The X-Men‘s most powerful student actually defeated the Avengers single-handedly. Let’s face it, the relationship between the X-Men and the Avengers has never exactly been a stable one. The Avengers and the X-Men have clashed repeatedly, from their first encounter in Europe to a fateful confrontation on the mutant island of Utopia.

Probably the tensest period of all was shortly after the Avengers Vs. X-Men event, which ended with Cyclops killing Charles Xavier in a fit of Phoenix-fueled rage. The Avengers successfully tracked Cyclops and his new team of X-Men down in Brian Bendis and Chris Bachalo’s Uncanny X-Men #3, and they came ready to take anything the X-Men could throw at them. Captain America’s team literally included Captain Marvel and a Hulk, so the Avengers reasoned there was nothing they couldn’t handle. Unfortunately, it turned out the Avengers had failed to factor in the new mutant Tempus.


Tempus’ power is to manipulate the flow of time, and it typically manifests in temporal bubbles in which she can freeze pretty much anything. To the amazement of all the X-Men, she intervened to prevent an outright war by simply creating a time bubble around the Avengers. It didn’t matter that they’d brought a Hulk. It didn’t matter that Captain Marvel can channel the power of stars. The Avengers were simply frozen in time, unable to move, unaware even of the passage of time around them.

It’s easy to forget just how powerful an ability temporal manipulation really is. Tempus’ localized time fields are basically impenetrable, and frankly there appears to be almost nothing she cannot block – even trapping the energy of a murderous spell projected from the sorceress Morgana Le Fey on one occasion. Once someone is caught in her bubbles, there is absolutely nothing they can do to escape; they have no sense of time passing around them, so they only become aware of what happened the moment the bubble pops.

The X-Men swiftly figured out how to take advantage of the time Tempus had literally bought them. They ignored Magik’s suggestion – she came up with the idea of teleporting into Avengers Tower and switching all their underwear drawers – and instead went for something a little more dramatic. Cyclops took the opportunity to go on a recruitment drive, heading to Wolverine’s school and picking up a few new mutants from there. He proved that even the Avengers can’t keep the X-Men down.

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