In Chris Carter’s sci-fi television series, The X-Files, B-movie icon Bruce Campbell starred in season 6, episode 7, “Terms Of Endearment.” The program is known for its star-studded cameos, but when Campbell made his appearance in 1999, horror and sci-fi fans rejoiced at the Evil Dead celebrity’s addition to the cast list. He portrayed their “monster-of-the-week”, Wayne Weinsider, in the episode. Most notably, the character and his story line were so unique and intricate that it left a lasting impression on the entire series, but they do require an explanation.

“Terms Of Endearment” was the series’ take on the classic 1968 horror film, Rosemary’s Baby. Campbell’s character, Wayne Weinsider, is a demon who is trying to father a human child but continuously finds his efforts unsuccessful. No matter how hard he tries, his offspring continues to exhibit signs of being demonic in utero. When his wife Laura mysteriously miscarries, FBI special agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) are called to handle the case. The two discover that Wayne has a second wife named Betsy who is having similar experiences to Laura.


The iconic episode culminates to Wayne’s death and the discovery of four infant corpses in Betsy’s backyard but they are all human, showing no signs of demonic disfigurements. Mulder comes to the conclusion that Betsy has been terminating non-demonic pregnancies. Unbeknownst to Wayne, she could recognize his true demon identity and stopped him from terminating her pregnancy. Ultimately, she framed Wayne for the murders of the infants and drives off with her demon baby as the episode comes to a close.

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Who Is Bruce Campbell’s Character & Ending Explained

Wayne Weinsider is undoubtedly a demon due to the fact that he is able to produce demonic offspring with a fellow demon such as Betsy. Mulder discovers that, throughout history, Wayne has taken on various identities in order to achieve his dream of becoming the father of a human child but Betsy has always gotten in the way. When he believes he has escaped her, “Terms Of Endearment”, showcases that he can never hide from her. The X-Files created a rare demon with Wayne, as he is sympathetic and has good intentions, while Betsy is the classic demon who is selfishly driven and uncaring.

In the end, he loses his life but not to the severe injury he received from a police officer. At the hospital, Wayne is next to Laura who has been in the hospital for the majority of the episode’s events. When he transfers his last remaining living energy to her, Laura wakes up and goes on living while Wayne dies. Many fans have deduced that this was an act of kindness, but it is rather ambiguous and lends to the theory that he actually transferred his demonic soul into hers in order to enact revenge. Furthermore, it is probable that his desire to parent a non-demonic child could be the driving force behind possessing Laura.

As “Terms Of Endearment” is a one-off episode with a monster-of-the-week, it was never revisited, nor will its story line ever reappear. Due to this fact, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what Wayne did to Laura, but one thing is certain: Betsy got away with murder with her demonic baby in tow. Bruce Campbell’s Wayne Weinsider is an interesting character with a complex ending that satisfies horror and sci-fi fans alike. The X-Files episode, “Terms Of Endearment”, gave Campbell a unique story line as an iconic monster.

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