As mutants established themselves on Krakoa, Domino ended up working with X-Force, which is now the mutant nation’s CIA task force. Unfortunately, her newest mission in South Korea was botched after she’s discovered while infiltrating a secret organization. The group nearly killed her, turning Domino into a living lab rat so they could infiltrate Krakoa using her skin grafts. Domino’s flayed body leaves her near death… but her luck hasn’t run out just yet.

X-Force #3 picks off with Wolverine and Kid Omega finding Domino in extremely rough shape. The two learn Krakoa was breached after the evil organization butchered and bio-printed Domino. It was a disturbing way to gain access, but a successful one. Wolverine breaks Domino free from the containment unit she was held in.


Domino is left literally with missing pieces of her body. She’s missing a significant part of the skin from the right side of her body and is missing an eye. It’s a miracle she’s not dead, and even without the power dampener around her neck, Domino is lucky to be alive. Wolverine and Kid Omega deactivate her inhibitor and take down the science experiment of a monster chasing them. Kid Omega tries to put Domino back together. While he can’t physically heal her wounds, he can take away the pain and use his powers to make her stripped limbs and eyes usable. As Domino puts it, she feels “like I’ve gone through a blender, everything is a scramble,” including her physical appearance. The warehouse Domino was being held self-destructs and the mutants head back to Krakoa.

At the mutant paradise, Krakoa is healing Domino’s numerous wounds. With a little bit of luck and a lot of advanced Krakoan medicine, Domino should be able to return to action fairly quickly. As for the organization that did this to her, they’re just getting started. They are revealed to be called XENO, and they intend to do whatever it takes to disrupt and experiment on the mutants. The leader monologues just like the mutants have banded together, so has XENO. The X-Men are about to be in a lot of trouble. Considering the process XENO went through to slice Domino up in order to disguise themselves, they shouldn’t put anything past their new enemies. They are disgustingly ruthless. If they can catch Domino, they shouldn’t have any problem tracking down other potential mutants to experiment on.

Domino was lucky Wolverine and Kid Omega were around to free her before she got even more chopped up – and not the kind of luck her powers bring. She’s experienced one of the worst tortures a mutant can, but thanks to Krakoa, she’ll be able to make what appears to be a full recovery. You can bet Domino will look for revenge with the XENO group becoming her number one new target.

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