Godzilla vs. Kong‘s Nozuki, a new monster spoiled by a toy leak, may be the mystery Titan teased in the credits of Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Recently, images were released of action figures from a Godzilla vs. Kong toy line. Among the action figures pictured were Kong, two different Godzilla toys, a Skullcrawler, and a mysterious new Titan named Nozuki. This marked the first time that this MonsterVerse Titan has ever been mentioned.

Nozuki isn’t the first Godzilla vs. Kong monster to be spoiled by a toy leak. Mechagodzilla, Godzilla’s robotic counterpart, was revealed in the same way. Outside of an official synopsis that teases what Monarch is doing on Skull Island, barely any details have been revealed what Godzilla vs. Kong has in store for audiences, so the Mechagodzilla action figure has so far been the biggest tease, as its now known that a fourth Toho property and Godzilla’s second biggest villain is set to make his MonsterVerse debut.


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Apparently, Mechagodzilla will be joined by an original MonsterVerse Titan, Nozuki, but where he fits into the story remains unclear. It’s interesting to note that Godzilla: King of the Monsters already confirmed the existence of 20 giant monsters, with 11 of them of being Titans who never appeared in the flesh. All their names have been revealed, and “Nozuki” isn’t one of them. So who is this secret Titan that wasn’t on Monarch’s radar in King of the Monsters, and where does he fit into Godzilla vs. Kong? It’s possible that he was the secret Titan obscured by a hidden message in the Godzilla: King of the Monsters‘ credits.

Godzilla: King Of The Monsters Teased A Secret Titan

The Godzilla: King of the Monsters credits featured newspaper clippings and article headlines packed with Easter eggs and teases about the future of the MonsterVerse. Also included in the credits were several lines of redacted text. If viewed carefully, the text can actually be read. What it reveals about the MonsterVerse is that humans went to war with Titans over a thousand years ago. It goes into great detail about the history of the relationship between humans and Titan. The final lines of redacted text mentions “ancient rivalries” before dropping a set of coordinates, “37.218705, 38.855563“, and providing a cryptic message: “But how long will it take for the fires to awaken and send our own civilization into collapse.

These coordinates point to Göbekli Tepe, a temple that was built 12,000 years ago and is believed to be the oldest temple in the world. Göbekli Tepe is located in Turkey, which isn’t anywhere near any of Monarch’s outposts. This means that whatever is hidden in Göbekli Tepe, it isn’t one of the known Titans in the MonsterVerse. What’s being teased here is a new Titan that no one knows about yet. But what is this creature? Images of scorpions on the walls of Göbekli Tepe have led to theories that this mystery Titan is a giant scorpion that will battle Godzilla (or Kong) at some point in the future. It would be a unique addition to be sure, considering that Godzilla has never battled a scorpion, either in the MonsterVerse or in Toho’s movies.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters’ Mystery Titan May Be Nozuki

However, the scorpions at Gobleki Tepe are far from confirmation of this Titan’s identity. It’s possible that this creature isn’t a scorpion at all, and that it’s actually Nozuki from the toy leak. The action figure of Nozuki reveals that the monster is a giant serpent with colorful orange and yellow, bat-like wings. After all, the scorpion isn’t the only species depicted on the temple’s walls. The walls are also covered in images of snakes (via The Tepe Telegrams).

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This makes sense, considering that snakes populate the area, but for the MonsterVerse, there could be another reason. 12,000 years ago, the people in the region may have worshiped Nozuki as one of their gods, similar to how the people in the underwater city revered Godzilla. That would provide a different explanation for why snake imagery is so prevalent at Gobleki Tepe. The coordinates for Gobleki Tepe may have been featured in the credits because Nozuki is still there, perhaps hibernating in a Hollow Earth cavern beneath the temple.

What Nozuki Could Mean For Godzilla Vs. Kong

What would it mean for Godzilla vs. Kong and the MonsterVerse if Nozuki is indeed the Titan mentioned in the credits’ hidden message? The ominous wording of the text that followed the coordinates certainly suggests that this Titan is bad news for the people of Earth. The words “how long will it take for the fires to awaken” implies that this Titan is still hibernating, and “send our civilization into collapse” makes it appear that when this monster does wake up, the fate of human civilization as a whole will be threatened. It could be that Monarch’s mission in Godzilla vs. Kong and their determination to explore the Hollow Earth tunnels will inadvertently awaken Nozuki’s from his slumber.

Nokuki’s emergence could be Monarch’s fault, and if it is, it will of course be up to Godzilla – and Kong – to clean up their mess and defeat Nozuki. It could be that once Nozuki wakes up, he will use the Hollow Earth tunnels to reach Skull Island, where he may cross paths with Godzilla and Kong. Nozuki’s arrival could be what interrupts their fight with each other. Since the credits makes the mystery Titan sound like a creature capable of bringing civilization to an end, Nozuki may prove to be quite the challenge for the titular Titans. Also, beating him and saving the humans from destruction may be even more difficult with Mechagodzilla on the table as well.

Mechagodzilla, with his arsenal of ranged weaponry, has always been one of Godzilla’s most formidable adversaries, but despite this fact, audiences will naturally expect Godzilla and Kong to be able to defeat Mechagodzilla. Adding Nozuki into the mix makes things a bit more interesting, because unless he’s an ally to Godzilla or Kong – which would be surprising – it would seem that Godzilla vs. Kong will feature at least two villains. That being said, it’s possible that the movie will culminate in a two-on-two final showdown.

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