Netflix’s Tiny Pretty Things premiered on December 14 and, like many other shows on the platform, audiences binge-watched it immediately. While it received a more mixed reception from both critics and audiences than other offerings from the streaming giant, it still found a strong fanbase that’s already clamoring for season 2.

If it does come back for a second outing, Tiny Pretty Things has several questions to resolve. Its exciting final episode set up a potential season two by leaving several threads hanging. Whether it’s about the students’ love lives, the school’s future, or the mysterious and surprising crime committed in the episode’s final moments, season two could be even more scandalous than the first.

10 The Girl’s Mommy Issues

One of the main plots in season one concerns mothers and daughters. Whether it’s Neveah’s complicated past with Makayla, June’s adversarial dynamic with Maricel, or Bette’s troubled relationship with Katrina and unexpected bond with Mrs. Marchetti, mothers play a pivotal role in the season.

With Makayla apparently gone, Maricel finally approving of June’s dancing career, and Katrina in full war mode for the control of the Archer, season two promises more familial intricacies. Hopefully, the boys will also get some family background, because season one limited this to only its female characters.

9 Nabil & June

In the final episode, and after dancing together for most of the 10 chapters of the season, Nabil finally admits his feelings for June, which she reciprocates. However, their potential relationship will face a lot of challenges should it actually move forward in season two.

For one, and with Cassie back at the Archer, will Nabil really be able to move on to another relationship? Will he fall back into the scheming girl’s web or will his worst impulses take over? And with June finally taking center stage, will she want to derail her attention or stay focused on her dancing career?


8 Neveah & Oren

Another of the season’s main couples, Neveah and Oren faced a lot of challenges to get together in the first place. Their connection seems mostly superficial, but it has the potential to become something more meaningful. Both characters are looking for something real, so the pairing makes a lot of sense.

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However, Oren still shares an incredibly deep and complex bond with Bette, one he doesn’t seem either capable or willing to break. For her part, Neveah is still very much a fish out of water and her future in the school seems more unsure than ever. With Oren by her side, things might become easier, but will her ambition and insecurities allow her to actually open up to the relationship?

7 Shane & Dev

One of the best couples in the show, Shane and Dev are also wildly uneven. The former, younger and more impulsive, longs for a conventional relationship, out in the open. Meanwhile, the latter, on his way to a successful career, wants things to be more discreet.

While they certainly care for each other, Shane still harbors intense feelings for Oren and remains very close to him. Dev’s character and background stayed a secret for most of the season, but it was revealed he wasn’t very interested in an actual relationship before Shane. Season two promises more of these two and the ups and downs of their love will certainly be interesting to watch.

6 A Ripper Touring Production?

Ripper, the problematic and controversial musical around which the entire season is built, finally premieres in the final episodes to great critical and commercial success. Ramon mentions there’s even a chance of taking it on a tour and, naturally, every student wants a piece of the action.

The question is, will the show actually make it that far? And will any of the students be included? With Ramon’s future more uncertain than ever, and with all the problems the Archer school seems to be in, a tour of their hot new show might be just what Monique needs to not only divert the attention away from her, but actually score another success. Season two will perhaps center around the preparations for the tour.

5 Monique & The War For The Archer School

Monique DuBois can be seen as the main antagonist of the show. She’s a conniving, shallow, manipulative and borderline cruel woman, who doesn’t have her student’s best interest in mind. Throughout the season, she makes some terrible decisions that really put into question not only her wit, but her ability to run the school.

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Once her involvement with the Michi Beach operation is revealed, her future as director is jeopardized. And while the show confusingly refuses to fully condemn her actions, it’s certain that she’ll be on dangerous ground come season two. With Katrina aiming for her directing position, and the cops hot on her trail, Monique will have to put on her best show if she hopes to keep not only her school, but her liberty.

4 Cassie’s Revenge

The dancer whose murder attempt kicks off the entire series, Cassie spends most of the 10 episodes in a coma, but she narrates every one of them. She’s soon revealed as being even more duplicitous than Bette, and willing to do everything to get to the top and stay there.

Once she wakes up, she not only frames Bette for her fall, she returns to the school with a head full of secrets that she collected while in her coma. And, if her conversation with Bette in the hallway is any indication, it’s clear she’s ready to use them. Just how bad will her revenge be and who will be the ones to pay?

3 Delia’s Secret

Delia is mostly a supporting character during season one. She hardly has any storylines of her own and is mostly an adjacent character to Ramon and Bette. The final episode, however, reveals it is she who pushed Cassie from the top of the school. And while she clearly regrets her actions, she allows Bette to take the downfall so as not to hurt her dancing career.

Her secret is everything but safe, though. Aside from Bette, June and obviously Cassie know about her guilt. And while Isabel proved time and again she wasn’t the sharpest officer in the Chicago PD, she’s still stubborn and won’t stop until she finds the truth. How long will Delia be able to fake her innocence?

2 Bette’s Future

Speaking of Bette, the girl’s future is hanging by a thread. Both her mother and sister are willing to let her take the blame for Delia’s crime, and Cassie seems hellbent on bringing her down. She’s not alone, though, as she not only has her friends from school, but also Matteo and his family to support her.

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Still, her situation worsens when, in the final seconds of the season, she’s shown staring at Ramon’s bloody body, alongside June and Neveah. While it’s unclear if she had anything to do with the crime, her presence there will not bode well for her overall situation. Things look positively bleak for Bette in season two.

1 Who Stabbed Ramon? (And Is He Really Dead?)

A shady choreographer, Ramon is the least likable character in the show. A jerk with a God complex, he treats the students with contempt and is borderline abusive, cheats on and mistreats Delia, and is shown to have an ongoing affair with Monique. To top it all off, it also turns out he actually is June’s father, not that he actually cares, though.

It was definitely a shock to find he was stabbed, and season two will surely revolve around the attempts to find out who committed the crime. However, is he actually dead? The audience only sees his bloody corpse, and no one in the room seems particularly worried to call for an ambulance. However, the show already had Cassie survive her fall, so they could do the same with Ramon. Even if he is indeed dead, his presence will loom even larger in season two.

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