The Wolf Of Wall Street is a biographical black comedy crime film directed by the legendary Martin Scorsese. The movie had a budget of $100 million and it ended with a total gross of $392 million, which makes the highest-grossing film that  Scorsese ever directed.

Many people loved the movie and everyone has a different perspective, that is why the movie is so powerful and special. Since every person has their own zodiac sign they can see the movie from the eyes of their fellow character. Check out below which character from the movie matches your zodiac sign.

12 ARIES: Jordan Belfort

Jordan Belfort is one ruthless businessman (stockbroker) who wins over Wall Street like it was just a casual walk in the park.

He is courageous, determined and confident which are also the top three characteristics of the zodiac sign Aries. Belfort’s presence is always more than noticed and his character is promising wild adventure.

11 TAURUS: Aunt Emma

Jordan Belfort’s favorite Aunt Emma proves herself reliable when it comes to “helping others in need”. Her role was short but rather important as she helped Belfort hide his illegitimate money through the fact that she is out of reach of American authorities.

Practical and patient, every Taurus emulates at least a little bit of an Aunt Emma in their day to day dealings and lives.


10 GEMINI: Brad Bodnick

Brad Bodnick is capable of smuggling money and doing all sorts of things to help a friend in need. Such as the Gemini is very adaptable and even him being treated did not stop him from accomplishing his goal.

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The people born under the sign of Gemini are representing two personalities and one can never be certain what they will get, in the case of Brad wither the calm version or the sneaky one.

9 CANCER: Teresa Petrillo

Teresa Petrillo was a loyal wife to Jordan Belfort until she found out that he was unfaithful to her with Naomi Lapaglia. Petrillo’s emotions couldn’t take the infidelity and soon after the couple got divorced.

Every Cancer that has seen at least a little bit of the movie can relate to her character as they are extremely sentimental, loyal and intuitive.

8 LEO: Naomi Lapaglia

Naomi Lapaglia was Jordan’s second wife who he met while still being married to Teresa Petrillo. Their chemistry was too strong and soon enough they were married.

Much like a Leo, she is passionate and flirtatious with a wild side. Her character adores her husband but as soon as he starts to enter a dramatic downward spiral, she feels like she has to intervene – as every proud and responsible Leo would in the same situation.

7 VIRGO: Agent Patrick Denham

Patrick Denham is an FBI agent which means he is always paying attention to every situation down to the smallest detail. He swears that he will take Jordan down and in the process of doing just that, he shows a great deal of intelligence.

As a typical Virgo would act, he acts with much humanity and as much kindness as he could possibly salvage.

6 LIBRA: Manny Riskin

Manny Riskin is a very successful lawyer who is tasked with legally representing Jordan and defending him against the Securities & Exchange Commission.

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Riskin, throughout the whole movie, is portraying characteristics of a Libra individual, as he is extremely cooperative, diplomatic and does everything with grace. Those born under the sign of Libra can be tricky to manage but they are almost always putting out a fair fight.

5 SCORPIO: Mark Hanna

Mark Hanna was the best and worst thing that could ever happen to Jordan. Resourceful and stubborn (two very Scorpio traits), Hanna takes Jordan under his wing in the early stages of his career.

Unfortunately, Hanna has a drinking problem on top of his drug abuse and prostitution issues, and Jordan picks exactly those aspects of his mentor to look up to and emulate later in his life. Scorpios tend to have a destructive mindset and that is usually what causes them the largest problems in life.

4 SAGITTARIUS: Donnie Azoff

Donnie Azoff is the perfect Sagittarius he generous and the best right-hand man that Jordan could ever ask for. Although he is the perfect friend, he is very cruel and energetic when he performs any type of illegal activity.

His great sense of humor cracks up every Sagittarius and his clinginess reminds them of a time they had a certain situation on their hands.

3 CAPRICORN: Jean Jacques Saurel

Jean-Jacques Saurel is a dishonest Swiss banker who assists Jordan with money laundering and helps him avoid American authorities.

Not every Capricorn is dishonest and performs illegal activities but they sometimes can be condescending and controlling – two things which would be very useful as long as their self-control is implemented.

2 AQUARIUS: Leah Belfort

Leah Belfort is the sweet, carrying and emotional mother of Jordan Belfort. She is a natural Aquarius who is shy and quiet but also sometimes can be a little eccentric.

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Leah is trying to offer help most of the times and she is also probably the only one who is able to see her son without any prejudice.

1 PISCES: Max Belfort

Max Belfort is Jordan Belfort’s extremely disappointed and angry father. He works at the Stratton Oakmont where he is trying to keep order at the crazy office.

He is definitely overly trusting and very compassionate over the whole situation which every Pisces can say has happened a little over a million times in their life.

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