When Hope Van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly) becomes a superhero in Ant-Man & the Wasp, the costume she wears will be much more advanced than the one donned by her partner Scott Lang (Paul Rudd). In the mid-credits scene of the original Ant-Man, the super suit of the Wasp was revealed, along with the tease that Hope would wear the suit in the sequel. Hope does indeed accept the mantle of the Wasp, and thanks to her father Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), the abilities of her suit puts Ant-Man’s to shame.

The trailer for Ant-Man & the Wasp already highlighted Scott’s humorously bitter reaction to Wasp’s abilities. Not only can she fly thanks to wings that retract from the back of her suit – whereas Ant-Man himself needs to ride flying ants for aerial transport – the Wasp’s uniform comes equipped with “Wasp stinger” blasters, offensive weapons Scott doesn’t have. But it turns out the Wasp’s suit can do much more than that.


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During Screen Rant‘s visit to the set of Ant-Man & the Wasp, Evangeline Lilly explained the full capabilities of the Wasp’s costume and how powerful it goes:

“My suit is – it’s an upgrade from Scott Lang’s suit that he was wearing, ’cause he was wearing Hank’s original suit from the 1960s. So what we are able to do with technology and my suit is, I have blasters on my wrists. I have my wings. Essentially, there is a reaction system to what I’m thinking.”

Whereas the actress noted that Scott has to physically press a button to shrink or grow into the enormous Giant-Man, the Wasp’s abilities happen with the power of Hope’s thoughts.

“So I don’t have to do anything physically to activate shrinking wings, blasters, growing, none of that. I just think it and it happens… And I think, it’s sort of similar to Iron Man because you never see him press buttons or do anything. Things just happen. So I assume there’s like a tech… that there’s something hooked up to my brain through the helmet and somehow it’s reading what I’m thinking.”

These quotes make it sound like Wasp’s costume is considerably more advanced than the one worn by Scott Lang, which hasn’t evolved too much from the original design by the first Ant-Man, Hank Pym. Lilly also noted the similarity to Iron Man, which is spot on since Tony Stark’s various armors innovated the Heads Up Display and interface he shares with his onboard A.I. Since an A.I. a suit-wearer can talk to seems to be a Stark Industries trademark (even the Spider-Man suit Tony gifted Peter Parker has an A.I. Peter named Karen), it sounds like Wasp won’t be having conversations with her costume, but the essential principle of the suit reacting to the wearer’s thoughts remain the same.

Overall, the technology in the Wasp’s suit is a significant upgrade from what Ant-Man can do – but apparently, Hope doesn’t share Scott’s fantastic ability to grow into the 60-foot-tall Giant-Man, so at least he has those bragging rights in Ant-Man & the Wasp.

Next: Ant-Man & The Wasp: Every Update You Need To Know

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