Marvel’s latest Thor retcon – that he is actually the child of the Phoenix – has accidentally caused a rather gross continuity problem. Comic book writer Jason Aaron is best known for his tremendous Thor run, which looks set to serve as direct inspiration for the upcoming Thor: Love & Thunder. During that arc, he rewrote the history of the God of Thunder, revealing Thor’s enchanted hammer Mjolnir contains a primeval force known as the God-Tempest. Aaron may have moved on to helming Marvel’s Avengers book now, but he isn’t finished with the retcons. He’s actually recently revealed Thor is the child of Odin and the Phoenix Force, upending decades of continuity.


The retcon is a slightly bizarre one, full of unintended consequences. It means, among other things, that Thor has a secret sister among the X-Men – because Rachel Grey is the daughter of Cyclops and the Phoenix Force from an alternate future timeline. But the most disturbing continuity problem ironically arises from Aaron’s own Thor run, because he’s long been hinting at a secret history between Thor and the Phoenix. Unfortunately, he originally had a very different idea than a mother-son relationship.

In 2017’s Mighty Thor #19, by Aaron, Russell Dauterman and Matthew Wilson, the God of Thunder came face to face with the Phoenix Force alongside Jane Foster’s Mighty Thor, who was empowered by Mjolnir at the time. The psychic energy released during the confrontation allowed Jane to sense the Phoenix’s very emotions, and she was more than a little shaken. “The flood of emotions,” she cried out. “Rage and desire and… Odinson… did you once date the Phoenix?” Thor refused to comment, understandably uncomfortable at discussing past relationships with another ex.

Mighty Thor #19 strongly suggests Thor once had a relationship with the Phoenix, one that left the cosmic force of nature actually longing for him. That particular twist has now become more than a little gross – not only because Thor’s father, too, was once enamored with the Phoenix, but also because the Phoenix considers Thor its son. It’s the kind of divine family drama rather more common in Greek mythology than Norse, and it’s rather surprising to see it slip into the modern Marvel Comics – even if it has likely done so by accident.

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It’s unclear which Phoenix host Thor dated, but it’s most likely one Aaron alluded to in 2016’s Mighty Thor #7. There, he revealed Thor worked alongside an ancient team of proto-Avengers –  including Chief Hellhawk the Ghost Rider, Nehanda the Black Panther, Bodolf the Black, an Atlantean princess who wielded the Iron Fist, the Great Beast named Tanaraq, and even a Viking woman wielding the power of the Phoenix Force. That’s the one time there have been allusions to Thor and the Phoenix working together, so, presumably, they had a relationship as well. If so, it’s no doubt one Thor now regrets.

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