The X-Men‘s Jubilee is far more than just a Kitty Pryde copycat. Jubilation Lee was created by Chris Claremont and first made her comic book debut in 1989’s Uncanny X-Men #244. It didn’t take Jubilee long to rise to prominence in X-Men: The Animated Series, where she became the audience surrogate, introduced to the X-Men.

Many comic book readers have assumed Jubilee is basically a Kitty Pryde copycat. There’s a sense in which this is understandable because Jubilee and Kitty have a lot in common. Both joined the X-Men as teenagers, and they played the same kind of role, adding youth and naivete to the X-Men team. What’s more, Wolverine became an unlikely surrogate father figure to both Kitty and Jubilee, to the extent that many comic book readers consider the two girls to be Wolverine sidekicks. In reality, though, Jubilee is a very different character – and her dynamic with Wolverine has been very different as well.


Kitty Pryde grew up in privilege and relative wealth, enjoying the security of a family who loved her. In contrast, Jubilee was an orphan who wound up on the streets, essentially living in a shopping mall before she encountered the X-Men. This meant she was streetwise and self-sufficient, and – as noted by the excellent Claremont Run on Twitter – she concealed her emotional vulnerability with sharp wit and cutting sarcasm.

Jubilee first became involved with the X-Men when she saw a group of X-Women on a trip to the mall, and she was enthralled by them. To Jubilee, these X-Women represented everything she wanted to be; a woman who was strong and independent, who was in control of her own destiny. Jubilee slipped through the portal to the X-Men’s Outback base in Australia, and she lived there in secret for months, only emerging from the shadows to save Wolverine’s life when the Reavers had crucified him. This was the beginning of her journey to becoming a hero in her own right.

Jubilee’s relationship with Wolverine was very different to Kitty Pryde’s. She’d never really had a father figure before, and as a result, she was intensely possessive of him. She bitterly resented having to share Logan with the rest of the X-Men, and it was only as she grew more confident in her own identity that this relaxed. In truth, Jubilee joined the X-Men before she was ready for the emotional intensity of the experience, especially when Wolverine’s Adamantium was ripped from his skeleton and he left the team. Bereft of her father figure, Jubilee reevaluated her life, and began her own journey of self-development, joining the Generation X team. From there, although she’s been reunited with Logan many times, she’s never been a sidekick again – and she’s tread a completely different path to Kitty Pryde.

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