The history of the mutant race is being transformed, as the X-Men learn they are actually Deviants, sworn enemies of the Eternals. In 2019, comic book superstar Jonathan Hickman relaunched the X-Men for a bold new era in which the entire mutant race settled on the living island of Krakoa. Along the way, he also rewrote the history of the mutant race.

Mutants have traditionally been portrayed as the evolutionary “next step” of humanity, with some speculating their X-gene was triggered by increasing levels of background radiation due to nuclear testing – explaining why the X-Men are sometimes referred to as “Children of the Atom.” But the Hickman era revealed mutants have existed since the dawn of time, and their current boom is simply the natural result of population growth. The history of anti-magic violence is actually one of anti-mutant prejudice and persecution, with mutants hunted as witches, wizards, werewolves, and monsters. But it seems Marvel is far from finished retconning the history of mutants.


The upcoming “Judgment Day” event, a massive crossover featuring the X-Men, the Eternals and the Avengers, will reveal the true origin of mutants, Marvel Comics announced. It seems mutants are not an offshoot of humanity at all; rather, they are an evolutionary offshoot of the Deviants, the Eternals’ sworn enemies. Marvel’s official teaser puts it like this:

“The Avengers have become a more powerful global force than ever from their base inside a long-dead Celestial. The X-Men have achieved a form of immortality on their utopian island nation of Krakoa. And the Eternals have begun a new cycle of life as they continue their sworn mission to eliminate the Deviants. But when the Eternals learn that mutantkind itself is a form of excess deviation, a vicious assault on Krakoa ensues – with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes trapped in the middle. Years of tension lead to a volcanic eruption as two worlds burn!”

The concept of “excess deviation” lies at the heart of Kieron Gillen and Esad Ribic’s current Eternals run. This has revealed some Deviants spontaneously undergo a phenomenon called “the change,” in which they spontaneously mutate into a monstrous form; the Eternals are literally programmed to destroy any Deviants who undergo the change, to the extent Thena even lost control and killed her own Deviant lover. According to Marvel, mutants are themselves a form of excess deviation. In genetic terms, it’s likely this means humans and Deviants intermarried in prehistoric times, introducing Deviant genes into humanity. The gene that triggers “excess deviation” in Deviants is the same one that sometimes triggers at puberty for humans, transforming an ordinary human being into a mutant. Unfortunately, this likely means the Eternals will find themselves programmed to attempt a mutant genocide.

This is probably the biggest retcon in the history of the X-Men, establishing a direct link between the X-Men and the Eternals – or, rather, their sworn enemies the Deviants. It sets up “Judgment Day” as an apocalyptic battle that could transform both franchises; the X-Men are learning their true history, while the Deviants may well learn to control the change. It will be interesting to see how X-Men and Eternals fans react to this retcon.

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Source: Marvel Comics

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