This article contains spoilers for Thor #5

The Mighty Thor just unleashed his most powerful attack – ever. The universe is facing the terrifying threat of the Black Winter, the cosmic force that destroyed the Multiverse before our own. Galactus believes himself the only force capable of stopping the Black Winter, and he has claimed Thor as his Herald to help him defeat it and save all of creation.

Galactus has absorbed the life force of five key worlds in order to gain the power he needs. He has barely been in time, because the Black Winter has arrived, and battle has finally been joined. To Thor’s fury, the Devourer of Worlds consumed a still-inhabited world because of the Black Winter’s imminent approach, believing he did not have the time to allow an evacuation. And thus Galactus and his mightiest Herald are already at odds when they enter the Black Winter, confronting the unknowable force that threatens to destroy everything.


As powerful as Galactus and his Herald may be, they are confronting a being that snacks on Multiverses. As a result, in this week’s Thor #5 they find themselves trapped in the Black Winter’s unholy maw. Thor hears the Black Winter’s voice speak, and inside its discordant howl he can hear a sound that chills him to the core; the sound of the end. The last choking breath of the universe. In the face of the All-Death, Thor can only rage impotently against the night. Haunted by a vision of his own fate, Thor unleashes the mightiest blow he has ever dealt.

This is the God-Blast, a power Thor can only wield now he is the All-Father of Asgard. He channels the full power of all the ancient gods who have gone before him, possibly not even just the Asgardians. Their rage – their refusal to bend or be broken in the face of imminent death – is blasted out in a devastating surge of energy. Nothing like this has ever been seen in Marvel Comics before; it is possible the last time this was channeled was millennia ago, when Odin used all the power of the All-Father as he confronted the God-Tempest. But the universe was young in those distant days, and fewer gods had lived and died, meaning the God-Blast would have been far weaker.

And yet it isn’t enough. Thor manages to blast himself out of the Black Winter’s nightmarish vision, but he is still trapped within its maw, and it doesn’t appear to have been weakened at all by the God-Blast. The Mighty Thor has thrown what may be the greatest punch of all time – and the Black Winter hasn’t even been staggered by it.

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