A fan of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt recently shared photos of their custom Leshen monster made entirely out of LEGO pieces. Among the most fearsome creatures in The Witcher 3, Leshens primarily dwell in dense, wooded areas where their incredible power proves especially formidable. These monsters take inspiration from the leshy that appears in Slavic mythology, though the Leshens who fiercely protect the forests in CDPR’s third Witcher adventure are arguably much more terrifying.

Classed as Relicts, this particular brand of ancient threat is weak to the likes of Igni and Dimeritium bombs. This doesn’t make them any less deadly, though. Because Leshens have command of the forest at their wooden fingertips, they possess the ability to summon roots from the ground to attack at any given moment. They’re known to call upon a murder of crows from time to time as well, placing Geralt of Rivia at a terrible disadvantage under the right circumstances.


In addition to making Leshens some of The Witcher 3’s most threatening enemies, CD Projekt Red also went above and beyond in terms of their physical design. The tall, lanky creature bears the resemblance of a tree, with a cattle skull head and antlers that sprout out from it. Reddit user GreyJedi327 was so enamored with the creature design that they took it upon themselves to build a custom Leshen LEGO figure. The Redditor shared photos of the build in a recent post, which depicts a figure predominantly comprised of brown pieces, leafy bits, a skull head, and well-placed antlers. Even in LEGO form, the Leshen still manages to look quite frightening. Pictures of the custom LEGO build appear below:

The results of GreyJedi327’s Leshen-centric efforts are commendable, yet it does make one long for the real deal. A Witcher 3 LEGO set, or one based on the Netflix, series would be amazing. If the LEGO Group did decide to expand its horizons on the adult-focused character front, however, it seems unlikely that the Witcher brand would serve as its next stop.

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The Witcher 3 and its Leshen-haunted forests originally launched in May 2015 on PC and last-gen consoles. CD Projekt Red received endless praise for the game’s open-world design and storytelling; thus, players remain eager to return for another trek on The Path, especially with The Witcher 3’s PS5 and Xbox Series upgrades scheduled to launch in Q2 2022.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available to play now on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One platforms.

Source: GreyJedi327/Reddit

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