Here’s why Harley Quinn could be the one to put Starro down in The Suicide Squad. DC’s cinematic future certainly looks bright with The BatmanBlack Adam and The Flash all holding much promise after years of divisiveness and director’s cut controversy. First up, however, is The Suicide Squad. Released in 2016, Suicide Squad remains a critical low point for the DCEU, and James Gunn’s forthcoming follow-up represents a fresh start more than it does a direct continuation. The likes of Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) and Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman) return, but Task Force X is mostly refreshed, with Bloodsport (Idris Elba), Peacemaker (John Cena), Ratcatcher II (Daniela Melchior), and The Thinker (Peter Capaldi) joining alongside a host of other new characters you probably shouldn’t get attached to.


The Suicide Squad‘s trailer introduces these characters, but also reveals the film’s surprise villain – Starro. A giant world-conquering starfish from outer space, Starro is the “freaking kaiju” that looks to be the main threat of The Suicide Squad. The footage doesn’t offer much of the final fight against Starro, and it’s not immediately obvious how a crop of (mostly) B-list villains can defeat this Justice League-level enemy.

Exactly how Task Force X deal with Starro is being saved for the finished film, but The Suicide Squad‘s trailer does offer a potential clue as to who’ll deliver the finishing blow – and it’s not necessarily who you’d expect. Harley Quinn is easily the most recognizable character in the death-defying lineup, and while she may not be the strongest in terms of superpowers, skill set or arsenal, Miss Quinn has routinely proven she’s not to be underestimated. As such, it’s fitting that she could save the world from Starro.

The Suicide Squad Trailer Showed Harley’s New Weapon

Harley Quinn has grown considerably since her debut in 2016. Margot Robbie’s character is a woman transformed after Birds of Prey, and that evolution is continued in The Suicide Squad. Aside from her growing independence, new costume and de-Jokerfied body ink, Harley is packing new weapons for her 2021 return. There’s the obvious inclusion of a rocket launcher, which Harley is seen firing towards some poor soul on a jungle beach, and few DC fans will be shocked to see a bazooka added to Quinn’s live-action repertoire. Perhaps more intriguing is the pole-like weapon Harley Quinn is spotted handing throughout the trailer.

When Robbie first appears in front of Flag and Bloodsport after rescuing herself, she’s grasping an ornately decorated pole with a royal blue handle and gold gilding. Later shots briefly glimpse the pointy bits on either side, revealing the weapon is some kind of double-ended spear. Judging from The Suicide Squad‘s trailer footage, the building Harley liberates herself from is a Corto Maltese embassy of sorts, and the weapon could be some ceremonial staff swiped during her escape. Using an ancient treasure to make human kebabs would be a very “Harley Quinn” thing to do.

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However, it’s also possible that Harley is wielding the Spear of Destiny in The Suicide Squad, and this would have huge DCEU ramifications.

The DC Spear Of Destiny Explained

The Spear of Destiny is one of the most coveted and powerful artifacts within the metaphorical museum of DC comic book lore. A weapon of Roman origin, the Spear is purported to have pierced the body of Jesus Christ during crucifixion, and has consequently been bestowed with magical, divine properties. The Spear of Destiny attacks the soul of those it penetrates, meaning the weapon is effective against Gods, spirits, monsters, and beasts that wouldn’t usually succumb to a regular blade. Even more useful, the Spear of Destiny is imbued with the power to rewrite reality. Hitler used this to his benefit in World War II, protecting himself from America’s superheroes. Another major bonus to wielding the Spear of Destiny is an ability to control the minds of others. Predictably, there’s a drawback. In his spite and bitterness, Hitler cast a spell upon the Spear, ensuring future owners would be corrupted and lose themselves. Even Superman was forced to relinquish the relic for fear of falling into darkness.

Aside from Kal-El, various other DC favorites have utilized the Spear of Destiny at one time or another, including The Question, Shazam (Captain Marvel), and Dragon King – usually in an attempt to defeat the villainous spirit of God’s anger known as Spectre. Although the Spear of Destiny looks different in each incarnation, it usually possesses a traditional arrowhead point, unlike Harley Quinn’s new weapon.

Why The Spear Of Destiny Makes Harley So Important

If Harley Quinn is running around with the Spear of Destiny in The Suicide Squad, “Daddy’s Little Monster” just became a whole lot more significant to the DCEU tapestry. Harley usually relies on her fighting, gymnastic and weapon skills to see her through battle, but is generally outmatched when it comes to bigger, inhuman or super-powered opponents. Possessing the Spear of Destiny immediately makes Harley Quinn one of the DCEU’s most powerful figures, able to kill virtually anything with one good, strong stab. The Spear would unquestionably be Task Force X’s best hope of defeating Starro – with all due respect to Polka-Dot Man’s flying dots and Ratcatcher’s rodents.

More important than stabbing Starro is how the Spear of Destiny’s other powers could improve the Suicide Squad’s chances of success. In his comic book appearances, Starro the Conqueror subjects his opponents to mind control. Some have speculated that The Suicide Squad will see the slimy villain seize possession of someone during the film – either Task Force X members, the rulers of Corto Maltese, or The Thinker. While holding the Spear of Destiny, Harley could fight back with some psychic wrangling of her own, either reclaiming her comrades’ autonomy, or forcing the Corto Maltese soldiers to fight on her behalf. However she chooses to use it, the Spear of Destiny would make Harley Quinn the focal point of Task Force X’s assault against Starro.

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But why would Amanda Waller entrust the Spear of Destiny to Harley Quinn instead of a less unpredictable figure like Rick Flag or Bloodsport? In a strange quirk of fate, Harley’s unique mindset and complex psychology might be key to avoiding the Spear’s corrupting influence. Harley Quinn is an expert in psychology; she was manipulated by Joker and now swears to never be controlled again. It makes sense that she would be the only Skwad member with a hope of resisting the Spear of Destiny’s curse. Assuming she doesn’t lose it in the process of killing Starro, holding the ancient, Christ-afflicted weapon into future DCEU movies would constitute a massive power-up for Harley Quinn, meaning she’d never be outmatched, even against the most over-powered villain.

Theory: Harley Kills Starro

Even if Harley Quinn’s new weapon is the Spear of Destiny (and not just some random ceremonial flagstaff) she could still snatch the item from Corto Maltese’s evil dictator, Silvio Luna. The Suicide Squad‘s trailer doesn’t make clear why Harley alone is captured, but the other members of Task Force X escape. Perhaps Harley learns that Luna possesses the Spear of Destiny, and deliberately allows herself to be caught so she can liberate it from him. Not only does Harley possess the kind of confident recklessness to pull off such a scam, but the DC comics’ Spear of Destiny was first discovered in modern times by Adolf Hitler. With The Suicide Squad taking place in the present, it makes sense for another dictator to have uncovered it. His finding the Spear of Destiny would also explain why Waller deems Luna such a grave threat and assembles her Suicide Squad against him.

After nabbing the Spear of Destiny, Harley Quinn would carry the weapon through to the final battle against Starro and, sure enough, this is confirmed in The Suicide Squad‘s trailer. Several shots reveal Harley, shiny new stick in hand, battling against the rampaging Starro. Surely even she wouldn’t be kooky enough to fight a giant tyrannical starfish with a regular spear?

Harley Quinn striking the final blow against Starro would provide the perfect closing chapter to Margot Robbie’s three-film DCEU arc. In Suicide Squad, she remained very much under Joker’s spell before breaking out as an independently-minded antihero thanks to Birds of Prey. Through the Spear of Destiny, The Suicide Squad could make Harley Quinn’s “craziness” her superpower. The Spear of Destiny is the only way to kill Starro, but Harley alone can withstand the side-effects, and now the fate of the world rests upon her shoulders. It’s a fitting redemptive mission for Harley Quinn, but one that retains the unpredictable edge fans love so much. After all, would you entrust an all-powerful ancient weapon to someone who’d kill a man over personalized license plates?

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