It has been described by some fans as the weakest season so far but American Horror Story: 1984 received generally favorable reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes, it has an aggregate score of 76%. The ninth season of the horror anthology series was also nominated for four Emmys. Critics and fans will simply have to agree to disagree.

American Horror Story: 1984 incorporated many elements from popular slasher films to provide a classic retro feel. Even though the plot might not have been solid enough, the characters were constantly outstanding. Let’s examine all their personalities and where they would fit in the constellations.

12 Richard Ramirez – Aries

The Satanic serial killer—who has connections to other seasons—is confident, charming, and courageous. Like most Aries members, he is prolific in his field. He manages to kill dozens of people in just a short span of time.

Aries people go to great lengths to achieve their goals. Eager to impress Montana, he surprises her with a gift of Rod’s body hanging on the ceiling. He promises to kill Brooke for Montana too. Ramirez bears the common Aries weakness of being impulsive. He makes decisions just to prove a point, even when these decisions cause unnecessary harm to others.

11 Xavier – Taurus

Taurus people are hedonistic. They do whatever they can to afford and live a luxurious lifestyle. Xavier proves he belongs in this zodiac by acting in gay porn simply because it pays well. In truth, he is heterosexual. He also consumes drugs at an excessive rate and engages in fornication.

Those under the Taurus zodiac also have a sharp eye for fashion. Xavier stands out as the most fashionable male character in the season, thanks to his blonde, frizzy hair and cool outfits.


10 Courtney – Gemini

Geminis are kind, loyal, and obedient. As the evil Margaret’s personal assistant, he is good at keeping secrets. He even churns out quotes such as “What kind of assistant would I be if I didn’t zip over the minute I heard?”

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Courtney is much older than Margaret but he happily takes action whenever she commands. He makes sure to report any strange thing he sees. When he sees two bodies in Redwood, he tells her about it. As expected, Margaret doesn’t reward his loyalty. She shoots him in front of Ramirez. Luckily, Courtney gets his revenge by participating in her murder.

9 Donna Chambers aka Nurse Rita – Cancer

Cancers are tenacious. They rarely let go of whatever they are doing, no matter how dangerous or difficult it is. This translates to Donna Chambers dedicating her life to nothing else but studying serial killers. As a psychologist, she manages to have a sit-down with each of America’s top psychotic murderers.

Intelligence is a common Cancer trait too. Donna is smart enough to pretend to be a nurse at Camp Redwood in order to do her work effectively. Not to mention that she is the proud holder of two doctorate degrees from the Ivy League institutions; the University of Pennsylvania and Dartmouth College.

8 Montana – Leo

Leos are extroverted and cheerful and humorous. These traits describe Montana perfectly. She is full of energy and never hesitates to bring up even the most risque of topics.

Leos also have a selfishness trait that makes them want to do things that only please them. It is revealed that Montana has had plenty of one-night-stands and never really cared what happened to the men she slept with. She prefers to do things her way too, thus she constantly feuds and gets suspicious of people.

7 Chet – Virgo

Virgos are hardworking by nature. They do their best to excel in their respective fields. Chet is no different. He works hard to become a star athlete. Unfortunately, the use of recreational drugs gets him disqualified from the Olympics.

On the downside, Virgos are emotional. After Chet loses the opportunity to represent America at the Olympics, he goes to Camp Redwood to work as a counselor. There, he appears to be excessively angry and bitter. He throws around insults and fights with people for no good reason.

6 Bertie – Libra

Libras are more social than people under zodiac signs. They make friends easily. They are generally loved by everyone too. Even the evil Margaret appears to love Bertie.

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When Camp Redwood gets reopened, Bertie is more than glad to educate people about its history. She knows everything that happened because she previously worked there as a cook. She quickly builds a rapport with the teenagers by making sandwiches for them and even flirting with Xavier.

5 Margaret – Scorpio

A scorpion might appear relaxed but it stings when one least expects it to. Scorpios are the same way. They are the maestros of manipulation. They are also amoral, doing whatever is necessary to get what they want.

At first, one can assume that Margaret is an angel deployed to Earth from heaven. She is a righteous person who insists on everyone following Christian teachings. The sins committed by the teenagers appear to disgust her. Her true colors later emerge when it is revealed that she is in fact a Satanist. She was only pretending to be a Christian to get close to the counselors and kill them.

4 Benjamin Richter aka Mr. Jingles – Sagittarius

Sagittarians are free-spirited individuals. They are fun to be around but they have a hard time adhering to rules and regulations. It is due to this trait that Benjamin was dishonorably discharged from the military during the Vietnam War.

When he gets imprisoned at the Red Meadows Asylum after being framed by Margaret for murders he did not commit, he becomes bored of life there and decides to escape. Benjamin’s streak of bad luck leads to him morphing into an evil person. He returns to Camp Redwood where he begins killing people for fun.

3 Trevor – Capricorn

Capricorns pride themselves in organizing and overseeing things. Some of the best managers fall into this category. Trevor serves as the Activities Director at Camp Redwood for a while. He also handles aerobics classes.

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People under this zodiac are charming too. As soon as the new counselors arrive at Camp Redwood, Trevor makes acquaintance and makes them feel at home. He also watches the Olympics with them. Montana quickly falls for him due to his charming nature and they even proceed to make love. Sadly, the horrific activities that emerge later on, soil his personality.

2 Brooke – Aquarius

Aquarians are good-hearted people who have a tendency to be helpers. The careers they choose are normally those where help is required. Medicine is a good example. It’s easy to see why Brooke was keen on studying veterinary medicine.

Brooke’s good-hearted side is evident from the fact that unlike other characters, she doesn’t get herself to exert brutal revenge for those responsible for her lost life. Like other Aquarians, she mostly keeps to herself and rues over bad luck but she doesn’t bring herself to do anything despicable.

1 Bruce – Pisces

Creativity and ambition are recurring traits for those under the Pisces constellation. As a serial killer, Bruce uses flowery language and tells captivating stories in order to get his potential victims to warm up to him.

Once potential victims have placed their trust in him, he murders them. Bruce also wants to be the greatest serial killer in American history. He seeks to surpass records set by infamous individuals such as Ted Bundy. This proves how ambitious he is. Luckily, the counselors managed to get the better of him.

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