The latest This Is Us trailer reveals how Rebecca (Mandy Moore) and Miguel (Jon Huertas) fell in love. NBC’s family drama is in its final stretch, so it needs to resolve any lingering plot lines before it officially wraps up. One of the biggest mysteries that the show still needs to answer revolves around the beginning of Rebecca and Miguel’s romance.

This Is Us didn’t hide the fact that Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) is no longer around in the present day. But aside from the manner of his death, which was already revealed in season 2, one of the biggest questions tied to his demise is Rebecca’s decision to re-marry. Since fans learned that she is now married to Miguel, Jack’s best friend quickly became one of the most disliked characters on the show. Initially, the grown-up Big Three weren’t fond of him, either. But as the series went on, they, as well as, the viewers have mellowed down on the character after realizing how good Miguel is.


Since Miguel has become a fan-favorite as well in the last couple of years of This Is Us, fans are interested now more than ever in how he started dating Rebecca. Fortunately, the show is finally tackling their love story as teased in a new trailer for season 6, episode 5, titled “Heart and Soul.” It reveals that Miguel convinced Rebecca to try speed dating after Jack died. Being single himself at that time, the pair participated in the event. Check out the clip from TV Promos below:

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The clip doesn’t say exactly when this happened, and This Is Us has yet to reveal how long it has been since Miguel and Rebecca’s relationship began. But Miguel notably tells the Pearson matriarch that enough time has passed since Jack died and that she needed to put herself out there again to find new love. It’s interesting that Rebecca was even open to the idea of dating again at that point. Jack was an ideal husband and father; although he had flaws, he never failed to make his family feel that he was 100% committed to them. So, it’s not difficult to imagine Rebecca deciding against remarrying again, but clearly that wasn’t the case.

At this point, most fans have gotten used to the idea that Miguel is Rebecca’s new husband. For a while, he was cast as a villain as he was usually compared to Jack. Now, however, Miguel has the chance to prove that he’s every bit of a good man as his best friend was, especially as Rebecca heads to the most difficult years of her life due to her worsening Alzheimer’s.

This Is Us airs Tuesdays on NBC.

Source: TV Promos

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