virus, or at a least a better way to live. Nonetheless, his girls had already lost their mother and knowing he would not be allowed to have any contact with them at all should have been a deal breaker.

3 Barca: His Approach To Speaking Out

Barca is the Civil Republic soldier who went to visit Elizabeth Kublek in her apartment after they killed everyone at the campus to express his anger about what had just gone down. He didn’t think it was the right move and didn’t understand why it had to be done.

It was admirable that he was willing to speak out but he should have been smart enough to figure out another approach. He must have known that Elizabeth’s response wouldn’t have been “I agree.” He couldn’t have been that naïve.

2 Elizabeth Kublek: Trying To Justify Cruel Actions

Even Elizabeth herself seems to be struggling with some of the actions of the Civil Republic. She lives a life of luxury, including enjoying music, a gas stove to cook on, an abundance of food, electricity – you name it. And she feels that the seemingly cruel moves she makes are in the name of protecting that lifestyle.

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But protecting that life for her and her comrades? Or for people in general? She comes across as selfish and uses unjustifiable means to get to her supposed happy end.

1 Felix Carlucci: His Handling Of The Kids

Felix is a great soldier who will always look out for others. But his idea to follow the kids as they move further and further away from the campus, hoping to slowly coax them into going back, makes no sense.

Why travel so much farther out of the way only to go back? If you have something to say, speak up and say it now. Get them on board or get on board with their plan. Otherwise, moving farther and farther away from home only increases the odds that they’ll never go back. Every character within The Walking Dead universe has made bad decisions now and then, and this one is Felix’s.

NextThe 10 Most Competitive Characters On Television

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