Since time immemorial, Thor and his brother Loki have been at each other’s throats. It’s a conflict that has shaped the Marvel universe, bringing together the first team of modern Avengers and even freeing Asgard from the cycle of Ragnarok. Though the origins of their rivalry are no mystery – Odin pitted one against the other from an early age – there is a terrible secret that will stop Loki from ever being able to truly trust his heroic brother.

First appearing in Journey into Mystery #85, Loki is Marvel’s god of mischief and a longtime foe of both Thor and the Avengers. Played by Tom Hiddleston in the MCU, Loki’s role in the Marvel Comics Universe has evolved as public interest has grown, taking him from a melodramatic villain bent on world domination to a complex antihero struggling with his purpose. Of course, long before this was true, Loki was already the hero of his own story. In Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Sebastian Fiumara’s Thor: The Trials of Loki, Loki recounts some of the most famous stories from Norse mythology from his perspective. But it’s the story of Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, which reveals the shocking nature of the rift between the two brothers.


Pitting two sets of dwarven smiths against each other in a contest to make gifts for the gods, Loki wagers his head that one team can’t produce anything better than their competitors. Though Loki tries to sabotage their work to keep them from winning – resulting in Mjolnir’s short handle – Odin ultimately chooses the hammer as the greater gift. Loki recalls how he cleverly avoided a beheading by claiming that the dwarves had no claim on his neck. In his story, the dwarves plead with Thor to help them claim their prize, and the thunder god, still angry over an earlier slight, holds Loki down so they can sew his lips shut.

What’s crucial about this story is that Thor remembers things differently, saying “No one sewed your lips shut, Loki. I would not have let that happen; I would not have HELPED.” Far from being corrected, Loki argues back with apparent desperation.

But you DID! You helped, and you LAUGHED. And Odin laughed. And BALDER laughed. I ran out of Gladsheim and I HEARD you. I heard the laughter as I pulled the thread from my mouth and I thought: I do not belong. I am alone.

Again, Thor denies Loki’s version of events, saying that what he does remember is Loki turning Sif’s hair black soon after – something which Loki denies. While it’s possible that Loki was lying or that Thor doesn’t fully remember their childhood, another, far more tragic interpretation is possible. In 2013’s Avengers #3, Thor is captured by the hugely powerful Abyss, who notices something unusual about Thor’s being.

I have examined them all, and this one, Thor, is different. Mythic. Neither the tree nor I could break him down to his base bits. As if he doesn’t fully exist or originate from the here and now.

Asgard’s relationship to Earth still isn’t fully understood within the Marvel Comics Universe. While the MCU depicts it as similar to an alien dimension, the comics remain open to the idea that the Asgardian gods are truly mythic figures. This and other stories hint at the idea that Marvel’s gods may exist in a symbiotic relationship with belief – shaping and being shaped by their own stories. If this is true, it’s possible that Loki and Thor experienced genuinely different versions of the past, each shaped by how they perceive their present. If this is the case, it represents an almost impossible obstacle for the brothers in which neither can ever truly accept the other’s perception of their relationship. Thankfully, Loki‘s increasing focus on becoming the god of stories may eventually lead him to a full understanding of the truth, and perhaps even a permanent reconciliation with the mighty Thor.

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