There was a new photo released from the behind-the-scenes look at the upcoming Thor: Love & Thunder. This photo featured a look at Thor and Star-Lord, and while most fans took this as proof that the Guardians of the Galaxy were, in fact, appearing in the fourth Thor movie, it also featured another huge Easter egg. This was based on how Thor was dressed.

Thor was not wearing his normal costume that fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are used to. Instead, he was wearing a sleeveless jacket and some shiny blue pants. Fans quickly picked up that this was not the attire of Thor but of another character he once took on. This was the look of Eric Masterson, who later became Thunderstrike.

10 Eric Masterson Was Friends With Thor

Thor had several adventures off Earth and was gone for a time. However, when he decided to return to the planet, he found many things had changed. The apartment building he lived in was destroyed, and he had nowhere to go. He decided to return to his secret identity, basically Thor wearing glasses and calling himself Sigurd Jarlson. He then got a job as a construction worker again, and that is when he met Eric Masterson, an architect, and the two became friends.

9 Odin Merges Thor and Eric Into One Person

Over time, Eric began to work with Thor after learning his identity. While Eric had no superpowers, he was more of a sidekick character, similar to Rick Jones. A new villain named Mongoose had kidnapped Eric, and then Eric made a fatal mistake. He lifted Mjolnir, which was impressive in itself, to defend Thor but then was struck by an energy blast from the villain. Thor begged Odin not to let Eric die, so Odin merged the two into one, same as Donald Blake before.


8 Eric Gave Up His Family To Remain Thor

Eric Masterson then became Thor, but this meant that while Thor was fighting villains, Eric was gone. As a result, his ex-wife Marcy used his absences to sue for full custody of their son, Kevin, whom Eric loved more than life itself. However, knowing that his new life involved working as Thor and knowing that put his son in danger, he made a heartbreaking decision. He gave up on the battle and allowed Marcy to have full custody of their son.

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7 Thor Was Banished For Killing Loki

Thor ended up in a great battle with Loki, and his half-brother was more devious than ever. The Trickster wanted to reclaim massive amounts of Asgardian energy and decides he will stoop to his lowest level. He has Enchantress kidnap Kevin and bring him to Loki.

With Eric’s son now captive to Loki, Thor fights and beats his brother. However, when Enchantress murders Kevin’s girlfriend Susan, he has had enough. Thor kills Loki, breaking one of Odin’s sacred laws, and is banished for all eternity.

6 Heimdall Turns Him Into The New Thor

Before Thor is banished from existence, he asks Heimdall to please spare Eric Masterson. He said that he saved Eric’s life and that his friend had nothing to do with his decision and should not be punished. Heimdall said that Odin took everything into account, and then he banished Thor as ordered. As soon as this happened, Eric Masterson found himself on a building roof, alive and separated from Thor. He then struck his cane and turned into the new Thor.

5 Received Thunderstrike Mace When Thor Returned

When Eric Masterson turned into the new Thor, he had a new weapon. Instead of the hammer Mjolnir, it was a mace called Thunderstrike. Like Mjolnir, Thunderstrike was forced from the mystical metal Uru, which ensured its durability and ability to maintain enchantment. These enchantments were extensive, including allowing Eric to fly by holding it, shooting concussive blasts of energy, allowing him to survive in adverse conditions such as outer space, and the ability to open portals to anywhere in the universe, including other dimensions.

4 Eric Changed His Name To Thunderstrike

Eric tried to replace Thor and even worked with the Avengers, although the team had doubts about his true identity. He eventually told them the truth, but the Avengers never really accepted him like they did Thor.

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When Loki returned, proving Thor never broke Odin’s sacred oath, Eric helped bring Thor back. Both men were allowed to remain separate, and Masterson changed his name to Thunderstrike, using the same name as his mace.

3 Thunderstrike Joined Secret Defenders

As Thunderstrike, Eric had various adventures, including starring in his own comic for a short time. He also was allowed to work as part of Doctor Strange’s Secret Defenders team. In Secret Defenders #9-10 by Ron Marz and Tom Grindberg, Thunderstrike teamed with another man that once took his old friend’s place as a hero in James Rhodes, who was now known as War Machine. The two joined Silver Surfer for an off-world adventure as they headed to Mars to battle Nebula.

2 Thunderstrike Died In A Sacrifice To Save His Soul

While a great hero and one of Thor’s closest friends, Eric Masterson was not long for this world. While Thor was able to save him once, Thunderstrike finally fell after being corrupted and controlled by the Bloodaxe. He ended up in a battle with the Avengers, and while Thor did what he could to protect his friend, Thunderstrike realized the only way to end the threat of the Bloodaxe was to sacrifice himself to save the world. After his death, Thor left an inscription on his headstone similar to the one Odin left on his mace.

1 Thunderstrike’s Son Took His Place

After Thudnerstrike’s death, his son Kevin became a bitter young man. He was considered a bully at school and had trouble fitting in. Even worse, he now hated the superheroes he once idolized, blaming them for his father’s death. He also hated his father for leaving him. However, Captain America found Thunderstrike and gave it to Kevin, saying his father wanted him to have it. On his way home, Kevin found a girl in danger after a car wreck. Trying to help her, he ended up transforming into Thunderstrike to save her, looking just like his father did before his death. Eventually, Kevin maintained his own look but remained the new Thunderstrike.

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