In desperate need of power after Mjolnir was destroyed, Thor made the ultimate sacrifice to become one of the most powerful versions of the hero ever. Facing Ragnarok, Thor sought out the immeasurable power of the Odinpower to stop Asgard from being destroyed. However, to gain his fallen father’s extraordinary abilities, Thor made a great sacrifice as he gave both his eyes (and eventually his life) to become Rune King Thor.

Thor’s ‘Disassembled’ arc by Michael Avon Oeming, Daniel Berman, Andrea Divito, Laura Villari, and Randy Gentile features the hero (now King of Asgard) attempting to save his home from the pending Ragnarok, which is being led by Loki. In the six-issue tale, Thor returns to Asgard to find his fellow Norse gods nearly wiped out. Thor fights to save what’s left, as Valkyrie, Balder the Brave, and some of his closest allies are murdered around him. After defeating Fenris and Durok in Vanaheim, Thor encounters the spirit of a boy, who offers him the chance to gain considerable power – at a tremendous cost.


In Thor #83 (1998), King Thor heads to Hildstalf after making Beta Ray Bill the new king in his absence. In a quest for more knowledge about Ragnarok, Thor runs into a ghost who reveals he can give him Odin’s powers and become an even greater god. The young boy’s spirit further tells him he can become more than All-Father, leading Thor to pluck both of his eyes out and drop them in the Well of Mimir. After drinking water from the well, Thor sees the past and learns of Ragnarok. However, he’s informed to complete his quest and gain the Odinpower, he will need to die and be reborn.

Thor ends up in Hel, tormented by old enemy Hela. After getting rescued by Odin’s spirit, Thor awakens in front of Those Who Sit Above in Shadow – entities who feed off the endless cycle of Ragnarok. After realizing he needs to stop the cycle of death and rebirth for good, Thor returns to Valhalla with the Odinpower. First, the newly empowered Rune King Thor takes down Mangog and removes Loki’s head from his body. Next, Thor bargains with Surtur to restore Mjolnir and have one final battle, which he accepts. Thor then destroys the Loom of the Fates, cutting off Those Who Sit Above in Shadow from harnessing the power of Ragnarok and permanently stopping the cycle. Finally, with Yggdrasil falling, Ragnarok occurs, and all is destroyed. Ultimately, Thor stands alone as an Eternity-like entity and begins his slumber of the gods.

In the end, Thor realized the cycle of Ragnarok needed to end and that he was the only person who could stop it. With the Odinforce, Rune King Thor was able to stop Loki’s reign and free his people from the never-ending cycle of rebirth and death. It was a painful sacrifice but the right call. While his time as Rune King Thor was short, the version of the Asgardian Avenger is among the most powerful and brave heroes ever seen in a Marvel comic.

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