Thor, the god of thunder, is well known for wielding a series of mighty weapons. The two most notable items of battle are Mjolnir and Stormbreaker. They have both been featured across the Marvel Cinematic Universe in different films.

Because they are both wielded by Thor during the history of the MCU, fans have tried to decide which is better. We present five reasons why Mjolnir is the superior weapon and five reasons why Stormbreaker would be much better to take into battle.


Stormbreaker has an interesting history in the comics that allows it to be a little more unique in the MCU. There’s no one version of Stormbreaker from the source material, whereas Mjolnir is the standard Thor weapon.

There are versions of Stormbreaker all across the comics, with an ax known as Jarnbjorn inspiring the shape of Stormbreaker and another weapon owned by Beta Ray Bill lending the name of the MCU ax. It’s therefore got a great heritage.


The fact is, though, Mjolnir is the original hammer of Thor. It’s his most iconic weapon and the one he loves the most. This is the hammer that originated from Norse mythology and has been with the Odinson for most of his life.

Thor entered in his debut with this notable hammer, and it has become the quintessential symbol of the hero. What’s more, without a Mjolnir to start the trend of Thor using a mythical weapon, there would never have been a Stormbreaker to follow up on.



Stormbreaker has a very personal connection to the characters in the MCU Whereas Mjolnir was forged by the extremely talented dwarves that make lots of weapons, Stormbreaker was completed by Groot.

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Groot saved this weapon from destruction by using his arm as the handles and cutting off his limb. Sure it’s going to grow back but it’s a personal and emotional sacrifice that completed the ax and allowed Thor to return perhaps more powerful than ever.


Those who wield Mjolnir  have to be worthy. While anyone strong enough can lift Stormbreaker, only a select few could lift Thor’s hammer, and therefore possess the power of the god of thunder. In the MCU that list is very small.

Vision can lift the hammer, as can Odin and perhaps Hela, although this may be due to powerful magic. Without this magic, however, we would never have gotten the triumphant moment of Captain America wielding Thor’s hammer for the first time.


Stormbreaker also required another sacrifice, this time from Thor himself. During the creation process of the ax, the contraptions that operate the metal works broke down, so that the weapon would never be able to be completed.

Thor put himself in danger, showing how worthy he really is. He became part of the machine and stood almost in the center of a star. The star burned him up but he survived long enough for Stormbreaker to be completed so that he could head off to war.


The original hammer of Thor, which many have and will wield, has been shown to be stronger. Not only has it helped to save the day more times than Stormbreaker has, but it can also gifts its users special powers — like the powers of thunder.

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The hammer is soon to turn Jane Foster into a version of the Mighty Thor, but when Cap wielded the weapon he too could jump higher than ever, have full control over the weapon and even shoot lightening. Stormbreaker can do none of this.


Stormbreaker is more dangerous as a weapon, though, in terms of its design. It can of course still channel the power of thunder and lightening for Thor when he wields it, and it’s a lot heftier and bigger than Mjolnir actually is.

However, due to the weapon being an ax rather than a hammer, it actually has a higher rate of danger. The serrated edge has proven to cut through thick armor, and it now has two purposes, rather than just being able to bludgeon through a battlefield — it can also help Thor use the bifrost.


Mjolnir has a much more personal bond to Thor than Stormbreaker ever did. Perhaps it’s because the weapon is so much newer compared to the original hammer, but Thor hasn’t bonded in the same way to that ax. He was heartbroken about the original, though.

When it was destroyed it marked a turning point in the character. One of the main things Thor did when he went back in time was retrieve his hammer so that he could feel complete once more. Mjolnir really is a part of him, and is connected to his spirit.


Stormbreaker has done something that Mjolnir has not and could not. It has taken off the head of the mad titan Thanos, killing him for good (until he returned from another time stream). This is an impressive brag for any weapon.

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The ax that took down Thanos is really all Thor had left to hang on to after the Avengers failed to completely defeat the villain. It’s this fact that helps Thor a little and builds some of his confidence. Stormbreaker will go down in history for its feat.


Due to Thor having possessed Mjolnir for much longer, it has faced a range of mightier foes. Stormbreaker has killed Thanos, although Mjolnir has also nearly beaten him when used by both Thor and Captain America.

A long list of other enemies have fallen to the hammer, though. The frost giants, the dark elves, Loki, Ultron, and Hydra, alongside a range of other villains, have all been defeated by Thor with the hammer. It has been the most formidable weapon of the MCU.

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