Whispers, Spectres, Ghosts, Spirits – these hooded shadowy figures have a pretty controversial presence in Final Fantasy 7 Remake as many fans see them as a huge deviation from the original Final Fantasy 7. Yet one convincing fan theory states that these mysterious entities are far from new to the FF7 universe.

[Warning: SPOILERS For Final Fantasy 7 & Final Fantasy 7 Remake Below]

Red XIII describes the Whispers in FF7 Remake as “arbiters of fate” who ensure no one alters destiny’s course. This, of course, furthers the idea that FF7 Remake is trying to change up the classic story. Some forums like this Reddit one have even likened the Whispers to angry fans who want to ensure events play out as they’re supposed to. Yet one thorough researcher argues that the Whispers have appeared throughout the FF7 compilation, including the original FF7.


YouTuber Sleepezi spotlights the scene in Chapter 18 at the end of the Midgar highway when Sephiroth appears. The Whispers are swarming Shinra HQ and as they disperse, Sephiroth says, “Listen.” The Whispers screech as they swarm around him. The cinematic cuts to the surprising Zack/Crisis Core scene, and when it goes back to the main party, Aerith explains in reference to the Whispers, “What you heard just now were the voices of the planet. Those born into this world. Who lived and who died. Who returned. They’re howling in pain.” From this information, it seems safe to assume the Whispers are semi-physical manifestations of the souls that make up the Lifestream.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s Whispers & The Lifestream

The elder of Cosmo Canyon – Bugenhagen in FF7 – tells the party that when humans die, their bodies decompose and return to the planet. He says additionally that the souls of all living things also return to the planet, converging in the Lifestream. Sleepezi references examples of voices and cries of the planet outside of FF7 Remake: notably, the Icicle Inn scene when Cloud discovers the former home of Aerith’s father, Professor Gast, in FF7. Here videos are found of Gast’s research with his wife, Aerith’s birth mother and Cetra, Ifalna. She explains how 2000 years ago the Cetra discovered the calamity or “crisis from the sky” – Jenova – from the planet’s cries. This would mean the Whispers have been around over a couple millennia at least.

Aerith herself is often seen and associated with communing or speaking to the Planet, which is how she knew her adoptive mother Elmyra’s husband died. Ifalna also mentions the “crisis from the sky” spreading a virus throughout the Cetra people, which sounds like Geostigma in Advent Children – a disease caused from Jenova cells that corrupted parts of the Lifestream (a note that’ll be revisited below).  The not-as-popular 2006 sequel to FF7Dirge of Cerberus, takes place three years after Meteorfall. Sleepezi points out a scene from Chapter Two where Reeve and Vincent are talking and hear the planet’s cries. Reeve says, “Could it be the wind? Let me ask you, does the wind sound like a thousand wailing souls?” FF7 Remake takes the liberty of giving shape to a concept that’s been around since 1997, but isn’t necessarily new.

Of course the Whispers materializing and intervening to preserve the story is new. Why they need to manifest and why destiny is presumably being altered is yet to be determined, although it seems to have something to do with Sephiroth’s motives. The Whispers could be acting similar to the powerful creatures known as Weapons in FF7 who were created by the planet to protect the planet, even if that means destroying humanity in the process. Similarly, Whispers are of the Lifestream and serve to protect destiny, and have been around even longer than the Weapons if this theory is correct. When they aid Sephiroth, it could be because he’s controlling them via the corrupt part of the Lifestream like he does with the hooded, tattooed clones and even when he bends Cloud to hand over the Black Materia in FF7. There’s still plenty of mysteries to unravel in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, but this theory offers the refreshing optimism that although the game is swerving away from the original story, it’s staying within the construct of the same path.

Sources: Reddit, Sleepezi/YouTube

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