Geralt and Yennefer have a love/hate relationship if there ever was one. They are both certainly very passionate together, but that also makes their relationship particularly volatile and complicated. While it’s excellent drama on-screen, it also means they may not be right for each other.

They are not exactly good for one another or very healthy together. Perhaps Ciri will change how Geralt and Yennefer relate to one another but, at the end of The Witcher season one, there on again off again relationship is not exactly what’s best for them. They each have a lot of reasons to dump the other.

10 Geralt – The Djinn Incident

Geralt was, of course, thankful to Yennefer for saving Jaskier’s life, but she only did it because it would help her take the power of the djinn for herself. Geralt should have known better from the start than to get involved with the power-hungry Yennefer who was willing to risk the lives of everyone around her for a little more magic at her fingertips. It wasn’t just Geralt and Jaskier’s lives, it was the lives of the town around them as well. Geralt should have left Yennefer right off, but that was just the beginning.

9 Yennefer – When She Met Jaskier

To know a person just see who their friends are. Yennefer met Jaskier and Geralt at the same time. While Jaskier wasn’t exactly his normal self, he couldn’t speak and was on deaths doorstep, Yennefer should have, once Jaskier got his voice back, known she wasn’t going to get along very well with the verbose bard. Geralt and Jaskier were already loyal to one another and Yennefer should have left them as a duo, rather than invite more annoyance into her life.


8 Geralt – When Yennefer Wanted To Kill The Dragon

Let’s recall that, when Geralt was originally approached about hunting a dragon, he refused. Geralt says that he doesn’t hunt dragons. They aren’t really monsters. Again, Geralt’s code of conduct is an interesting one. Yet, he suddenly realizes that the other party hot on the dragon’s heels, with no scruples about killing it for the reward, has Yennefer at their disposal. Geralt decides to go along, because Yennefer is there, rather than realizing that their morals are far from being aligned and getting involved together will be a problem.

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7 Yennefer – When She Hears About Renfri

Every person in every relationship has a past, and it can always be hard to hear about who someone has been with before. However, if someone, like Yennefer, learns that the person she loves has been with someone who was, at the time, trying to murder him, maybe it’s time to get away from that guy.

Obviously there’s something a little wrong in Geralt’s head, and he’s a little too fond of danger for it to be a good idea to stay with him for a long time.

6 Geralt – When Yennefer Leaves Post Dragon

Yennefer, as viewers know, doesn’t end up killing the dragon she’s helping to hunt down after all. In fact, Yennefer joins with Geralt to help protect the dragon and its eggs. They both even take a moment to make out in the middle of the fight to protect it. Despite this coming together, and the kiss, Yennefer splits immediately after the dragon is saved. Geralt doesn’t take a hint. When Yennefer doesn’t want to spend time with you unless there’s a reward involved, that’s a message.

5 Yennefer – When Geralt Loses Her The Djinn

In the end, the djinn that Yennefer is trying to harness gets away and it’s Geralt’s fault. He was the one with the three wishes to begin with, not Jaskier. Yennefer only agreed to help Jaskier and work with Geralt because she heard they had a djinn. It seems like she should have been a little bit angrier with Geralt when he let the powerful being go, rather than assisting her in getting it back. Their interests were different from the beginning.

4 Geralt – When He Met Her At An Orgy

When Geralt goes to ask Yennefer for help in healing Jaskier he meets her at a magical orgy. This may have been a sign that these two are not on the same page. From their clothes in this scene (Geralt’s worn clothes and Yennefer’s stunning gown and mask) to their reactions to it (and to simply being around that many other people!), it’s clear that they are not quite the same… Luckily for viewers, Geralt goes after Yennefer anyway. But that doesn’t mean it was a smart decision.

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3 Yennefer – When She Was With Istredd

Geralt was not the first serious relationship Yennefer ever had (and, while it was passionate, were they ever that serious?) She had been with Istredd for a long time before she every met Geralt. She knew what it was to be able to talk to someone (even if he later betrayed her).

The fact that she doesn’t often talk to Geralt and really only meets him when there’s trouble, should have been a big clue that this wasn’t a relationship worth pursuing.

2 Geralt – When She Got Him Arrested

When Geralt goes to Yennefer for help healing Jaskier after the djinn attack, Yennefer uses Geralt for her own gains. While they wait on Jaskier to wake up Yennefer kisses Geralt and, through her magic, gets control over him and uses him (and his skills) to take revenge on come town council members who have been making her life difficult. Geralt thus ends up in prison for those actions. He should have gone running as soon as he was set free.

1 Yennefer – When Geralt Took In Ciri

Geralt only found Ciri at the end of season one, so Yennefer doesn’t really know about her yet (or the destiny that connects the two) but she should know better than to get involved with destiny. Knowing Jaskier, Yennefer should head for the hills whenever she heard that Geralt has a new friend tagging along on his adventures. It remains to be seen and, as before, it likely won’t keep Geralt and Yennefer apart, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t.

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