The NPC and animal programming in Red Dead Redemption 2 is quite varied and intricate, so much so that one Reddit user has actually conducted research on the behaviors of the game’s different types of horses. Rockstar Game’s 2019 Wild West sandbox hit may have won over fans and critics with the tale of former gang member Arthur Morgan, but it seems that players have been finding their own fun with elements outside of the main campaign in recent months.

A lot of these entertaining developments have come in the form of fan-based mods or in-game custom outfits, which can result in letting players use a special wagon while hunting or putting them in the role of Jaime Foxx’s vengeful former slave character in Django Unchained. Others have come in the form of unintentional glitches in the game’s very complicated programming, such as random bystanders suddenly turning murderous or stuffed squirrel dolls suddenly vanishing into thin air. However, one player has reminded everyone that there are still plenty of interesting details in Red Dead Redemption 2 that Rockstar meant to be in the game.


Reddit user u/chickenbjorn posted a multipage report on the behaviors of the various types of horses in Red Dead Redemption 2 to the game’s subreddit yesterday, having studied and tested the behavior of the animals for the past two months. He classified the horses into multiple categories based on the different jobs they do in the game, such as hunting and racing, as well as pointing out that factors like a given horse’s size and the type of saddle a player uses to ride them plays into their temperament and overall performance. U/chickenbjorn’s overall goal in this research project was to provide an understanding of the mechanics regarding the game’s horses, as well as dispel misconceptions regarding how a given horse’s fur color determines the animal’s temperament or how a given fur color or saddle is automatically the worst one to use. You can check out his findings in the post below:

It’s safe to say that the appearance and behavior of the various steeds that players can ride in Red Dead Redemption 2 are quite detailed. Whether they are being stolen by a would-be horse thief or attacked by a wild cougar, fans have witnessed their trusty mounts give truly memorable reactions, at least when they aren’t being stolen by crooked law enforcement officials or transformed into a giant wolf by yet another game mod.

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Still, the fact that u/chickenbjorn was able to make a two-month research topic about the trusty horses of Red Dead Redemption 2 and their varying behaviors speaks volumes about the level of detail and commitment Rockstar Games put into their open-world western adventure, as well as the devotion of its fanbase. A fanbase that now has a somewhat clearer insight into which horse can help them transverse the world of Red Dead Redemption 2, and how to get the most out of their faithful stallion.

Source: u/chickenbjorn (via Reddit)

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